Ladies, how many don't log weight during TOM?

Just wondering, I like to skip this week and wait until the week after once the couple extra pounds of water weight disappear.


  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    I don't count those weight. I weighed today, day 2 of TOM and regretted it. I'm up 2 lbs. We will see what next week shows. I will log that weight.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I don't even WEIGH during TOM. Not worth it - I'm up 2 or 3 pounds and it's not real so why even bother with it. Back on the scale 48 hours after it's over and not until.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I don't log, but I jump on my scale every day just for kicks. It's weird seeing myself gain and lose 8 pounds in a day, but I know how my body works so it doesn't bother me :] What matters is how I look in the mirror. I'll wait 1.5 weeks and then log in my weight.
  • idateacher2
    idateacher2 Posts: 5 Member
    I usually cannot seem to lose a pound the week before TOM, consider it successful if I do not post a gain by day 1 of TOM, and by the end of TOM I lose 3-5 pounds I really like the report function on the site for progress- the line graph shows a clear pattern. Makes it easier to not beat myself up the week before TOM :)
  • scthomas01
    scthomas01 Posts: 17 Member
    i never weigh during that time!! i'm always up 3-4 lbs!!