How do I get through weekends and still have fun?!?



  • cakuni
    cakuni Posts: 3 Member
    Here's some advice I've received:

    Eat something healthy before you go to the party. You'll be less starved and less likely to be tempted to overindulge.

    If you're at a buffet type event: Look over everything that is available. When it comes to less healthy options, choose foods that you have less often. Like on holidays I might have a slice of apple or pumpkin pie because I have it so rarely. But I pass on pudding or cookies that I can have any ol' time.

    Try to load up on veggies and fruits first if they are available. (Veggies should be half of your plate whenever possible.)

    If you're eating out, ask for a to-go box up front. Put half of your food in there.

    I hope some of the advice on the forum here can help you out. Good luck!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    My husband and I are very social also, and always go out at least one night on the weekends. I make sure to get some exercise in that day and then make healthy swaps where I can ... like if everyone is getting wings and beer, I'll get grilled chicken skewers (most places have something similar and they're good!) or a salad and a vodka water or red wine. Also, drink water between alcoholic drinks to keep hydrated and limit calories. When I first started doing that, I felt weird ... so I got a lime in it so it looked more like my drink :drinker:

    I also agree that it's good to pre-log, so you can make choices the rest of the day that will permit you to have a few drinks that night. In my opinion (and many will disagree), I need to be able to continue going out with my friends and having fun ... so I make sure that I make it fit in my new lifestyle. If I cut it out altogether, I would no doubt fail and then totally give it up. It's gotta work for you and your life! Good luck!!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Some combination of:

    1) Eat fewer/burn more calories during the week to build up a buffer for the weekend
    2) Eat fewer/burn more calories that day to build up a buffer for the party
    3) Setup your diet to incorporate a cheat day or cheat meal and have the party fall on that day (which is basically 1 and 2 formally)
    4) Control portions at the party
    5) Go to fewer events, but give yourself more freedom at the ones you do go to

    That's what I've found works for me.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    You shouldn't be on a diet, you should change your lifestyle. If you want to be healthy you just choose to be healthy. Choose not to put the crap in your mouth. I am a very social person and I just don't eat crap. It is easy if you just decide to be in control of yourself.

    This. If you cannot put forth the effort to eat healthy EVERY day you will have a lot of difficulty and plateaus in losing weight. Plan ahead for events. My most calorie burning work-out is often Saturday morning. I'll often eat healthy at home before I leave for an event. Set a goal to drink more water than alcohol (think about that one!). If you must eat at the event pick the healthiest items only and use portion control.

    Personally, weekends are the hardest too so my goal is to have my weight stay even on Saturday and Sunday and lose my weight Monday-Friday.
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    Never ceases to amaze me how people can be aware that they will be overeating and eating badly as much as two months out, but cant plan to eat for two days healthy.

    It boils down to if you want to be a certain weight or healthy level or not---thats it.Why is it Saturday is always different than a Tuesday to people? Its a day like anything else. If you know you are going to do poorly somewhere, dont go. If all of these plans were on the evenings during the week, would you still eat badly? Or is it just on the weekends?

    Learn to say no. NO. People will tempt you at first but will eventually respect your choices. If you cant do this, then you are more content where you are than you think---so accept it.
  • Eat before you go somewhere- make your freinds the reason you hang out with them, not food
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I am in the same boat - any loss from previous week evaporates over the weekend. I exercise to earn all my calories, never eat over my allotment and work out 5-6 days per week. Even on off days I manage to accumulate 10,000 - 16,000 steps from walking the dog, running errands and doing stuff around the house. The only thing I can guess is that drinking on Fri-Sun (2 glasses of wine - accounted for in my calories and not putting me over) jacks with my metabolism or results in water weight gain. It is truly frustrating to have stayed within calories and worked out hard for over a month (intervals running and circuit training) and only register a 1.4 lb loss total. Maybe I am adding muscle. I will measure again Thursday in hopes that this is why the scale isn't moving.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member

    This. If you cannot put forth the effort to eat healthy EVERY day you will have a lot of difficulty and plateaus in losing weight. Plan ahead for events. My most calorie burning work-out is often Saturday morning. I'll often eat healthy at home before I leave for an event. Set a goal to drink more water than alcohol (think about that one!). If you must eat at the event pick the healthiest items only and use portion control.

    Personally, weekends are the hardest too so my goal is to have my weight stay even on Saturday and Sunday and lose my weight Monday-Friday.

    Great advice!!
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    Try to pre-log your weekends. Find out where you’re going or what's on the menu at your event. This way you can put it in your journal to view how it will affect your intake for that day.

    You can still enjoy what everyone else is eating, but eat half that portion or ask for a more healthy option.

    This is what I do -- I find out if we're eating out, go online to find the menu, and preselect the meal. Keep trying.
  • satchattack
    satchattack Posts: 2 Member
    I usually try to eat a healthy meal before going out. That way, I won't be hungry when I'm faced with the temptations, and I'll be less likely to give in! I also make it a point to work out on the weekends if I expect to indulge in food or booze.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My family and I eat out a lot but I make sure I know where we are going and look up the nutrition online (if they don't have one I search and figure out approximates). Because I know my sodium intake is higher on the weekends even if my calories are under I don't weigh in after a weekend.....I spend the week being better and then weigh in on Friday.

    This is why FRIDAY is my weigh in day!!! That way I can get back on track.

    But go out and have fun, make positive choices and you don't have to drink that much. It's a lot of calories and not that healthy to overindulge on alchol. You can have much fun sober and having a healthy meal vs getting drunk and grazing on nachos, chips, appetizers, etc.

    This. If you cannot put forth the effort to eat healthy EVERY day you will have a lot of difficulty and plateaus in losing weight. Plan ahead for events. My most calorie burning work-out is often Saturday morning. I'll often eat healthy at home before I leave for an event. Set a goal to drink more water than alcohol (think about that one!). If you must eat at the event pick the healthiest items only and use portion control.

    Personally, weekends are the hardest too so my goal is to have my weight stay even on Saturday and Sunday and lose my weight Monday-Friday.

    Great advice!!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    Heh. I faced a similar dilemma when I decided to quit smoking and drinking back in July: how am I EVER going to have fun again? I grew up in bars! I've been drinkin' and smokin' on and off since I was nine! WTF am I gonna do??

    You learn that there's options. Sure I had to insult some of our biggest Chinese clients by refusing to do shots with them, "How do you say alcoholic in Mandarin?"

    But if you're dedicated to what you're doing to find ways to enjoy things.

    When it comes to food and parties, I just try to maintain my limits. Granted, the not drinking thing makes that easier since without the booze calories I can eat more and actually have my wits about me.

    It takes perseverence and sacrifice this path we've all chosen.

    People say to me, "Oh, I bet you love the feel of taking a long walk or a good run."

    No. I ****ing hate it. It's a ***** each and every single time. God, I would SO much rather eat a whole bag of jelly beans and veg out on the sofa. But I have reasons for doing what I am doing and they are important enough to me that I push myself to do things that I know are good for me whether I like them or not. People keep saying how the exercise will become an addiction. I'm not gonna ****ing hold my breath waiting for that.

    I tell myself a lot, 'You don't have to like it. You just have to do it."

    it took me twenty-some years of doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted with no thought to the consequences to get my body this out of shape. It's going to take a fair bit of time and effort and sacrifice to get it back to some semblance of healthy.

    I'm 42 years old and I've got a three and a half year-old daughter. That means that I'll be well-over 50 when she's getting to her dating years. I want to be able to keep up with her all the way through to that. That's my motivation. That and I want to be able to rip the heads off of any suitors I find unsuitable. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some pushups to do.
  • Keesh400
    Keesh400 Posts: 7
    It is all about portion control and I go out and drink/eat every weekend as well! I get up in the morning and do good work out.

    I work out to eat and drink! You don't have to stop living. Don't think of it as a diet. The word die is in diet!

    To gain over the weekend you are would have to be consuming large amounts of food and alcohol. Not sure how much you are drinking!

    If you are eatting out, get the sauces on the side (if applicable). Whatever you order, cut in 1/2 and ask for a take out box for the other 1/2.

    Drink lots of water still! You are probably just retaining water/salt if you are not flushing your body on the weekends.

    It is very possible to continue losing weight! we are all different! I have lost over 70 pounds and I never stopped eatting and drinking. I love my Beer!!!!

    Very realistic answer! I am social person and I have weekends where I drink. I don't drink a lot, but I love my wine! I will stick to a strict diet on the week days, and only have 1 night of fun during the weekend. I should still reach my goal with this plan. Thank you!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You shouldn't be on a diet, you should change your lifestyle. If you want to be healthy you just choose to be healthy. Choose not to put the crap in your mouth. I am a very social person and I just don't eat crap. It is easy if you just decide to be in control of yourself.

    (Don't mean this to sound mean, just straight forward... :) )

    Yep, this. If it's a get together at someone's house and you're concerned about options you just take something(s) to share so that you have options. Exercise, planning, and self control.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello, I found myself having the same issue when I first started.. I would go out and binge all weekend and come sunday night feel terrible about everything I ate all weekend...I eventually told myself that this isnt a diet for me..I needed to change the way I thought about took a long time to come to the point I'm at today but I finally dont need to be eating to have a good time..It's perfectly fine to treat youself but you need to know when to stop..moderation is key in being successful at losing weight...If you dont treat yourself sometimes then you will fall into thinking your deprived & you will want it even more and when you do eat it you will eat more then you should or would have.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I end up blowing it on the weekend too :( But some really great advice in here, will definitely try to follow some of these. :)
  • I agree with so many of these a snack before you go, make healthy swaps, try to enjoy conversation rather than food, and drink water or sparkling water to have something in your hand that is zero calorie!

    One other random (somewhat related) thought: I have been a runner for years and a long time ago I read an article about how runners have higher rates of heart disease. They said this was due to the fact that we burn so many calories through exercise we believe we can eat whatever we want (and we "can" get away with it while looking thin). Remember, skinny doesn't always equal healthy. The goal is to put healthy foods in your mouth, hopefully shedding some pounds along the way, but overall improving your health. I'm ok with using exercise on occasion to burn a few extra calories but if it is a regular thing you aren't doing yourself any favors. So, if going to social events and parties is part of your lifestyle you have to find a way to incorporate healthy eating into that lifestyle (if that is truly your goal). Maybe you could bring along a few healthy options to share for birthday parties/social gatherings where it is a appropriate? Find a few healthy recipes that make your friends say "wow, that is good!" and you can inspire others to adopt your lifestyle too!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Ensure you still workout on the weekends...get up a bit earlier and go for a run, or do a class at the gym....this can give you a little freedom to have a bit more fun ont he weekend.

    Also, remember, everything in moderation! Allow yourself to have fun - to have one cheat day, but only if you are able to control yourself. If you can't control yourself when it comes to food or drink then maybe you shouldn't be surroundnig yourself with it every have to pick what is most important to you at this stage in your life.
  • wlgreen379
    wlgreen379 Posts: 104
    I'm in the same boat. I need to work on getting my cheat day down a little bit to something more manageable and be only one day a week of going over calories. I do great during the work week when my schedule is set, but I do struggle on the weekends when I don't have a normal schedule. I just try to make sure I exercise a bit longer since I have the extra time in the mornings.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You can diet and be social together, but it takes a little more discipline and planning ahead.

    If you know you're likely to have a weekend out where you want to eat at a surplus, then you need to create a bit more of a deficit during the week either by eating less or increasing your activity. You could do this by postponing your breakfast until closer to lunch or increasing your knowledge of food a bit to find lower calorie alternatives.