How did you begin?

So, I've been feeling really unmotivated lately, so I want to hear from other people.

How did you begin on your fitness journey?
How do you continue? What's your motivation?

Where do you hope to end up? What are your goals?


  • jmcmiles
    jmcmiles Posts: 1
    Hello there - if there is one thing I have learned on my healthy lifestyle journey, it is that motivation comes and goes so you can't rely on it. The only way to lose weightand be healthy is through commitment and consistency. I learned this from Michelle Bridges when I went on her 12 week body transformation 12 months ago, I lost 8 kilos at my peak and settled on 6 to maintain which I did for 12 months and I have put 4 on over the last 2 months all because I lost focus, wasn't committed and wasn't consistent in my eating and exercise - importantly I knew exactly what I was doing and know exactly what I need to do now to get back on track. You have to start with your mindset and you have to kick bad habits, you have to learn to be healthy and it isn't easy that's for sure, and there will be setbacks and falls from the wagon, but as long as you can pick yourself up and put yourself right back on and continue with the journey, that is what counts in the end. Good luck for your journey, be committed and you will make it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    LOG, LOG, LOG everyday even if I mess up.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    Hello there - if there is one thing I have learned on my healthy lifestyle journey, it is that motivation comes and goes so you can't rely on it. The only way to lose weightand be healthy is through commitment and consistency. I learned this from Michelle Bridges when I went on her 12 week body transformation 12 months ago, I lost 8 kilos at my peak and settled on 6 to maintain which I did for 12 months and I have put 4 on over the last 2 months all because I lost focus, wasn't committed and wasn't consistent in my eating and exercise - importantly I knew exactly what I was doing and know exactly what I need to do now to get back on track. You have to start with your mindset and you have to kick bad habits, you have to learn to be healthy and it isn't easy that's for sure, and there will be setbacks and falls from the wagon, but as long as you can pick yourself up and put yourself right back on and continue with the journey, that is what counts in the end. Good luck for your journey, be committed and you will make it.

    Thanks for your feedback! I know that it's mental, just sometimes it's so much easier to grab something quick and unhealthy, and sit on the couch and watch TV all night.
    I just need to get my mindset right. I know I can do it, I just need to do it.
  • Valkyriewoman
    Valkyriewoman Posts: 120 Member
    I woke up one day and thought to myself that I was just tired... tired of being the fat friend, tired of being the fat one in the family, tired of not going place or doing things because of my weight, tired of feeling and looking crappy in clothes. Also, the possibility of diabetes and other illness scared me, as I'm over 40 now. Ack!

    So, my first step was to get to the gym. Then a couple weeks later I hired a trainer (best money I've ever spent!!). He showed me that my self-imposed limits were a load of crap and had me do things I never could have imagined. I did my first hand stand at 41! Started out with him the first time at 305 lbs and lost 85 in 8 months.

    He was deployed for a year and I lost some motivation. Didn't work as hard and gained a lot back. But now I'm kicking butt again and losing fast. I've got my cardio capacity back.

    What motivates me? The thought that I have to see my trainer a couple times a week motivates me to work really hard the other days so I'm not dying when I'm with him. Feeling healthy is a great motivator for me. I love feeling fit and being able to move much more easily! I also love that I'm doing this the hard way. No shortcuts. There are definitely days that I fail, but more good days than bad. Looking in the mirror and seeing a thinner, stronger me motivates me. As do comments from other people about my progress.

    In the end, I want to be agile, light, athletic, strong, an average weight with above-average cardio capacity and strength, defined muscles and healthy eating habits. My goal is to sustain my weight loss this time (I've lost major amounts twice in my life).

    As far as motivating yourself, my trainer had me make a poster including pictures of what I wanted to look like and a list of my goals. It hangs in my cube at work and I look at it often. He has a copy as well and takes it out at workouts when I'm having a hard go of it and says, "See this! Remember this! This is what you're shooting for! It takes work!"

  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    The poster idea is a great idea!! I'm going to start working on that today.
  • kristensuz
    kristensuz Posts: 21 Member
    I have no idea...I just know this...I stepped away from this for about 4 weeks...what motivated me was the random emails from MFP friends, saying come back, you can do this.....So....YOU CAN DO THIS! Get up, get moving! :)
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I have no idea...I just know this...I stepped away from this for about 4 weeks...what motivated me was the random emails from MFP friends, saying come back, you can do this.....So....YOU CAN DO THIS! Get up, get moving! :)

    Thanks! :happy:
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I began my journey in the Fall after becoming disgusted with myself for gaining back all the weight I had lost being pregnant with my kids. I had 3 children in the span of about 5 years and with each one I came out of the pregnancy weighing less than I started thanks to healthier eating and giving up the booze. When I had my youngest in January 2010 I was at my lowest weight since before I got married and was around 150. I'm 5'11". When I started my journey I was pushing 180. I did WW first for a month and hated it. I did lose about 3 or 4 pounds but it made me miserable and I stopped and started every week. My SIL had long raved about MFP so I had heard of it but it wasn't unitl a HS friend posted on Facebook asking friends to join and support her that I decided to give it a go. I signed up early November and didn't really start logging food until the week after Thanksgiving. Since then I've been hooked! My goal weight is 150 again and then I'll re-evaluate. I'd also like to continue working on toning. My motivation is setting a good example for my children and feeling better about myself.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    How did you begin on your fitness journey?

    I've always dieted off and on pretty much since high school, but I really started hitting it hardcore when I got engaged almost two years ago. I started using MFP, logging my food and fitness activities and lost almost twenty pounds.

    How do you continue? What's your motivation?

    Since getting married, it's a bit more challenging to squeeze in workouts, especially when I want to spend time with my husband and have a busy career as a public school educator. However, I want to be healthy, be able to do physically demanding activities (like kayaking, hiking, etc) and live a long life with him; so I'm highly motivated to squeeze in the workouts and continue to eat well to meet those goals.

    Where do you hope to end up? What are your goals?

    I hope to be healthier and to take off some added weight. I have no desire to be stick-thin and realize that I have the type of figure that will never result in that. I just want to live a longer life with my new husband. My goal is to do an adventure race (with obstacles and lots of mud) and get down to 135.

    Best of luck on your journey!

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    So, I've been feeling really unmotivated lately, so I want to hear from other people.

    How did you begin on your fitness journey?
    How do you continue? What's your motivation?

    Where do you hope to end up? What are your goals?

    I began my journey (this time) in October 2010 and started working out. I then found this site in Jan 2011 and started out really slow. I decided that I was 29 and needed to be in better shape for when I turned 30. I know that my maternal side of the family struggles with weight and other health issues associated with weight. I did not want to have those struggles. I also knew that since my son was going to be turning 10 when I turn 30 I should be able to do things with him like play outside. I use that as my motivation.

    I find that when I have been exercising great for 2/3/4 months that I need a week or two of not really pushing the exercise for my body to recoup. I have changed my calorie goal often over the year that I have been on the site. I started at 1.5 pounds then went to just 1 pound. Then I changed it to half a pound when I lost 35 pounds total. Now I am eating at maintainance level but know that my workouts create the deficit that I need. I have mainly used MFP to understand what calories are and how to make better choices. I now will eat out at subway instead of McDonalds and I also know to pick a side salad instead of fries. I am more aware that the quater pounder has way more calories than the grilled chicken. I do mess up but I know that one day won't make me gain the 50 pounds I have lost.

    I keep going because I know that I didn't gain the weight in just one year, so it will take a while to lose it and I want it to stay off. I know that when I feed myself right I feel/look better. I keep looking up ways to mix up my routine so that I don't get tired of doing the same workout. I started out running/walking with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Then I wanted to do better and actually tried to RUN.... the rest is history. I spent the first year doing cardio workouts and now have been transitioning into strength training.

    Short story... with the right reasons you can lose the weight and keep it off. Just knowing that this is a LIFE LONG journey is what keeps me motivated... I can messup for a day/week/month and still make it work :wink:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was so tired of my clothes being tight and not wearing certain styles because they were so unflattering. It took a while and then I did the cliche thing and started on Jan 1 (2011) as a New Year resolution. My daughter had been telling me how fun Zumba was, so I bought some Zumba DVDs and started doing them 5-6 days a week. And I started paying more attention to how much wine I was drinking. Then in March, when I was close to my original goal, my other daughter told me about this site so I started logging my food and exercise. I met and exceeded my original goal and have been maintaining for about 8 months now. I stay motivated by putting on my goal jeans at least once a week to make sure they still fit. If they start to feel tight, I know I've been slacking off too much.
  • Valkyriewoman
    Valkyriewoman Posts: 120 Member
    I stay motivated by putting on my goal jeans at least once a week to make sure they still fit. If they start to feel tight, I know I've been slacking off too much.

    I love this idea and am planning on stealing it!