Oh MY word... *sigh*

Okay, I know I'm outta shape. I know I have NEVER exercised in my ENTIRE life. I know I'm obese and lazy and basically a slug. But I thought, okay, *maybe* I could do a "beginner" workout. I read reviews. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it easily, but I thought I could at least do the first level. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today. I only made it through the warm up and first circuit. I could barely breathe and had to stop! What a WUSS am I? Will I *EVER* make it to my goal of being fit and in shape? I'm almost crying here...


  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    You can completely do this!!!! Every day will get just a bit easier :) your mental power is much stronger then your physical! Keep a positive attitude and just keep going!! You are the only one who needs to believe it!!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    What you need to realize is that you are actually doing someting. Going from a slug to Jullian Michaels over night is a pretty big move. Do it every day, keep the video in and take as many breaks as you need to (Jullian will say something different). You can do this. Also, maybe find a beginner work out video. They are out there. Every day just push yourself a little harder, even five seconds. Soon you'll be doing the 30 minutes in your sleep.

  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    You can DEFINITELY do it - but you have to start at your own pace. If that means taking longer to get through the workout, or skipping the elements that are too hard right now, or only completing half of the repititions, well fine! Just get yourself moving, get your heart rate pumping, get the sweat dropping.... it's going to be uncomfortable, but if you stay comfortable, you don't see change.

    Keep pushin'!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    YES you can/will achieve anything you set your heart/mind to! I never did the exercise thing "ever"...I am 41...ha ha. I now go to "curves" 5 days a week and also do the treadmill and love it! I feel so much better.. but I did start off "slow". My motto is :~ slow and steady wins the race!! You're doing a fabulous job~ Keep your chin up!! Note: I am now 25O and a half pounds but have lost 21 and a half pounds and 18 and a quarter inches since Oct. 24th 2011. You can totally do this!!!
  • Bvandergriff74
    thanks all. I'm so glad to have found MFP! It just showed me how FAR I have to go, instead of showing how far I've already come. You know? thanks again.
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    YES. You will. I don't know anything about the shred, but I believe it is important to start slow. You need to move and get your heart rate up for 30 minutes. If that means a 30 minute walk... then do that.

    OR... whatever the Shred is, do the warm up, then the first circuit for a minute or two. When your breathing gets too heavy. JUST STOP. Catch your breath and start again when you feel better.

    Don't worry about it. There will ALWAYS be people that co do more, do it faster, etc... Don't get discouraged. Just do something to get your heart rate up for 30 minutes. if that means 5 minutes of moving and 2 minutes of resting, repeat... that is fine.

    If you go to hard, you can injure yourself and it will make it so you can't do anything for days while you heal. No point in that.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Keep doing it. You will be amazed how quickly your body adapts. It really is a very forgiving and amazing machine. The next time you do 30DS, I'll bet you do a little more. In a couple weeks, you'll make it through the whole thing.

    Don't give up! You'll be so PROUD when you get there, you won't believe it.

    Of course, I'm proud of you NOW! :flowerforyou:
  • ksmith2187
    Oh my gosh, I had the same problem, but I didn't really stick to it, I doubt I could get through it even now even after losing the weight I have, I bet if you stick to it though and do as much as you can and then a little more you'll love the results :)
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Okay, I know I'm outta shape. I know I have NEVER exercised in my ENTIRE life. I know I'm obese and lazy and basically a slug. But I thought, okay, *maybe* I could do a "beginner" workout. I read reviews. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it easily, but I thought I could at least do the first level. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today. I only made it through the warm up and first circuit. I could barely breathe and had to stop! What a WUSS am I? Will I *EVER* make it to my goal of being fit and in shape? I'm almost crying here...

    heres the thing,no one starts out awesome and blowing through a workout. it will be hard at first and then get easier. just keep at it and next thing you know you will be posting a topic looking for something more challanging than 30day shred.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    24 pounds lost? That's awesome. See, no problem!
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    Okay, I know I'm outta shape. I know I have NEVER exercised in my ENTIRE life. I know I'm obese and lazy and basically a slug. But I thought, okay, *maybe* I could do a "beginner" workout. I read reviews. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it easily, but I thought I could at least do the first level. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today. I only made it through the warm up and first circuit. I could barely breathe and had to stop! What a WUSS am I? Will I *EVER* make it to my goal of being fit and in shape? I'm almost crying here...

    Try water arobics and water jogging.....it's awesome and you burn tons of calories.....
  • iambatman41
    My example is a stairmaster that I just started two weeks ago. The first time I did 2 minutes and was dying. Two days later I did 5, then 7, 10, 15, 16, 18, and finally up to 20 minutes two weeks later. Baby steps, keep trying and you will do a little better each time.I also started doing Pilates six weeks ago and I am now doing about 60% of the exercises well. I just keep trying and if I can't do something I just keep doing crunches until the next exercise. Keep at it!!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    haha! NATURALLY you can't do the shred all the way thru right out of the gate. I mean, have you SEEN Jillian? She says that on the video. She doesn't even expect you to do it all at first, just DO WHAT YOU CAN. I would suggest to keep moving- even if you can't do HER moves- just keep moving.
    It's only 20 mins. You can move for 20 mins. You can jump back in when you catch your breath. The more you do, the more you CAN do. When you get it, you willl feel so amazing!
    Keep at it- YOU'RE WORTH IT!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    The shred is not easy by any means. It still kicks my booty. Keep at it and it will get easier, little by little. I have complete faith in you.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Yes, you can. I started out the same way. And I was in my 40's. Now I bike anywhere from 20 to 60 miles at a time. I've run in a couple 5K's, I lift weights 3 days a week. I hike and climb and play softball and take aikido classes and ballroom dance for hours. Trust me..one step at a time, you CAN do this if you don't give up. Each day you will get a little stronger.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    According to Collage Video, which specializes in exercise videos (they sell, review and rate just about every exercise video out there), Jillian's '30 Day Shred' is rated to be an advanced-level workout: http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/jillian-michaels-30-day-shred-7963

    If you're new to exercise, maybe you should start with a different video and work your way up to Jillian. I know there will be many who disagree, but exercise does not have to be unpleasant or painful. In fact, I think people stand a better chance of sticking with regular exercise if they find it both fun and beneficial. If you start with a workout geared more to your current fitness level, you'll be surprised how easy '30 Day Shred' is when you try it again.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    You can totally do this. You can modify every move even the jumping jacks. Hit pause when you need to. You will get so much stronger and more fit as you continue to do it. You will feel like a rock star when that DVD ends. Press pause when you need to and modify what you need to modify. You can do this girl. Friend me if you'd like.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    One thing to remember if you are just starting out... don't go until you drop. One way to know you are not overdoing it is; you should be able to carry on a conversation while working out. Maybe a little puffy, but still talking. You don't want to ruin yourself right out of the chute. Take care of yourself and good luck! :bigsmile:

    I agree, there are plenty of beginner work out videos to use. Save the JM for when you are in better shape. If you get a good workout several days a week, you should be in a lot better shape in 6-8 weeks. I would definitely do some research to find out what your target "aerobic" heart rate should be then control it as you work out. Remember, It's not just a matter of getting up and going for broke. You have to live in your body while the changes are taking place. :wink:
  • TotalTiger
    Baby steps. There was a lady I heard on the radio one day (in Australia) who started by doing circuits of her washing line. That was all she could do.Then she walked to the end of the street and back. Then around the block. etc etc. You'll get there but don't try and run a marathon on your first week and remember that shows like The Biggest Loser aren't reality.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I have been doing dvd's for years and i work out a lot and i thought it was tough.

    I would say to do what you can, keep moving though maybe march in place or jumping jacks when they are doing moves you cannot do or go to a totally different workout and come back to it when you feel more confident.

    Try your library, i bet they have a lot of them and look for beginner ones.