


  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I'll give up my coffee when you take it from my cold, dead hands.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Where do you get your soy white chocolate mocha from? Some coffee shops have a light option, its just less chocolate.. but it's just as good.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    Thank you for all the great suggestions! I have such a problem because I am lactose intolerant so all those yummy creamers at the store are off limits! I am going to try not going through the drive through for the next couple months and if I crave coffee or something sweet (which probably more accurately describes what it is i'm feeling) I will pick a small low calorie something or other, maybe flavored sparkling water..??
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    i agree with everyone who suggests you try some lower calorie coffee options.
    A small amount of caffeine is good for boosting your metabolism.
    I drink coffee in some form every day.

    Since getting into roasting and grinding my own beans at home, which i must say is 100% better than anything else, i now drink an expresso shot in the morning. I'd never do that though with beans that weren't completely fresh.

    So the rest of the time I just have skim milk cappuccinos which depending on the size of the cup are anywhere from 50-100 cals.

    It just takes time to wean yourself off added sugar. Gradually cut back, until you eventually won't even like the taste of coffee with sugar in it.

    But ultimately if you want the high calorie coffee drink, just make sure you workout a bit more, or eat less during the day as you would for any other special high calorie treat.

    However i highly recommend putting in the time to learn to enjoy coffee in lower calorie forms. It is an acquired taste. And the other benefit of caffeine is that it is a hunger suppressant. :)
  • I use almond milk in my coffee with a little Truvia sweetener if I get a coffee craving - but what really helps me is my "day off." One day a week I allow myself those special treats. It keeps me on track the other 6 days!
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    I was a Venti White Mocha girl! Then I saw they pack 600 calories! UGH. I now love to treat myself to a Skinny Caramel Latte and it hits the spot.
    I am an avid coffee drinker. Everyday. I usually have regular coffee with a good flavored creamer and I am good to go.
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    Thank you for all the great suggestions! I have such a problem because I am lactose intolerant so all those yummy creamers at the store are off limits! I am going to try not going through the drive through for the next couple months and if I crave coffee or something sweet (which probably more accurately describes what it is i'm feeling) I will pick a small low calorie something or other, maybe flavored sparkling water..??

    use the flavored coffee and then add your soy milk to that. i use caramel , vanilla, hazlenut, chocolate, coconut flavor coffee ground to help cut the calories and still have my coffee fix :)
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    Thank you for all the great suggestions! I have such a problem because I am lactose intolerant so all those yummy creamers at the store are off limits! I am going to try not going through the drive through for the next couple months and if I crave coffee or something sweet (which probably more accurately describes what it is i'm feeling) I will pick a small low calorie something or other, maybe flavored sparkling water..??

    use the flavored coffee and then add your soy milk to that. i use caramel , vanilla, hazlenut, chocolate, coconut flavor coffee ground to help cut the calories and still have my coffee fix :)

    Brilliant-I will try this, thank you!
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Depends on what you are actually craving, the coffee itself or the sweetness that comes with all of the cream and sugar.

    If you want the coffee and the kick that comes with it, drink it black. Only 2 calories
    If you want the sweetness, I recommend something else like dark chocolate (small amount) or chocolate milk. The cream and sugar in coffee, especially at places like Starbucks, can get out of hand quickly.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    for $15 you can buy an espresso maker at IKEA like the kind you had to go backpacking through Europe to get (I'm only halfway kidding, the only people I knew that had them had done that, lucky *kitten*). Anyway, it works on your stove. Buy GOOD coffee that is already ground to espresso ground fineness. (unless you have a bunch of money for a really good grinder, grinding it that fine will ruin your grinder and stop it up and generally make you angry before you've had your coffee and can deal with it, just don't buy more than a week or two's worth at a time) Then buy your favorite non-milk milk. Buy some chocolate chips or some white chocolate chips. Mini kind are the best. Make the espresso. Put some chocolate chips in a small amount of your milk and heat them in the microwave and then pull it out and mix it as well as you can. heat and mix until its pretty well combined and then add the appropriate amount of your milk and heat it again. By now your espresso is making that wonderful SHOO OOO SCHOOO sound that signifies happiness is near at hand. put your chocolated milk and your espress in a cup and enjoy.

    Now. Here's the key. Slowly wean yourself to less chocolate and maybe even less milk. If you do this with nonfat milk (I know YOU can't, sorry), and you froth it enough with the little battery operated frother thing they sell right next to the espresso pot, you can get some of the mouth-feel of cream out of non-fat or 1% milk. Sometimes its a craving for the consistency of food. You can wean yourself and your treat away from 400 cals to much much less, plus you'll approach being a respectable coffee drinker.

    Bonus: I you use whey protein, I've found that vanilla protein powder from body fortress in water or milk (depending on cals and protein needs for the day) NOT heated (protein powder can get icky and gloppy when heated) with espresso added directly and mixed quickly so it doesn't heat any portion of the protein too much, can be a passable approximation of a vanilla latte. It even makes a froth at the top.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Should've said that you can also buy those flavor syrups and that's fine I guess. But if you want it low calorie, then you have to buy those sugar-free syrups. In my opinion those things, and especially the sugar free ones just make my coffee taste like chemical butt, and ruin good coffee. If you aren't of the same opinion about syrups as me that is an option.

    Also, I think the coffee mates are all non-dairy, so maybe you CAN do them. I tend to think they often taste like the paragraph above. But half and half makes me happy. And straight cream has almost no lactose in it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I can't stand sweet coffee, so I may not be too much help, but maybe just some black coffee with a dash of fat free milk and a bit of sugar-substitute could help?
  • lyn611
    lyn611 Posts: 7
    On Dr. Oz he said the following about coffee options:

    Dr Oz: Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Light

    Enjoy a tall size for only 110 calories and 1 gram of fat. This coffee will help you feel full longer but without all the calories. Agatha tried it and stated it was good. It had a chocolate-y taste.

    Dr Oz: McDonald’s McCafe Caramel Mocha

    This delicious alternative has only 175 calories and 3 grams of fat for a small. Use ½ skim milk and ½ whole milk to drop even more calories.

    Dr Oz: Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee with Turbo Shot

    This coffee has only 35 calories and 1 g fat. Add more sweetness with Stevia (sugar substitute). This coffee comes with a shot of espresso to give you more energy.

    Dr Oz: Au Bon Pain Cappuccino

    This coffee contains only 120 calories and 7 grams of fat for a small. Add Stevia for a little more sweetness.

    Hope this helps you - I know I still splerge on a coffee 1 day per week, if I do it more than one I add in extra work out time.

  • sarahd150
    sarahd150 Posts: 17 Member
    I like to buy silk dark chocolate almond milk, mix 1/2 cup in with my coffee...dairy-free, and won't break the calorie bank.
  • AuntieGuppy
    AuntieGuppy Posts: 5 Member