Newbie :)

Hey everyone,
I can't believe this is free, it's great to be able to track everything on the go & view reports etc.


  • cairney4698
    cairney4698 Posts: 237
    Hey Kirsty the site is totally amazing. You will also find lots of people willing to help and support you on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like
  • hey newbie.....welcome to mfp. i think you'll find this website very helpful.....not only is it easy to track your food and workouts but you have an abundance of support and motivation from persons who are all on this site for the same reasons. we all strive to become healthier, fitter versions of ourselves. we can do this! add me as a friend if you like. good luck on your journey.
  • girlbone
    girlbone Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have only been on here for 8 days but have managed to lose 6lb already. With the easy to use food diary and exercise tracker you'll be where you want be in no time.

    Good luck & feel free to add me as a friend.
  • IKR? I was going to join WW but then found this and I was so excited to not have to spend $$! Annnnd, this is WAY better than what I remember the WW site to be like. :)