Just Dance 2



  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I just used this for 45 minutes and used my HRM while using the Just Sweat mode. I got 2500 or so sweat points. My HRM showed I burned 270 calories. So I really wouldn't use the game's points as your calorie count.

    It is still a great burn (since I'm pretty tiny, I don't burn many calories) and this burned more calories than my intense cardio interval workout and it was a lot more fun!

    I realize that this is an older post, but I was looking for a calorie-converter, and based on this, I think it would be safe to guesstimate (if you're like me and you aren't anal about "exact" amount of calories burned) that 10 sweat points = 1 calorie. I'm going to input this into the system using this method.


    I think that 10 points = 1 calorie is a good estimate for calorie burn. This game truely does burn the calories. I absolutely love it!
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Hi i love the idea of this game i don't have a Wii any more is there a different game for ps2 or dvd similar?
    I do have a ministry of sound pump it up dvd but my co-ordination is terrible lol and i find some of it hard to follow! Any ideas?

    I looked online and couldn't locate it in any other form but Wii, XBox Kinect and PS3. The game itself is worth purchasing the Wii, in my opion. I get a great burn out of the games I play on the Wii.
  • harleyquinn1504
    harleyquinn1504 Posts: 45 Member
    I just got Dance Central for the Xbox Kinect. Its pretty awesome as well. I did play Just Dance2, at my in law's house during the holidays which is why I bought Dance Central to begin with. I do like the Kinect version better, just because I dont have to hold the remote and it seems to track your whole bodies movement. But both are still pretty awesome. The Michael Jackson Experience is pretty cool too.
  • We saw the New Year in dancing to Just Dance 2. Much better songs than the original. Great Fun and I'm really enjoying my exercise routine.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I did some research on Nintendo and other places and found that for every 4.2 sweat drops, you burn 1 calorie. So you take the sweat drops divide by 4.2 and you get a rough idea on how many calories burned.

    You should use a HRM to be exact, but if you don't have one, this gives you a ballpark figure.
  • I don't think that it can possibly be 4.2 points per cal for everyone, as I have burned 4800 sweat points in 45 minutes and there is no way I burned over a 1000 cals, I think 10 points per cal is a much more realistic for someone in my weight range which is 131 pounds. I guess you will burn more the heavier you are though? Like you say a hrm would be the safest bet.
  • Well, i've done the workout and it has been awesome. I've never felt better and it beats the treadmill. Anyone know of a good cleanse?
  • arocky1
    arocky1 Posts: 1 Member
    Using a hrm, I am burning 4.9 calories per point. I love it!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I just bought this and did it tonight because I was so excited to try it out. I did 30 minutes worth and burned about 1000 sweat points. I'm 215lbs so I'm probably closer to the 4.2 sweat point conversion. I'll have to get a HRM to be sure.
  • if you actually get into the dance and do what they do on the screen you burn more, because the controller only picks up the arm movements that you do, not your whole body.
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    OMG!!! O-M-G!! This new Just Dance works your bootay off. It takes me a while to start sweating but this got me going pretty quickly. My heart rate was up by the middle of the first song and I love the "Just Sweat" mode. Oh, and did mention it evens logs your calories burned. I did 5 songs and burned over 800 calories. I tell you that dancing makes me a lot happier than running on a treadmil! I will keep everyone updated as to how the weight comes off. Wish me luck because if this works I won't be going back to the "BORING" gym for the treadmil anylonger!! Plus, it has Proud Mary and that will make you really enjoy your workout!!

    I do Just Dance 2 like 5 days a week, but I don't think that the burn reflects actual calories. It is measured it "Sweat" not calories, I log it on here as aerobic dance, ballet or twist.
  • A lot of fitness blogs said that 4.2 sweat points equals a calorie as long as you're actually doing the moves.
  • vixter240
    vixter240 Posts: 1
    I did 7 songs to reach 2000. I'm on 1200 calories a day, I don't think I burned more calories than I ate, so I had to do some research. This is the answer I found... Every time you get 4.2 sweat points, you burn one calorie, so use a calculator and you can instantly know how many calories you burned. The game may also tell you how many calories you burned.

    So I burned around 475 calories in about 45 minutes. Absolutely better than going to the gym! :flowerforyou:
  • I just got Just Dance 3 yesterday! Can anyone tell me where it tells you how many calories you burned!? Thank you!!
  • http://www.wiifitnessandgaming.com/2011/07/just-dance-sweat-points.html
    There is your sweat point to calorie conversion! :)
    Awesome game! Tons of fun! and doesn't take much time to burn a ton of calories. Zumba is also a great dance one if you haven't tried that already.
    Just dance 1 was ok but i would definitely recommend just dance 2 and 3
  • I just got Just Dance 3 yesterday! Can anyone tell me where it tells you how many calories you burned!? Thank you!!

    If you log a profile in the Just Sweat portion of the game it tracks your calories and will create an ongoing diary for you! :) I LOVE this series of games. I own every single one and they are a blast! Most exercise programs get boring after a few times but I can play this for an hour easily and not get bored! <3 it!
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    very interesting read, going to go on my just dance 2 tonight
  • I hate to change topics but...

    I also use the JD line of games to burn calories and increase my metabolic rate.

    If you are looking for a way to track progress there is a game for the Wii called EA Active 2. It comes wit 2 monitors and you can pick your program settings and strength of work out. It also tracks your heart rate while you work out.

    In about 19 mins, my friend burned about 130 calories. It's a great program that has a warm up, workout and cool down. I think it's worth a look if you are trying to burn and get an all over work out. EA Active 2 tracks with the leg and arm monitor so that you HAVE to move you entire body to get results.
  • jaimiegreene
    jaimiegreene Posts: 1 Member
    Ok so I really wanted to know about the sweat points so I did a little - not a lot - of online research and this is the best answer that I came up with. This is the link I found this information at.http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art175545.asp
    What I really liked about this one is that she explains that 1000 sweat points is equal to a walk across central park which is equal to 4.2 sweat points = 1 calorie.

    Just Dance 3 Wii Calories Sweat Points

    Many people who play Just Dance 3 on the Wii are interested in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. Just what are the sweat points that the game registers, and how do they relate to calories?

    It's important to note that you can't just track "an hour of dancing" to get a good measure of how many calories you're burning. Some songs, like "Something Stupid" are extremely slow and barely burn 50 sweat points. If you played that over and over again for an hour you'd only burn a few calories. However, other songs like "Jamaican Dance" are quite lively and I can easily burn 500 sweat points a pop doing that one. You crank up the calories very quickly doing that.

    It's also important to note that the calories you burn are highly dependent on your weight and energy output. If you're a thin person and barely move on Jamaican Dance you'll only burn a few calories. If you're a quite heavy person and pour your heart and soul into the dance, you'll burn a ton of them.

    The equivalent to take sweat points and turn them into calories seems to be, after some runs with my various tracking equipment, about 4.2:1. That is, you take the sweat points, divide by 4.2, and get your resulting calories. So if you did a song and burned 420 sweat points, that would be 100 calories.

    Now, interestingly, 1 calorie is equal to 4.2 kilojoules. In many non-US countries, the kilojoule is how they count energy instead of with calories. It's similar to some people measuring length in feet and others measuring it in meters. So sweat points are a legitimate measurement for much of the world.

    As you rack up your sweat points in a given session, you can get some fun encouraging messages along the way!

    1,000 sweat points reached
    Good Start! You've just walked across Central Park.
    Note: Central Park in New York City is about 2.6 miles across. You burn between 100-200 calories walking a mile depending on your speed and weight. The 4.2 calculation has this come in at 238 calories, so you were walking at quite a clip on your park jaunt!

    2,000 sweat points reached
    Well done! You've just run 10 rounds of the Wembley Stadium
    Note: I looked at the Wembley Stadium website and they say their circumference is 1k, so that is a 10k run. I'm finding sites that say a 10k burns 600-800 calories. With our 4.2 calculation we get 476 calories - so maybe what the game means is we ran around on the inside field, not around the circumference.

    3,000 sweat points reached
    Impressive! You've just climbed all the steps of the Eiffel Tower
    Note: The Eiffel Tower in Paris and has about 1700 steps from bottom to top. You burn on average 0.1 calories per step - so I'm not sure this makes sense. It would only be 170 calories. The 4.2 calculation gives us 714 calories. That's a huge difference. I'm not sure why they were so off on this one.

    4,000 sweat points - no message!
    952 calories

    5,000 sweat points reached
    Awesome! You've just swum across the Nile River!
    Note: The average width of the Nile River is 5 miles. You burn about 300 calories a mile, so that's 1500 calories total. Using our 4.2 conversion, that's 1190 calories. So a fairly big difference. Maybe they think we're swimming at a narrow point :)

    6,000 sweat points - no message!
    1,429 calories

    7,000 sweat points - no message!
    1,667 calories

    8,000 sweat points - no message!
    1,904 calories

    9,000 sweat points - no message!
    2,143 calories

    10,000 sweat points reached
    Epic Win! You've just hiked the Great Wall of China!
    This took me over 2 hours of dancing the high-point songs to reach.
  • I used this in a roundabout way today...I teach elementary music, and my kids had indoor recess today so I knew my afternoon classes were going to be *really* squirrely and itching to move. So I hit up YouTube and found a couple of Just Dance clips, and my kids and I danced to them on the screen. They LOVED it! A bunch of them have the game so they were familiar with it, and the ones who didn't picked up on it really quickly. I think the best part of my day was watching a class full of kindergartners singing and dancing to "Who Let the Dogs Out." They got to do some moving to music, and I got my cardio for the day dancing with them!
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