Should I be eating some of my burned Calories back?



  • mallette27
    I'm on this herbalife stuff, and the coaches say not to because then you won't lose anything. Actually, I'm gaining some weight back maybe I shouldn't listen to them? Lol
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Always eat back!
    You gotta fuel the machine!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    You gotta remember that MFP calculates your goal calories without any regard to your exercise, UNLESS you factor in your exercise when you tell it your activity level (in which case you wouldn't eat those calories back after exercise, because they're already accounted for in your goal). Most people don't include exercise in their activity level estimation, though.

    So if it takes 2000 calories per day to maintain your present weight (no exercise), and you tell it "2 lb per week loss", it will subtract 1000 from 2000 .... And then set your goal at 1200 (really a 1.5 lb per week goal) because it will not go below 1200 goal calories. If you eat 1200 a day, your daily deficit is 800 cals.

    If you then exercise and burn another 200, that gets you to a deficit of 1000. You don't need to eat those back.

    Burn much more, though, and you'll notice that you're fatigued. And hungry. And not losing. So EAT.

    And studies have shown that chocolate milk is the perfect post-exercise food. Fluid, carbs, fat, protein, electrolytes. All in one convenient package that does not require a blender to make. :)

    (And before you ask, the way you find out your maintenance calorie level is to go into the Goals section from My Home, set your goal to maintain your weight without exercise, and submit. That number will drop as you lose weight. Then go back and reset your real goal, but you might do better to pick 1 lb a week if you really like to see a big green number at the end of every day! If you have a goal of 1 lb per week loss, a green number up to 500 is okay.)
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    I strongly urge you to eat at least some of your exercise calories back, if not all of them. I know it's hard for most people because it goes against what we have always been told. Your body needs fuel for all of the exercise you are doing. And yes, since you are netting so low, that is probably why you are not losing weight.
    I think of it with this analogy: you can't just start a fire by holding a lighted match to a to a big hunk of wood. You need some leaves and twigs a sticks of kindking to get the fire going before the big pieces of wood can get hot enough to burn. If you're taking in too few calories, your metabolism isn't getting enough kindling to make that fat "wood" catch fire.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm going to disagree with some of the opinions here (and bear in mind this is just my personal opinion, I have no medical qualifications, just the knowledge I have gained over the years from reading articles and my own experience)

    You're eating 1300-1600 per day. That's well above the minimum requirement, so that's a good start.

    You're losing weight. Maybe not steadily each week, but that's how weight comes off - it's very annoying, but that's the way it is.

    I don't know your current weight, but if you have a good bit to lose, then your body has those stores available, and isn't going to go into survival mode very quickly.

    By all means fuel your workouts with quality nutrition - but eating exercise calories should be done sensibly, it's not an automatic answer to "why am I not losing".
  • Keesh400
    Keesh400 Posts: 7
    Great Thread! I was wondering the same thing, lets me know i'm on the right track! Thank you! :smile:
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I do think that the calories assigned to exercise by MFP can be somewhat debatable. So I usually only eat back 1/2 to 3/4 of my exercise calories,


    then observe for a couple of weeks. If losing too quick then adjust upwards accordingly.
  • Lorrie_73
    Lorrie_73 Posts: 104 Member
    I agree about the calories that MFP assigns....debatable. You can edit your own calorie goal if you think they are too high. How about a protein shake after your workout? Instead of water, I add in organic coconut water and it ups the calories healthfully.
  • Moonladee
    Moonladee Posts: 77 Member
    Btw.. The chocolate milk is right. My old trainer had me drink chocolate milk after a heavy workout. But I workout a lot more then I was with my old trainer..

    He also said, wheat toast with little peanut butter and honey.. All measured out of course.

    Thanks all!!! I am still working on getting the calories back in. :)
  • JohnnysJune
    Glad I found this post! I was wonder why I MAY not being losing weight like I thought I should be. I was trying so hard not to eat my exercise calories back. I will now try to eat most of them back and see what happens. Thanks everyone!!!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    No question, you need to eat them. I did, just since Monday, and lost 2 lbs. this week after being stuck since early the same number! I did eat as close to all of them though, not some. I can't believe I am eating so much, healthy foods, not junk, and losing!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member