
Just a quick question for coffee drinkers.... do you find drinking coffee helps or hinders your weight loss? Or does it have no effect at all? I am a BIG coffee drinker and I just want to know if drinking its gonna hurt me.


  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    coffee helps curb my hunger, got used to it black so only a couple of calories per cup.

    I know water curbs hunger as well, and I do have water at different times of the day but at work coffee wins hands down.

    Typical medical advice is 300mg/day of caffeine is fine
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    If I am still hungry in the evenings and don't want to eat I will drink a cup of decaf coffee and it helps out a lot.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    once i switched to black with no sugar or using a sweetner i noticed a considerable amount of free calories creeping into my day.
  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    Coffee only realy hinders if you drink it with a lot of cream or sugar. Otherwise wamr liquids help curb your appitite.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I plan to keep my morning coffee habit forever! I drink 3 cups (ok, the cup is about 16 oz) every morning, black, and only before breakfast. I do drink other caffeine during the day and find it helps me avoid mindless munching. I feel the urge to eat when I am tired, and by drinking something with caffeine I get a pick-me-up and avoid snacking. As vices go, caffeine is pretty low on the scale IMO.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Seriously? lols ...

    I'm going to say this and i'm sure you're just going go say ' NO WAY'
    but caffeine aids in weight loss. As long as it is either in it's pure form
    or BLACK COFFEE, anything else such as a latte, cappuccino etc and any type that has
    sugar, sweeteners or milk will hinder weight loss.

    I repeat, black coffee of caffeine in it's pure form will aid in weight loss, but DO NOT OVER DO IT.
    Caffeine is a stimulant

    A good dose of caffeine per day to aid weight loss is 100-150mg of caffeine.

    Mixing 150mg caffeine with 25-50mg of Methylhexanamine and aspirin is a powerful fat burner combination.
    Not recommended though, my point is, caffeine aids in weight loss, if used in moderation
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    Coffee is my liquid "snack"-- for 42 calories (because I like 1/2 and 1/2) it is a great choice. AND, it curbs my appetite. Also, if I will get some coffee ready at dinner time.. and drink a cup of coffee after my 1st plate of food---it makes me feel like my meal is "wrapped up"- "over"-- and I don't go back for 2nds.. or little "tastes". So .. my advice... Drink Up!! :drinker:
  • Lyndsay_Love
    I usually drink it sugarless with either some 1% milk or fat free creamer, I do log it. I just didn't know because I heard it dehydrates you so I wasn't sure if that would effect weight loss somehow.

    ETA- Thank you everyone! I am going to keep drinking my coffee :)
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    no noticeable effect for me. gotta do my daily 2 cups!
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I have one HUGE cup on a morning, and am slowly reducing the amount of calories that go into it, by stopping the sugar intake (easily done, surprisingly), and a combination of changing the usual semi-skimmed milk to skim, and reducing the actual amount. Within a week or two I hope to be drinking straight black sugarless and milkless coffee.

    I haaaaaate the taste of sweetener, so that's just not an option for me.

    Oh I didn't answer the question! I find it helps - it fills a gap between breakfast and lunch.
  • beckyluvsgeckos
    I think it curbs my appetite. I use different flavors of Torani Sugar Free Syrup. I love an afternoon cup of coffe with a bit of SF Chocolate Torani is like a snack for me.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I drink coffee with a splash of sugar free creamer it helps curb the appetite a little bit
  • SulliedSocks
    SulliedSocks Posts: 62 Member
    Depends on wether or not there is cream or sugar involved...

    I too am an avid coffee drinker(was), There are alot more calories involved when you add those other ingredients. However, pure sugar and dry creamer actually consists of less calories than liquid creamers. So on average:

    8 oz of black coffee = 2-3 calories
    8 oz Dunkin Donuts black = 15 calories
    8 oz Dunkin Donuts latte (or cream and sugar) =150 calories
    8 oz Starbucks = 5
    8 oz Starbucks latte = 220

    Cream sugar are far worse But dried makes a difference

    4 cups (8oz each) black home brewed = 8 calories
    4 tsp dry creamer = 40
    4 tsp sugar = 65

    4 cup total = 113 calories compared to one 8 oz starbucks latte at 220!

    That should help you decide your coffee's fate! I now drink black coffee and water with Mio!
  • penroseg
    penroseg Posts: 53 Member
    I have one cup every morning and it helps me get moving. BUT if I drink too much, it makes me feel jittery and sick and then my body tells me to eat something to feel better. Not sure if that happens to anyone else. So if I drink my one cup, it helps, if I drink too much, I actually get hungrier.
  • cunokyle
    cunokyle Posts: 58 Member
    Since starting my lifestyle change, I have really started to appreciate coffee! I try all kinds of different brands and flavors. No sugar or cream, black for me.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Coffee hasn't hurt my weight loss at all. Mm, I have a pot brewing right now :) I need my coffee. I CAN drink it black but I like it to be delicious so I set aside some calories for sugar free creamer. If anything coffee keeps thing moving, I drink two cups every morning.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    Love my coffee and think it helps me in the way that I drink with only skim milk in it and it replaces higher calorie foods I might want to consume.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Forget about weight loss.

    Coffee has been shown to reduce the risks of dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, heart arrhythmia, certain cancers and Diabetes. Caffeine can help you burn fat, but even if it didn't, never stop drinking coffee, it's say too good for you.

    And to the person who said it has to be black, you can drink it however you want as long as it fits into your calories. I prefer black, but someone adding cream or sugar to their coffee won't matter unless they go over calories.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Isn't hurt m weight loss at all-- mm, I have a pot brewing right now. I need my coffee. I CAN drink t black but I like it to be delicious and abou set aside some calories for sugar free creamer. I anything coffee keeps thing moving, I you know what I mean.

    If your black coffee isn't delicious, then buy better quality coffee. Good coffee doesn't need flavorings, cheap coffee does. It's like any other food.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    For me it has no noticeable effect. I have my 1-2 cups per day. I drink them with sugar and creamer, but not a lot of either. Just enough for a little taste. (I like to taste the coffee too, lol) If I get my coffee, I lose weight. If I don't get my coffee, I still lose weight. No big difference. As long as you're logging your calories from the additives, I see no problem with it. If you're drinking a lot though, start tracking your sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep, too, since it can interfere with sleep. If that happens it can interfere with weight loss. Otherwise, don't stress.