Help! Need advice on my exercise regimen!

Hello all!
I am just starting my weightloss journey, although definitley not new to exercise. The difference is that now I finally have the right mindset and am eating right. I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice to see if I am doing things right to lose weight.
Last week I worked out 5x a week doing 45 mins of cardio each time. I did not lose any weight.

Now, I have done some strength training before, but heard that at the beginning cardio is better because it burns more calories. Is this true. Or, could I have not lost weight because I did not do strenth training with the cardio?

Any advice is appreciated


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    People are going to tell you that you need to make your food diary public if you want detailed advice. :-)
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    I believe it is public.... OH it is to my friends, ill change it.Thanks
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    Although cardio burns more than strength training DURING the exercise, strength training will keep your muscles burning energy well after you leave the gym. Over a short period of time you will begin raising your BMR and as you gain more muscle you will burn more calories day by day.

    First of all, you will not just magically lose weight in one week having done some cardio. You will have made yourself fitter yes, but it is only a first step.

    If you are new to weight training, try 2 days a week and stick to 3 days cardio.
    Get a PT to start you off but NO GIRLY WEIGHTS. Tell them you want to learn proper technique with free weights and work up how much you are lifting from there.

    Good luck!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Cardio is good for a short term burn. Strength is good for an overall boost in metabolism. Cardio is great for increasing cardiovascular health and to help with fat loss. Strength is great to help build strong/denser bones and "shaping" your body. I have been told to do both, right from the beginning. By working your muscles, you prevent a lot of the inevitable muscle loss you will get through a weight-loss program and through cardio workouts. By preventing muscle loss, you keep your metabolism running "hotter" (as in you burn more calories even at rest). You really do want to do both.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I lost ALL my weight doing just cardio. I feel like on this site, cardio gets a bad rep. There's NOTHING wrong with doing cardio. It will burn fat (and for the naysayers - spare me the articles saying it won't, I can see the changes in myself in a mirror and it is from straight up cardio...) and you WILL lose weight doing it. Not only that, but cardio offers other health benefits besides weight loss.

    That being said, after I lost my weight I did start using the machines and weights. Yes, it changed my body too, but I didn't lose any weight doing it. It simply changed the way my body looked - I looked leaner.

    I personally feel that a healthy dose of both cardio and weights is the best way to go about things.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Although cardio burns more than strength training DURING the exercise, strength training will keep your muscles burning energy well after you leave the gym. Over a short period of time you will begin raising your BMR and as you gain more muscle you will burn more calories day by day.

    First of all, you will not just magically lose weight in one week having done some cardio. You will have made yourself fitter yes, but it is only a first step.

    If you are new to weight training, try 2 days a week and stick to 3 days cardio.
    Get a PT to start you off but NO GIRLY WEIGHTS. Tell them you want to learn proper technique with free weights and work up how much you are lifting from there.

    Good luck!

    This is all true. I started with trainers almost a year ago, I've lost 105lbs. I do strength training 2-3 days a week, and cardio 6-7. I also incorporate some pitaiyo (which is yoga, pilates, tai chi, qi gong blend) when I can.

    You may also want to check out the book new rules of lifting for women.

    SW 303.4 (1/1/11)
    CW 198.4 (down 105lbs)
    GW 160
    29y/o 5'6''
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    I lost ALL my weight doing just cardio. I feel like on this site, cardio gets a bad rep. There's NOTHING wrong with doing cardio. It will burn fat (and for the naysayers - spare me the articles saying it won't, I can see the changes in myself in a mirror and it is from straight up cardio...) and you WILL lose weight doing it. Not only that, but cardio offers other health benefits besides weight loss.

    That being said, after I lost my weight I did start using the machines and weights. Yes, it changed my body too, but I didn't lose any weight doing it. It simply changed the way my body looked - I looked leaner.

    I personally feel that a healthy dose of both cardio and weights is the best way to go about things.

    ^^that !
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    Realize that while strength training has some real benefits, it may cause the scales to move more slowly. If that is a serious part of your training regimine, consider tape measuring yourself as a tracking method rather than just looking at the scales. It's nice to have that to consider and evaluate when the scale gets stuck.
  • Beewallows
    Beewallows Posts: 110 Member

    So I was looking through your diary, and I really think you need to start eating vegetables and fruits, and a little less "bready" type foods (these tend to make you retain more water). As well, weights actually burn more calories than cardio, but it is good to do both. Cardio works your endurance and your heart, while strength works on your fat and strength. Also, for effective cardio (more for women) use smaller weights (maybe 5-10 pounds), do more repetitions, but do all you excercises SLOWLY. This will tone you without adding bulk.
  • illtemperedsebas
    The above posters are right. I see many people at the gym, running on the hamster wheels and they don't look any different than they did a year ago.
    I would split up your time with 2 to 3 days strength training, and 2 to 3 days of high intensity interval cardio ( once you feel you are in good enough condition).
    The more muscle you have the more calories you burn , even just sitting around the house!!!
    You may not lose weight on the scale, but you lose inches. (you will gain muscle), don't worry you will not start looking like some drug addict female bodybuilder, it is next to impossible to look like they do without help from injectables.
    Get a trainer for the first week or 2 to show you how to train properly to avoid injury, and check the interweb for good routines!
    Make sure you eat enough too!!
  • bbcoachcory
    Are you doing the same cardion routine everyday. Are you just running everyday. I believe cause it has worked for me that variety is the spice of life. I have done p90x and insanity. The greatest results that I am getting right now is by combing the two together. I do all the lift routines of p90x and then I sub in insanity. Also if you are not being challenged in your workouts you will not see change. For many years I went to the gym and got no results and was discouraged. With workout programs it is like having your own personal trainer at home. They are telling you want to do to get the greatest results.
  • newfieborn
    Hello all!
    I am just starting my weightloss journey, although definitley not new to exercise. The difference is that now I finally have the right mindset and am eating right. I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice to see if I am doing things right to lose weight.
    Last week I worked out 5x a week doing 45 mins of cardio each time. I did not lose any weight.

    Now, I have done some strength training before, but heard that at the beginning cardio is better because it burns more calories. Is this true. Or, could I have not lost weight because I did not do strenth training with the cardio?

    Any advice is appreciated

    Hi. I am not a pro in any sense but this is what I think.

    First. I really hope you are drinking more water than you are logging. You need water and lots of it.

    Second. You are a carb junkie. Most of your meals are packed with carbs and very little protein. Try to balance it out a little better. I try for 40/40/20 ratio (carb/protein/fat) but I don't always make it there.

    Third. You are not eating often enough. You should be eating 5 or 6 meals a day. That is meals that contain a balance of carb and protein.

    I am not trying to be harsh or anything and this is just my opinion. Give it time and yes, you should do some strenght training. Hope this helps.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Strength training will add muscle and muscle burns fat. But you have to make a commitment to strength training for life to maintain the benefits from it. When I stopped strength training I gained all of my weight back plus an additional 15 pounds! That said, if you can make the commitment you will see results faster and more drastic than with cardio alone.

    I lost 11 pounds in the first 4 weeks of strength training only working out 3 times a week for 30 minute sessions (plus an addition 15-20 minutes of cardio for warm up before each session.) My problem was that once I could no longer afford a fitness trainer I couldn't change up my weightlifting routines enough for muscle confusion so I plateaued, got frustrated and quit.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Oh, and I agree on the carb intake. Try to make the majority of your carbs come from fruits and veggies. Bread and pasta are great in moderation but for most people the simple sugars in them equal weight gain. I try to keep my bread/pasta to one serving per day so I don't feel deprived but they are not good for filler calories or to help make you feel full. Use fruits and veggies as filler for your meals if you need bulk.

    I also agree on multiple meals. I have breakfast, lunch, an early afternoon snack, fruit or veggies when I get home so I don't pick while making dinner, dinner and then after dinner snack/dessert. If there's always something on your stomach your metabolism will work all day long and you won't be ravenous for bad foods that pop up during the day.

    Finally, changing up your workouts is also important. I try to rotate at least two activities (I don't always log my exercise, I'm bad); medium intensity walking and bike riding this time of year.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member

    So I was looking through your diary, and I really think you need to start eating vegetables and fruits, and a little less "bready" type foods (these tend to make you retain more water). As well, weights actually burn more calories than cardio, but it is good to do both. Cardio works your endurance and your heart, while strength works on your fat and strength. Also, for effective cardio (more for women) use smaller weights (maybe 5-10 pounds), do more repetitions, but do all you excercises SLOWLY. This will tone you without adding bulk.

    NO offense but please do NOT listen to that advice. :noway:

    Use HEAVY WEIGHTS and do lower reps. This myth of women bulking up from lifting heavy must die.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member

    Hi. I am not a pro in any sense but this is what I think.

    First. I really hope you are drinking more water than you are logging. You need water and lots of it.

    Second. You are a carb junkie. Most of your meals are packed with carbs and very little protein. Try to balance it out a little better. I try for 40/40/20 ratio (carb/protein/fat) but I don't always make it there.

    Third. You are not eating often enough. You should be eating 5 or 6 meals a day. That is meals that contain a balance of carb and protein.

    I am not trying to be harsh or anything and this is just my opinion. Give it time and yes, you should do some strenght training. Hope this helps.

    I try to make any carbs I eat wheat. Last week for dinner for instance I would eat chicken or fish with brown rice. So should I not be eating the brown rice?
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    do the cardio and add some weights. I like the New Rules of Lifting for Women (check it out at the library). I think that it takes some time to show s0me weight loss. When you get the book check out the calories it says to eat and see where that takes you.

    Good for you and your recent change. :)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I lost all the weight my ticker accounts for doing cardio.

    Now heres the bad news! Ive been stuck for 9 months! Yep-- 9 months!
    I feel I have hit this never ending plateau because I didnt do strenght training.
    Now for the last 3-4 months I have been strenth training several days a week. The scale still hasnt moved but I have lost over 6 inches and people are asking me again if I have lost more weight.

    My take on the situation. Do both! Cardio 3-4 times a week, strenght around 3 times a week. Read the book "New rules of lifting for women"
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    I am in the same boat and I would appreciate any input as well. Mon, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday I do JM 30 day shred and a hour on the elliptical, and Tuesday and Thursday I go to a kick boxing class..I haven't lost any weight in months..I actually gained 5 pounds a few week ago and have managed to get 2 of those pounds off : / What gives?!?!

    *edit I dont log water..I drink anywhere from 6-12 cups a day
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Hello all!
    I am just starting my weightloss journey, although definitley not new to exercise. The difference is that now I finally have the right mindset and am eating right. I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice to see if I am doing things right to lose weight.

    Last week I worked out 5x a week doing 45 mins of cardio each time. I did not lose any weight.

    Now, I have done some strength training before, but heard that at the beginning cardio is better because it burns more calories. Is this true. Or, could I have not lost weight because I did not do strenth training with the cardio?

    Any advice is appreciated

    Oh hun, your going to get answers from all walk of life here.

    I will save you the time, after much research, educating myself from sports performance students, nutrition and exercise science people....there just is NO science to support that cardio and weights same day anything [referring to one before the other]. It boils down to what works for you. What doesn't impede your performance and what is comfy to you. AS LONG as your maintaining proper diet with PROTEIN. That's the only exception. If your not eating enough protein this will mess everything up. You should consume 0.77 x lean body mass at max. There is science here, that there is no change is body waste and absorbtion of protein at this point. Anything more is a waste.

    Outside of this, why 5 days a week? Depending on what cardio your doing, you could inhibit your strength training by not giving your body adequate rest.

    I would suggest cutting this back to 3-4 max and just make those days count more.