
Okay so this might be weird, but I LOVE sweating(when working out). It just gives me a feeling that yes I am working my *kitten* off and am going to see results! I know a lot of women don't like it...but I do, it makes me feel like I am accomplishing my workouts! What are your thought? like it? love it? hate it? why?


  • yeah me too!! I like to think its all the fat dripping off!! :happy:
  • haha thats a good way to think about it!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    yeah me too!! I like to think its all the fat dripping off!! :happy:

    ha ha ha

    Love it

  • eblake111
    eblake111 Posts: 66 Member
    I better break a sweat when I exercise!! lol... It doesnt bother me...but what is better than sweat during a workout is the hot hot hot shower after ;)
    Enjoy the day everyone!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Love it! It makes me feel like I worked hard. My dogs love it, too. :smile:
  • Jazzmagic
    Jazzmagic Posts: 91 Member
    Love it too but I tend to get a really sore face : ( Anyone got any suggestions to help stop it?
    I use a sweat band on my wrist to wipe my face during classes etc but it just gets so sore : ( x
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    yeah me too!! I like to think its all the fat dripping off!! :happy:

    I agree!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I became a much happier person once I convinced myself that is was okay to sweat.
  • Sweat is like a reward for all your hard work! I like it too! I just hate when I wear my glasses and get in a sweaty work out! They just slide off!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    IMO, it isn't exercise if you aren't sweating :happy:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    "Sweat is fat crying."

    -Author unknown but obviously genius!
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    sweat OMG I have sucha long way to go!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I pour sweat, unless it's yoga or something. It makes me feel great, although it's annoying when my headphones keep slipping out of my ears.
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    I like sweating too, it doesn't bother me at all I know I worked if I got sweaty. Plus I think ladies who are sweaty from exercise are super sexy.
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    "Sweat is fat crying."

    -Author unknown but obviously genius!

    I have that quote posted near my workout area. Love that quote!
  • sg1982
    sg1982 Posts: 69 Member
    Okay so this might be weird, but I LOVE sweating(when working out). It just gives me a feeling that yes I am working my *kitten* off and am going to see results! I know a lot of women don't like it...but I do, it makes me feel like I am accomplishing my workouts! What are your thought? like it? love it? hate it? why?

    So do I. But where I live is so cold....impossible sweat. Sad
  • kjbuckw
    kjbuckw Posts: 7
    Love it too but I tend to get a really sore face : ( Anyone got any suggestions to help stop it?
    I use a sweat band on my wrist to wipe my face during classes etc but it just gets so sore : ( x

    Is it possibly from something you use in your hair? I can get a dry really tight feeling around my face if I use to much hairspray. Just an idea:)
  • DJdB
    DJdB Posts: 5
    IMO, it isn't exercise if you aren't sweating :happy:

    One of my personal mottoes!!
  • I like sweating! Seriously, I think that's the only reason I enjoy running--it makes me sweat so much, and I feel like I've really accomplished something. But I DON'T like BEING sweaty around other people, not really....I sweat like a man. But anyway, I read one day (probably somewhere on MFP) that sweat is fat crying. I like the idea of that, and so I like sweating.
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    It makes me feel great, although it's annoying when my headphones keep slipping out of my ears.
    Yeah, that is bloody annoying.