What Motivated You!!!!



  • ceaton80
    ceaton80 Posts: 37
    My story is pretty generic I guess. Stepped on a scale first week of January and said enough is enough...I also have 2 kids that I want to set a good example for and I do not want to be the out of shape dad on the sidelines breathing heavy lol. Just want to extend my life and live healthy and grow old to see my kids babies! I was always tired and bloated feeling too and it became annoying at work having to dress casual and be UN-confortable all day long. Down about 13lbs in 8 weeks!
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    I got mad & scared. The scary came with a chronic sideache that would come and go starting last summer. I couldn't finish the Dirty Girl Run because of it. I got knocked over with shooting pains in my side while at work and on a couple of occasions almost fainted. After talking with my Dr, we agreed to do some exploratory surgery on me to see if endometriosis was present before Christmas. January 4th at my follow up appointment, I was told she couldn't find the cause of the pain and referred me to another specialist to see what might be inflamed in my lower right side. Then I got mad! So frustrated as to what was going on, nothing was wrong, not knowing what was wrong with my colon or my digestive system, was it my hips or arthritis, or what......
    I lost 15 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas due to the pain and procedure, then joined MFP in January.
    I started with the 30 day shred. Now I'm onto Body Revolution. I'm getting down to my fighting weight. :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    I actually read a book on goal setting where you need to pick one thing that will help many factors of your life along. I realised that my weight was not only affecting my health, it was affecting my energy and confidence with regards to work, meeting new people etc. It seemed to me that if I felt better about myself I'd have more energy and confidence to get out there and live life.

    I've also recently moved to a new area where there is much more opportunity to do outdoorsy stuff ( I really want to try surfing!) and I want to be fit enough to do it all.

    Thanks for posting this - I needed to be reminded of why I was doing this today. I'm re-motivated!
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    I want to be strong and have more energy. There are lots of sports that I want to try that sound fun. I want to be the hot girl instead of the overweight friend.
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 213 Member
    I was starting to get sleep apnea.

    Also in a lecture in university we were figuring out precentals and for me, I was smaller than 95% of the student body in height, limb length and like but my hip percental was high and my weight percental was 99.99999%. I don't want that anymore, THAT was my wake up call.

    Not that I didn't know I have to loss weight before or even tried, I always just gave up before. Now just over a month and a half in and I have work out nearly everyday and been eating really well, don't want to give up, its becoming an important part in my life.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I want to look AWESOME naked.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I saw a picture of myself standing beside two friends who are in much better shape than I and are a few years older than me, I could not believe how fat I had become, I'd been lying to myself for years, so I decided to not only lose weight, as I've done that many times in my life, but truly change my lifestyle. So far I'm doing it :drinker:
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    My profile pic motivated me...Almost every pic i had taken saw me with food or beer in my hand...And someone kindly posted one in a facebook group...Thats when i thought...Geez look at the size of me.

    Never really looked back since.
  • pinky_pants
    pinky_pants Posts: 5 Member
    My housemate and I have been friends for 17 years and always used to share clothes etc. When I started the job I'm doing, I was over the average size, but felt healthy, then I really got into Call Centre working and have piled on the weight. My job just means that for 7.5 hrs a day I am sat at my desk and the furthest I walk is the loo. I was also having chronic heartburn and couldn't go a day without taking peppermint capsules.
    I live in a 3 story house and was getting breathless when I was walking from the basement to the top level, and was sick of having to strategically pose for pictures to not have many chins :(

    So overall, I wanted to be able to do the girly thigs, wear leggings and snow boots, walk around my house without getting breathless, and have a healthier lifestyle. My housemate isn't extatic that I have stopped eating white bread and now eat wholemeal and granary, and drink semi-skimmed milk, but I have started to feel the difference after only loosing 10lb, so am looking forward to the results as I loose more and more!!

    And the best compliment I've had at work has to be "Those trousers are hanging off you girl, how much weight have you lost?" :)
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    A few years ago I was really depressed about having to quit my studies after my housemates essentially went crazy around me. I thought this was my only chance and I had blown it and thus ruined my chances at my career. I barely ate, could barely leave the house, could not get to sleep then slept for 10+ hours. It was right in the middle of the economic crisis, so i could not even get a job cleaning or working at mc'donalds. i enjoyed nothing and was also extremely anxious. I thought this was just a phase, but it went on like this for 3 months.

    One day i went out walking by the river. I did not enjoy the walk itself, per say, but i noticed that i felt... better. I tried again the next day, went a little bit further, got my heart rate a bit higher. I started noticing pretty things, and I noticed that i felt better. From then on, every day, no matter how bad I felt I dragged myself out of the house and walked further and further, faster and faster. i slept a little bit earlier, ate a bit more/better. If i truly felt terrible I would still go, scraping my feet along the ground, willing myself to reach a certain point.

    After much thinking, something snapped and the depression issue was basically no more. I started working on the anxiety and everything started to come back into alignment. It wasn't perfect, but I was functional. By this time I was walking 5-10km every day.

    I got a new job and made a new friend. He took me for a walk up a hill, and this was very hard, but very enjoyable. I was totally joyous after coming out of my depressive state. He suggested I try running so that climbing the hill would be easier.

    I tried running. I discovered that I loved it! (so long as I could stop when it started hurting too much, lol... initially I kept things fun). And quite suddenly everything was back in alignment... I was sleeping normally, eating very well, excited about my new job and I even started dating this new friend.

    I exercise for my mental health, and I eat to fuel this. :D
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    I wanted to fly a helicopeter and was too heavy (for the lesson) so i decided to diet

    My husband brought me a lesson as a birthday gift this year when i reached the required weight (weight reached naked first thing in the morning - so luckily they did not weigh me before the lesson!)

  • dancingqueen2013
    dancingqueen2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Only in the last couple of years have I been what I call "fat" and I dont like myself for it, like you, it get's me down and I hate shopping for clothes and everything. So as I dont want to be skinny I would like to get 35 -45 lbs off to be a normal healthy size that can wear most fashions. Good luck to us all.
  • I can't say there was "this thing" that motivated me to lose weight, as there was an entire compilation (which I'll hit in a moment) though, the straw that broke the cows back (as it were) was easily my doctor basically saying lose weight or die. So I figured I'd just send some of me (in the form of weight) to the afterlife first to check it out and let me know all the good places to haunt when I die a skinny old man.

    Other reasons loosing weight sounded good:

    - Tired of shopping in the "big men" section.
    - Tired of being diabetic
    - Tired of my food bill being more than my rent
    - Tired of not being able to ride rides at amusement parks
    - Tired of not being able to go swimming (without a shirt on)
    - Tired of hurting (phsyically, mentally and emotionally) all the time
    - And more!

    The ironic thing, all that really was making me tired, inside and out... now that I've lost? I'm not nearly so tired :)

    So next time you need motivation... remember what you dreamed about when you were fat. We all do it. And for the love of cheese puffs don't look at how far you have to go! Look at how far you've come :) Even if you haven't lost a single pound... you have decided to be on this site... to change your life... and that is a HELL of a lot better than the slow suicide that is the alternative.

    And always remember... YOU ROCK!

    Ok. I'll get off my soapbox now... hmm... ooooooh I can use my soapbox for step-ups! *gets to exercisein* ;)
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I wanted to be at my fittest and looking my best by the time I turn 30 - which is in 2 weeks time.

    :frown: :sick: :noway: :sad: :cry:
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I'd been comfort eating for ages while my mum slowly died of cancer. Two weeks after she died I found MFP and thought I'd just give it a go to see if I could do it. It was *really* helpful to have one area of my life that I could control and succeed at when everything else had turned to custard.

    Now that I've lost a bit of weight I can see I really wasn't looking pretty anymore - just bloated and uncomfortable. My original goal was to lose 10 kg (20 pounds) - I haven't managed yet as emigrating and getting a really nasty cold has put a spanner in the works, but a few more weeks of work should get me there. Then I'll keep on heading down!

    I want to be able to wear kneehigh boots over jeans (not just special 'wide calf' boots), and fit coats with tight sleeves. (I'm an hourglass so I carry my weight in my arms and legs). I want less double chin (I already have less, but there's still plenty to get rid of).
  • chunkymellymoo
    chunkymellymoo Posts: 1 Member
    A gradually worsening back problem. I have a very physically demanding job and was starting to get serious back niggles. Another part of my job is running to emergencies, carrying heavy equipment and I am fed up of arriving out of breath and sweaty.
    It also will be lovely to have more confidence socially etc. Another thing I look forward to is enjoying clothes shopping. I could cry currently when out trying new stuff on, reallly really makes me miserable.
    So many thing to look forward to!
  • mrsambitious
    mrsambitious Posts: 40 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    sex in broad daylight
    killer little black dresses
    less time to shave my legs
    pink string bikini handstand on the beach
    hot tub parties
    being on stage/in front of cameras

    all of these things in my life keep me motivated...
  • alice6107
    alice6107 Posts: 4 Member
    sgimpys wrote: »
    I was motivated by a few factors. One comes a career change. I cant get a job as a federal agent being as big as I am. The second is health. Type 2 diabetes limits what I can eat. Ohhh and since I have been eating healthier, Ive been feeling better on a daily basis!!!

  • alice6107
    alice6107 Posts: 4 Member
    alice6107 wrote: »
    sgimpys wrote: »
    I was motivated by a few factors. One comes a career change. I cant get a job as a federal agent being as big as I am. The second is health. Type 2 diabetes limits what I can eat. Ohhh and since I have been eating healthier, Ive been feeling better on a daily basis!!!