Can't stay motivated when the weight isn't coming off!



  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i didnt lose anything my first few middle of week 3 i def could see where i had lost inches , i stepped up the excercise a notch and now i am losing at a steady and healthy pace.
    bottom line though, even if i had moved the scale at all i was still eating better and making my body stronger with excercise so that has to a good thing :)
    hang in there and it will happen for you when your body has adjusted to the new changes.
  • jna1957
    jna1957 Posts: 53
    hang in there - when I started on my journey I went almost two weeks without losing weight. I felt my body changing and eventually lost inches before any weight.
  • 9kilos2loose
    I agree with what everyone has written on here. It takes my body a week or 2 to reflect any changes I've made to my diet so hang in there. It will show on the scales eventually but you have to keep going and not get disheartened.
  • Brevans04
    Brevans04 Posts: 18
    Agreed, hang in there. I had a baby 5 months ago and swore to my fiance the baby weight would be off in 6 months. psshhh Ive lost 15 pounds with 25 to go, the last few weeks ive lowered my calories and uped my strength training. There hasnt been any movement on the scale but my bras fit better in the back area and I went down a pants size. The scale can be your enemy, get a good one that measures body fat % and water weight, it makes you feel alot better when you see the body fat fall off.
  • piratetink
    piratetink Posts: 46 Member
    Great replies here with lots of motivation to keep going!!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I am trying my very hardest to stick to my Curves Meal Plan and I haven't lost a pound with the first week. I just feel so defeated right now. I am looking to add people who want encouragement as much as I need it.

    You are gaining muscle which weights more then fat. Just measure your self and track these numbers more then the number on the scale.

    Give it time and you will see a change in your body. Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sooloo66
    sooloo66 Posts: 16 Member
    Your post completely hit home with me. I just started back last week on this site, did everything right and lost a whopping 0.4 lbs. I was so peeved when I got off the scale, I thought about throwing it out the window. Then I calmed down, laughed it off, and got on the treadmill. I'll show that scale one of these days:tongue:
    Until then, I am logging in here every day to stay motivated and I'd love to have you add me as a friend so we can share our eventual successes.