Processed Foods & Nutrition



  • lisas11222
    lisas11222 Posts: 16 Member

    "Juice fast"

    processed foods are "poisoning" our bodies

    Your message is on the right track (shoot for mostly minimally processed whole foods) but then you throw in a lot of nonsense that takes away from that message

    It doesn't take a way for me. That is HOW I got off of processed foods. And I reiterated that not everyone should/can take the route that I did to get there. Everyone will get their in their own method. I'm not sure judging how they got there is beneficial or encouraging. There was NO Fat, sick and Nearly Dead reference. And I didn't do it because of that (i hadn't even seen it). I watch a friend transform his life through a small fast. And It inspired me to. It was extremely beneficial for me. Wow. And here, I thought, people were helpful to each-other and encouraging. Suppose not. Sorry, before I posted I suppose I should have checked that "things to say" outline teachers reference.

    I think not eating processed foods has hurt your reading comprehension ability

    Precisely the type of comment back I would have expected.

    Why would you even mention Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead in response to me when I said nothing about it? And where was it said that it wasn't beneficial to you?

    But since you made the claims, how did the juice fast cleanse your body of toxins and how do you know it did that? And could you please elaborate that processed foods are poisoning out bodies?

    You had mentioned your "LOL @ Juice Fast" (apparently I'm funny), and the guy below you mentioned Fat, Sick. & Nearly dead. Both of you whom were negatively describing the method in which I cut out Grocery Store processed junk. That is how I got to the point where I am now. So that opinion, or LOL, or however you reference it, is of little concern. Because i'm in a great position now because of the methods I used. They worked for ME.

    I spent months researching juicing and its affects before I did it. In no way did I tell people to do it here, neither am I going to explain the ungodly amount of research I put into it. People should research it themselves. If you are interested, I am sure there are many outlets for you to find out. If you are doing it out of spite (which is what it seems) then explaining it is useless, also.

    There have been countless per reviewed scientific papers on the study of ingredients such as: msg, sucralose, sodium nitrate. Again. If you don't agree, that's fine. But I would say put some effort into researching it yourself before you judge.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I don't see anything wrong or judgemental with this post. If anyone feels offended by the post, then they should move on to something else.
    She is encouraging people to try foods that are not processed and more natural and sharing how she did it.

    I think it is great that people don't eat processed foods.

    In my house, we don't eat processed foods either but I would never be able to give up dairy or meat.
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    The first of this year I took myself off all processed foods, with the exception of dairy and grains. I mean, I'm not going to start making my own breads and crackers, but I do buy fresh artisan breads and organic crackers with as few ingredients as possible. The ONLY corn I eat is organic popcorn kernels, but thats just a me thing with all the GMO's. I eat almost 95% organic dairy and meat, only wild caught fresh fish, with the exception of those handy lil packs of albacore tuna. The only canned goods in my house these days are beans and tomato products. Well, ok, I guess canned pumpkin too, I use it a lot in baking in place of oil!

    It was difficult to get used to doing things this way, but I've learned to manage both my time and my kitchen differently. I'll spend about an hour slicing veggies and weighing meats when I get home from the grocery, or when time allows. This way my exact portion sizes are all prepped and ready. I've now got my system and it's working out fine for me.

    I noticed about 2 weeks into this change that I really felt fantastic! I have more energy, I feel like my brain is functioning better, My hair, skin and nails are healthier, so much so that I cut my hair way short at the end of Jan just to get rid of that "dead weight". Not weight really, just the new growth was so much healthier, I wanted the old stuff gone! My house is always tidy and I'm much happier and more content with my life and all it took was changing what I ate. Amazing.

    And that is what has led me here. Now that I'm used to eating fresh unprocessed foods, I feel strong enough to start changing how I prepare those foods and portion sizes. I feel confident in my personal challenge to lose weight, and to exercise more. I'm 45 years old and I have no desire to have rock hard abs, but I can be more fit and more toned than I am now so that my body is healthier. I have a size that I would like to be, not a weight as I've always weighed more than I look like I do. So I'd like to get down to a size 8, which would put me around 160#. Currently I'm at 188, or at least I was last Friday.

    So that's my story :flowerforyou:
  • darcy7447
    In defense of us processed food eaters - I believe and agree that whole foods are the way to go and do a lot of cooking myself. I took a left over fajita meal to work today for lunch and it was delicious and all whole foods - chicken, peppers, onions, beans, etc. BUT, I do have days when I don't have time to do the prep work that I should or don't have the energy - I am a wife and working mother of four. Sometimes I pack a lean cuisine so I can monitor my calories and it is quick and easy. I guess I believe everything in moderation. I would rather eat a lean cuisine rather than go through a drive through or eat something that blows my calories for the day. Just my two cents. :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Just be careful... I juice and when at home eat a minimally processed diet (travel a lot) but one thing I've noticed about the ladies in my organic veggie co-op is that they're all rather spacey and frail. I don't get the sense they can handle the type of work and travel I do, and I'm not sure if it's the strict vegan diets or what but you get the sense they're all floating through this life.

    I will give it to them tha they're all much thinner than me. lol.

    Check out for more on this.
  • lisas11222
    lisas11222 Posts: 16 Member
    The first of this year I took myself off all processed foods, with the exception of dairy and grains. I mean, I'm not going to start making my own breads and crackers, but I do buy fresh artisan breads and organic crackers with as few ingredients as possible. The ONLY corn I eat is organic popcorn kernels, but thats just a me thing with all the GMO's. I eat almost 95% organic dairy and meat, only wild caught fresh fish, with the exception of those handy lil packs of albacore tuna. The only canned goods in my house these days are beans and tomato products. Well, ok, I guess canned pumpkin too, I use it a lot in baking in place of oil!

    It was difficult to get used to doing things this way, but I've learned to manage both my time and my kitchen differently. I'll spend about an hour slicing veggies and weighing meats when I get home from the grocery, or when time allows. This way my exact portion sizes are all prepped and ready. I've now got my system and it's working out fine for me.

    I noticed about 2 weeks into this change that I really felt fantastic! I have more energy, I feel like my brain is functioning better, My hair, skin and nails are healthier, so much so that I cut my hair way short at the end of Jan just to get rid of that "dead weight". Not weight really, just the new growth was so much healthier, I wanted the old stuff gone! My house is always tidy and I'm much happier and more content with my life and all it took was changing what I ate. Amazing.

    And that is what has led me here. Now that I'm used to eating fresh unprocessed foods, I feel strong enough to start changing how I prepare those foods and portion sizes. I feel confident in my personal challenge to lose weight, and to exercise more. I'm 45 years old and I have no desire to have rock hard abs, but I can be more fit and more toned than I am now so that my body is healthier. I have a size that I would like to be, not a weight as I've always weighed more than I look like I do. So I'd like to get down to a size 8, which would put me around 160#. Currently I'm at 188, or at least I was last Friday.

    So that's my story :flowerforyou:

    And your story is an awesome one .Glad to hear you are feeling better after cutting them out! That, again, is the greatest thing I hear. How much better people feel. Keep up the good work!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You had mentioned your "LOL @ Juice Fast" (apparently I'm funny), and the guy below you mentioned Fat, Sick. & Nearly dead. Both of you whom were negatively describing the method in which I cut out Grocery Store processed junk. That is how I got to the point where I am now. So that opinion, or LOL, or however you reference it, is of little concern. Because i'm in a great position now because of the methods I used. They worked for ME.

    I spent months researching juicing and its affects before I did it. In no way did I tell people to do it here, neither am I going to explain the ungodly amount of research I put into it. People should research it themselves. If you are interested, I am sure there are many outlets for you to find out. If you are doing it out of spite (which is what it seems) then explaining it is useless, also.

    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    There have been countless per reviewed scientific papers on the study of ingredients such as: msg, sucralose, sodium nitrate. Again. If you don't agree, that's fine. But I would say put some effort into researching it yourself before you judge.

    I have researched it, but you made the claim so the burden of proof is on the claim maker. Let's talk MSG, can you tell me how the body processes it differently then naturally occurring glutamate found in food, and if there is a difference why it is so bad?
  • lisas11222
    lisas11222 Posts: 16 Member
    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    I really have no interest any longer in feeding the troll. I have had a lot of great feedback here and in my mailbox. People can agree or disagree. That is, of course, of their own regard.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    This is like having a conversation with someone about religion or greenhouse gases. And I refuse to do that.

    Enjoy your day.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    You're right you don't, but maybe you should stop making stuff up, if you don't want to substantiate your claims
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    I really have no interest any longer in feeding the troll. I have had a lot of great feedback here and in my mailbox. People can agree or disagree. That is, of course, of their own regard.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    This is like having a conversation with someone about religion or greenhouse gases. And I refuse to do that.

    Enjoy your day.

    You should try to ignore this poster. He is always doing similar posts on issues related to eating unprocessed foods, juicing, etc.
    I agree with you that you don't have anything to prove to anyone. If someone doesn't agree, state that and move on, don't keep on posting on a thread that you disagree with so much.
    I am sure you will see a couple other posters coming and making the "LOL" comments. You should ignore them too as all they like to do is tell you how are wrong and they are not.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    I really have no interest any longer in feeding the troll. I have had a lot of great feedback here and in my mailbox. People can agree or disagree. That is, of course, of their own regard.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    This is like having a conversation with someone about religion or greenhouse gases. And I refuse to do that.

    Enjoy your day.

    You should try to ignore this poster. He is always doing similar posts on issues related to eating unprocessed foods, juicing, etc.
    I agree with you that you don't have anything to prove to anyone. If someone doesn't agree, state that and move on, don't keep on posting on a thread that you disagree with so much.
    I am sure you will see a couple other posters coming and making the "LOL" comments. You should ignore them too as all they like to do is tell you how are wrong and they are not.
    Yes...just bury your head in the sand and don't listen to opposing views. :huh:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    I really have no interest any longer in feeding the troll. I have had a lot of great feedback here and in my mailbox. People can agree or disagree. That is, of course, of their own regard.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    This is like having a conversation with someone about religion or greenhouse gases. And I refuse to do that.

    Enjoy your day.

    You should try to ignore this poster. He is always doing similar posts on issues related to eating unprocessed foods, juicing, etc.
    I agree with you that you don't have anything to prove to anyone. If someone doesn't agree, state that and move on, don't keep on posting on a thread that you disagree with so much.
    I am sure you will see a couple other posters coming and making the "LOL" comments. You should ignore them too as all they like to do is tell you how are wrong and they are not.
    Yes...just bury your head in the sand and don't listen to opposing views. :huh:

    When did you present an opposing view? Seems to me like you were just trying to attack and make fun of someone you didn't agree with. You never put forth any information of your own. TROLL.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    And your research lead you to beleive that you could de tox your system by a juice fast?, hence the lol

    I really have no interest any longer in feeding the troll. I have had a lot of great feedback here and in my mailbox. People can agree or disagree. That is, of course, of their own regard.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. I have done months of research on my own. That is something everyone should do before they involve themselves in any drastic, albeit even 8 days, change in diet.

    This is like having a conversation with someone about religion or greenhouse gases. And I refuse to do that.

    Enjoy your day.

    You should try to ignore this poster. He is always doing similar posts on issues related to eating unprocessed foods, juicing, etc.
    I agree with you that you don't have anything to prove to anyone. If someone doesn't agree, state that and move on, don't keep on posting on a thread that you disagree with so much.
    I am sure you will see a couple other posters coming and making the "LOL" comments. You should ignore them too as all they like to do is tell you how are wrong and they are not.
    Yes...just bury your head in the sand and don't listen to opposing views. :huh:

    When did you present an opposing view? Seems to me like you were just trying to attack and make fun of someone you didn't agree with. You never put forth any information of your own. TROLL.
    Oh, cute, let's resort to petty name calling. That is quite mature and I'm sure your mother would be proud.

    The point is...processed foods is a highly subjective term....most food items can be considered processed by the definition of the word. Trying to cut out entire food groups is also quite silly.

    Too bad you only participated to add your troll accusation. Looks like you're the troll, champ.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Just be careful... I juice and when at home eat a minimally processed diet (travel a lot) but one thing I've noticed about the ladies in my organic veggie co-op is that they're all rather spacey and frail. I don't get the sense they can handle the type of work and travel I do, and I'm not sure if it's the strict vegan diets or what but you get the sense they're all floating through this life.

    I will give it to them tha they're all much thinner than me. lol.

    Check out for more on this.

    This is quality input here. Seriously. And many of the ogrgani-nazis are the same way ... thin but frail. No thanks. Not really for me.

    And what is cool whip made of? I have no clue. But it is awesome. And will continue to top my pie. Oh, and I will keep losing weight and getting healthier.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    You should try to ignore this poster. He is always doing similar posts on issues related to eating unprocessed foods, juicing, etc.
    I agree with you that you don't have anything to prove to anyone. If someone doesn't agree, state that and move on, don't keep on posting on a thread that you disagree with so much.
    I am sure you will see a couple other posters coming and making the "LOL" comments. You should ignore them too as all they like to do is tell you how are wrong and they are not.

    Burden of proof is on the claim maker, if you want to claim you cleansed your body of toxins by juice fast or that processed foods are poisons, then simply be prepared should someone question the legitimacy of such claims
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Juice - none of the fiber, all the sugar!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't believe all processed foods are bad. Sure whole natural foods are best, but there are healthy processed foods out there. You just have to get good at reading labels and not rely on them for your whole diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Using a mechanical device to alter the food from its original state sounds like processing to me.
    Ding ding. Why not just eat the fruit or vegetable whole?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I don't think you can drink water, then, either, actually.

    bottled water must be considered processed. it goes through treatment, has chemicals and minerals added, and is then packaged for mass distribution. for that matter, tap water has additives, too, post-treatment. so that's out. guess you could drink right out of the stream if you've got one close. course, then there's that whole giardia thing to worry about ...
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't think you can drink water, then, either, actually.

    bottled water must be considered processed. it goes through treatment, has chemicals and minerals added, and is then packaged for mass distribution. for that matter, tap water has additives, too, post-treatment. so that's out. guess you could drink right out of the stream if you've got one close. course, then there's that whole giardia thing to worry about ...

    Preferably a stream under a rainbow!