Frankly my dear...

MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
Frankly my dear I dont give a damn..... Love this line from gone with the wind.... whats your favorite line and from what movie???


  • Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? From what a girl wants
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    *We're women. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it......... From sliding doors!! love
  • FionaNiConnor
    FionaNiConnor Posts: 90 Member
    '"It's called a 'lance!' Helloooo!"

    -A Knight's Tale. (Oh, Heath.)
  • That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the **** up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence. ~Mia~ PULP FICTION
  • codycisco
    codycisco Posts: 62
    "I'll be your huckleberry" Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday in Tombstone
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Silly... but..* You have no power over me......*. Labyrinth...and * You shall not pass!* Lord of the Rings... don't remember which one......know it may sound a lil' strange...but I always remember those lines when I'm praying for
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Pretty much anything from Monty Python

    It's just a flesh wound

    No singing!

    Every sperm is sacred
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    If you're not first you're last (Talledaga nights) love this movie..
  • EmilyMae12
    EmilyMae12 Posts: 61 Member
    "Past is present when you carry it with you" Sybil
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    HAHA love this!!!
    That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the **** up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence. ~Mia~ PULP FICTION
  • sedelagarza
    sedelagarza Posts: 96 Member
    I'm in a glass case of emotion- anchor man oh and El nachooooooooooooooo- nacho libre
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    "We need a bigger boat."
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    Nice Guy Eddie: "Excuse me, Mr. Pink, but I think the last f**king thing you need is another cup of coffee." Reservoir Dogs
  • '"It's called a 'lance!' Helloooo!"

    -A Knight's Tale. (Oh, Heath.)

    Seriously one of my favorite movies ever!!
    I drive my kids crazy watching it!
  • "My friends, you bow to no man" Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
  • Some are born great,
    some achieve greatness
    and some have greatness thrust upon them

    She's The Man
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    It's not my favorite movie, but Will Ferrell is just so hilarious as Ron Burgundy!

    - I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

    - I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

    - Ron Burgundy [to waiter] I'll have three fingers of Glenlivet, with a little bit of pepper... and some cheese.
  • EmilyMae12
    EmilyMae12 Posts: 61 Member
    Veronica- "All we want is to be treated like human beings, not to be experimented on like guinea pigs or patronized like bunny rabbits. "

    Dad- " I don't patronize bunny rabbits"

    from Heathers, one of my favorite movies.
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    It wasn't said - but it was written in the front of his copy of "Tom "Sawyer" by Clarence the angel:
    "Remember, George, no man is a failure who has friends."

    From "It's a Wonderful Life". It's my absolute favorite movie.

    :drinker: :
  • phillips9366
    phillips9366 Posts: 19 Member
    Why would you post something so oddly unrelated to myfitnesspal on myfitnesspal?