30 ds

I just got the 30ds and i was wandering ( if for those who are doing it,or who have done it) Do you do it 30 days straight? or do you take breaks in between? I was always told you need to rest your body.


  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i did level 1 for 5 days straight, took off the w/end then did 5 days straight again....but by the end of level 1 my knees were killing me :( i should add tho that i was also doing 30 minutes on treadmill right behind the 30DS.
    i took off the w/end again and did level 2 yesterday......HATED it, i couldnt keep up with it at all, there is no flow to the excercises and it seems like JM made that level up about 30 seconds before the cameras started rolling..lol
    i am going back to level1 and plan to do it m/w/f with 20 min of treadmill and then just do treadmill for 45 min on t/th/sat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The idea is to do each level 10 times, you do not however have to do it every single day to actually finish in 1 calendar month. If you are really hurting the next day, it's okay to take a rest day. The title of the DVD makes it seem like you're supposed to do it 30 days straight but really it's just like any other exercise, sometimes your body might need a break for recovery. Listen to your body. If you wake up the next day feeling good or just a little sore, go ahead and do the next workout. If you wake up and your thighs are screaming and you can barely sit down on the toilet w/o support (yeah that was me after day 1 LOL), take a day off for rest. You will still get results even with a couple rest days here and there b/c you are challenging your body to keep up with you. :-)

    ETA: Just for reference, day 1 put me in so much pain that I took a 3 day break (I pushed way too hard my first time), it took me 37 days to finish the 30 workouts (4 additional rest days after that initial 3 day recovery period LOL - those rest days were for scheduling issues - travelling - not for pain) and I got great results - 2" off my butt/hips, 2" off my waist, additional inches off of every other area of my body, increased endurance (could barely jog 5 minutes before doing 30 day shred and jogged just over 12 minutes straight on the treadmill a couple days after I finished). Not to mention on the 4th of 5th day of doing the workout, I started doing back-to-back levels - while on level 1 I'd do it twice in a row, when I got to level 2 I'd do level 2 and follow it with level 1, when I got to level 3 many days I did all 3 levels back to back). And after all that, NOT being in pain the next day and feeling great. Not bad for how incredibly out of shape I was at the start. :-)
  • tanklissa
    tanklissa Posts: 70
    My goal is to finish it in 30 days (or verrrrrrry close to that). I want to do 10 days of each level. I took BEFORE pics as motivation (and I'm looking at them every single day as not to lose that motivation).
  • Babybirdganz
    Babybirdganz Posts: 108 Member
    I am on level 3 day 4 (so day 24) and I've done the workout every day.
    I'm afraid of feeling bad after skipping a day haha :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I did it 10 days straight, but then injured my bad wrist and couldn't do it anymore. My plan was to do 30 days straight! I'm going to start up again on level 1 this weekend!
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    i needed a few days to recoup after doing it for 3 days. I hurt SO BAD! it does get easier as you go. Move up a level when the current level is too easy for you.
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I am on level 2 right now. My plan was to do it 30 days straight but my sick children and my broke down body had other plans. LOL!!! I have taken a few days off but hope to complete the last 15 days w/o any breaks. I say listen to your body, but I will say this if you take a break it feels like starting all over at day 1. Or at least does for me. Good Luck!!!
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    I did level 1 day 4 today and planning on doing it in the 30 days. Hopefully my body will let me.

    p.s every time I do the squat punches I pretend i'm punching Jillian in the face :) makes it sooo much easier
  • abg82
    abg82 Posts: 5 Member
    I am on L3D7. I have taken a break after every 5 day mark. It will take me 35 days to complete the whole thing. I am getting great results--even with the days of rest. I find that after the day of rest I feel more energized and have more success. Good luck! I hope you'll love it as much as I do!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I started on a Monday and took Sundays off as a rest day. I did each level for 10 days.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Honestly I am so uncoordinated that I have given thought to doing level one for 30 days and then moving on to level two for 30 days and then level three for 30 days....The only problem that I can find with that is that I think I might get bored QUICK...I am on day 6 level one and this is my second try at it. I did it for three days and hurt so I quit and just went to my glider and walking and other dvd'....still not sure what I will end up doing on my eleventh day! LOL
  • katkrak
    katkrak Posts: 92
    I did 5 days of level 1, took a day off, did another 5 days of Level 1, and took another day off. I am on my 3rd day of Level 2 today, and I plan on doing the same before moving on to Level 3. I do remember being really sore for the first few days especially, but stick with it, because it does get easier. I am barely sore today, aside from my biceps (Level 2 has more bicep work in it.) I pretty much follow Anita, modified, every time, and I am seeing great results! Good luck!!
  • lauraleenaft
    Thanks everyone for your input! i got some good ideas on how i will work it now. I did like the work out...challenging,but i did feel good afterwords...i felt like i had more energy. I am hoping to stick with it and get some results!
  • lauraleenaft
    I did level 1 day 4 today and planning on doing it in the 30 days. Hopefully my body will let me.

    p.s every time I do the squat punches I pretend i'm punching Jillian in the face :) makes it sooo much easier

    That is a good idea!!!
  • lauraleenaft
    I think the butt kicks are very tough! It wore me out!
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    I am on day 3, level 3 of 30 DS & I have done each level for 10 days straight. I took a rest day in between each level so it will take me 33 days to get through it. I'm fine with it, though.