Anyone doing the Couch to 5k!?



  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    HI, i'm doing week 1 day 2 tomorrow. :blushing:

    I've tried it before and it was SO hard for me. My husband bought me some New Balance running shoes and I tried the first day again yesterday and the new shoes made SO much of a difference! Before I was trying it in some 12 dollar Wal-Mart running shoes. I always heard people say it made a big difference to wear good shoes but wow, I thought they were exaggerating. They're not! :flowerforyou:
  • Kayla0364
    Kayla0364 Posts: 5 Member
    I have it on my phone...never used it! Anyone want to start with me? We can do it together! Just add me as a friend if you want, or send message :smile: I think it would be good to have someone else doing it with me. I'm not a runner at all, I hate it, but runners have such sexy bodies lol I'm willing to do it!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I have the "Get Running" app for my ipod touch. It's actually a 9 weeker, but so far I'm loving it. It integrates my music & has this cute little british voice pushing you on haha. I love it so far! I did week 2 day 2 today! Also, I might be a bit psycho but I signed up for a 5k in less than 2 weeks (March 11th!) It's a walk/run, so I'm sure I can walk what I have to and run what I can. I'm kinda thinking just completing it will push me even further!
  • rrgrove
    rrgrove Posts: 73
    haven't been consistent with it due to the weather but i plan on changing that once its nice out 90percent of the town anyone can add me if they want
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I am starting tomorrow with this program, Week 1 for me :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    I started W1D1 yesterday. Does anyone want to list how their C25K program works? I've found so many different ones. Mine has 3 weekly workouts for 9 weeks. It starts off in week 1 with 5m warmup, then alternates 60s jogging and 90s walking for a total of 20 minutes. Is this too short a time? I burned about 144 calories yesterday doing this.

    Also, would doing it everyday be bad for me? I just feel like I want to do it again today, and the schedule is only for 3 days a week.

    Thanks in advance for any advice! :)

    I have the official Couch-to-5k app and I am on W1 -- will complete day 2 tomorrow and it's the exact as you described.

    However, I'm interested in your calories burned. Are you running on a treadmill or outside? Where did you get the burned calories information? I use the treadmill and wear a HRM with chest strap and I burned over 300 calories.

    Also, I read somewhere that you should skip a day inbetween but maybe I'm just thinking of strength training. If you are new to it though, I would stick to what it calls for and not try to do more so that you body gets in the routine and also to avoid injury but you know what's ok and what not for your own body :-D Maybe someone who is more advanced should advise on that part! :):) GOOD LUCK! I will be completing Day 2 tomorrow!

    I don't have a smart phone, so I can't do any of the apps. lol I have a treadmill, which is where I got the calories burned. I should consider that this treadmill is a hand-me-down from my husbands grandmother, and its over 10 years old. The calorie counter could be a little off. I'm going to start it again today. Good luck to you as well! :)
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I'm starting week 5 today, but I always push myself to the "next" week by the end of the current week.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I started W1D1 yesterday. Does anyone want to list how their C25K program works? I've found so many different ones. Mine has 3 weekly workouts for 9 weeks. It starts off in week 1 with 5m warmup, then alternates 60s jogging and 90s walking for a total of 20 minutes. Is this too short a time? I burned about 144 calories yesterday doing this.

    Also, would doing it everyday be bad for me? I just feel like I want to do it again today, and the schedule is only for 3 days a week.

    Thanks in advance for any advice! :)

    Thanks! Do you have all the times for the work out?
    The first week is 5 min. warm up, brisk walk (I do it at 3.5), Jog for a minute (I went from 4.5 all the way up to 5.0 and that's a comfortable but challenging pace for me) walk for 1.5 minutes. Do the jog/walk intervals for 20 minutes then 5 minute brisk walk cool down :)
    I have the official Couch-to-5k app and I am on W1 -- will complete day 2 tomorrow and it's the exact as you described.

    However, I'm interested in your calories burned. Are you running on a treadmill or outside? Where did you get the burned calories information? I use the treadmill and wear a HRM with chest strap and I burned over 300 calories.

    Also, I read somewhere that you should skip a day inbetween but maybe I'm just thinking of strength training. If you are new to it though, I would stick to what it calls for and not try to do more so that you body gets in the routine and also to avoid injury but you know what's ok and what not for your own body :-D Maybe someone who is more advanced should advise on that part! :):) GOOD LUCK! I will be completing Day 2 tomorrow!

    I don't have a smart phone, so I can't do any of the apps. lol I have a treadmill, which is where I got the calories burned. I should consider that this treadmill is a hand-me-down from my husbands grandmother, and its over 10 years old. The calorie counter could be a little off. I'm going to start it again today. Good luck to you as well! :)
  • criscricket
    criscricket Posts: 69 Member
    I want to try it, but is being 51 years old too old? I've seen the website and would LOVE to be able to run a 5K this year. Let me know your thoughts...congratulations on your efforts! That's great!:smile:

    Never too old!!!
  • criscricket
    criscricket Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on w6 day 2 tomorrow, I used the program before, it's great just got to stick with it!
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    I finished w6 day3 yesterday. About half way through I felt like walking I pushed through and the last 5 minutes I got a second wind and up'd my time and it felt awesome!
  • mahjohweeee
    mahjohweeee Posts: 58 Member
    I'm going to start this soon!!!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I finished week 1 on Saturday! I went for a 13 mile ride on my mountain bike yesterday and I dunno if I am brave enough to try week 2 today lol. My legs are seriously sore.
  • frogman4591
    frogman4591 Posts: 135
    I am on Week 8
  • I am during a modified version of C25K. It helps I have a friend who runs half marathons! She runs with me every second day and encourages the crap out of me :) I have never been a runner. I was always the 280 pound girl in high school. Well look at me now, 110 pounds lighter and running 3.75 k"s at a time! Woohoo! Look out!
  • lynette1024
    lynette1024 Posts: 8 Member
    Has anyone tried this when they are 100 #'s overweight? if so, I would like to hear how it went for you. I'd love to do this.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Week 2, day 1! I made it through with just a bit of coughing, but no asthma attack! Yay! :bigsmile:
  • LadyW1nger
    LadyW1nger Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on W4D3 tomorrow, but I think this is the first week I'm going to do twice. It was all pretty easy for me up until this week, but I always poop out in the last 3 minutes of running. But, that's ok , because 4 weeks ago I wasn't running at all! I love C25k - its been great so far!
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I'm on week 2 and am enjoying it!
  • I'm starting week 7 tomorrow. I seriously love this programme! :-) There's a group here on MFP that you can join and read other people's experiences with each week. It's very helpful.