New here!

Lynn995 Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone. My name is Lynn. I am 39 years old, have 2 kids, work full time, live in NY and need to lose 100 lbs. It is so hard and embarrassing to admit that but it is where I am.

I am so excited to be part of the MFP community. Reading through your success stories has given me tons of motivation and the feeling that IT CAN BE DONE! I have tried WW for years and while I think it's a good program I like MFP better so far.

My only issue so far is that on WW fruits and veggies were free. MFP counts all calories so while I know these healthy foods are still low in calories compared to other foods, it hurts to count 70 calories for a banana. But I guess in the end they are still calories and go toward total intake.

Anyway, I am glad to be part of the community and please friend me if you want! Thanks!


  • Reenie2012
    Hi Lynn,
    I just joined today and am 39 with 2 kids, work full time and probably could lose 100 lbs too! (close to it anyway!!) I have done everything in the past too and I am currently doing this somewhat on my own, so I hope this community effort thing on here helps!

    I think it is good to know someone else understands where you are coming from!

    So, I guess I need to figure out how to be your friend...looking to adding you now! :smile:
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    Welcome to you both :) Lots of support and great information here on MFP, dont be discouraged if you dont have instant took 3 weeks before i lost any weight or inches but once it started it has been steady since then.
  • soontobepittman
    Hello my name is Cindy and I just joined today. I need to loose about 20 lbs. I'm getting married in October and togther my FI and I have 4 children. Ranging in ages from 17 to 8. I work full time and I my schedule is a slpit shift. I go in at 6:15 out about 9:15 back in at 1:00 and out at 6:00. My FI works most night till 7:00. Alot of my problem started when I moved in with him and started eating dinner so late.
    So now it is "ME TIME" .... I want to get rid of the extra weight so I feel better and looking better is always a plus.
  • cschmidt45
    Hey Lynn, dont' be embarrassed. None of us are perfect and that's okay. The point is that you are now determined to be a better you. Congrats and good luck on your future weight loss. You will do it. :wink:
  • sandrahh
    sandrahh Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    I'm Sandra and I'm new also. I've done weight watchers for a few years and have tried medifast but haven't been able to make them last a lifetime. I'm hoping to lose some weight and KEEP it off. so I'm looking forward to getting some support with that through the community.
  • cherylastone1
    cherylastone1 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been on MFP for a little over a week now, and I am loving it! It sounds like we're in the same boat! I lost 78 lbs several years ago, with diet and exercise, and slowly put it ALL back on. I am determined to lose 80-90 lbs this time, and KEEP IT OFF! Looking forward to meeting more and more people on here - small world, isn't it? (Well, at least we hope we're all smaller soon!)
  • p1967
    p1967 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone, my name is sharon, I'm new to the site, I have done a few diets in the past and have lost and then put back on, I need to lose 36 lbs for a family party in May, need all the support that I can get from the site.

    Thanks :wink: