If I already hurt.... God help me tomorrow, Need help.



  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    Make sure if you stretch that you do it AFTER your bath, so your muscles will be all warm and pliable haha. I've also heard good things about bananas after a workout...the potassium possibly? And like others have said, make sure you do some light activity tomorrow..even just a slow walk..it'll help so much!
  • jickalina
    jickalina Posts: 43 Member
    Potassium too, if I've read the research correctly. eat bananas and coconut milk. both super high in potassium. That and plenty of water and stretching!
  • enveti
    enveti Posts: 8 Member
    Advil every four hours and "Icy Hot".
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Make sure if you stretch that you do it AFTER your bath, so your muscles will be all warm and pliable haha. I've also heard good things about bananas after a workout...the potassium possibly? And like others have said, make sure you do some light activity tomorrow..even just a slow walk..it'll help so much!

    Cool.... I was just about to make a banana smoothie!
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    Definitely take something & that bath should help. Make sure to keep moving. if you sit still you will feel worse (not necessarily exercise, but definitely dont veg out on the couch too long). lastly, take something before your next class. it will help with the soreness some. kudos for starting to workout. the soreness is a good sign and will lessen with each workout! keep up the good work!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Ha! I was right where you are at last week.

    Do you have a rolling pin? If you do, roll it over your sore muscles. They make commercial 'sticks' just for this purpose. You might want to invest in one if you're' going to keep at kettlebells and/or running. I love my stick!

    I promise that one day you will be able to sit down on the toilet without having a tear drip down your face and you'll be able to pick up something you've dropped on the floor. Not tomorrow, but one day. :)
  • Soak as long as you can in the hottest water possible, and I second the aleve or motrin. Both together really seem to minimize the next day aching, compared to how bad I'm feeling the evening of.

    I'm not sure if you meant take Aleve and Motrin together, but that's really a bad idea, too much NSAID's is bad for your stomach. If you meant hot bath+ aleve (or motrin) then by all means go for it! Also, I've found epsom salts in the hot bath helps as well as taking fish oil a couple times a day.
  • Protein. Since I've started having a protein shake after big workouts I've noticed a lot less soreness.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Hot baths after muscle workouts are definitely a good plan. They loosen up the muscles so they don't get all tight later. Also stretching is extremely important. I also recommend doing some purposeful light exercises the next day, walking around, stretching, that kind of stuff, to really keep it loose. If you don't stretch and do light exercises you'll tighten up like crazy and it totally hurts.

    I purchased P90X a while back and they have this "recovery drink" that you take within an hour after muscle workouts, and I gotta say, I feel WAY better the next day if I have some of that after a muscle workout. It really just consists of a good combination of vitamins and minerals that help your muscles heal faster so you can be ready for your next workout sooner. Great stuff, I recommend it.

    Most of all, though, I recommend letting the soreness really PUMP YOU UP. If you are SORE, that means you are doing it RIGHT. If you weren't sore then you didn't work out enough. Your soreness means you are making progress. Whatever you can do in your workout is awesome. Don't start thinking "Oh, but I could have done more" or "Man, that other guy can do so many more than me," you gotta be proud of what YOU accomplished, big or small. Keep up the good work!
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't forget to eat something packed with protein after workouts. It will help rebuild muscle. Also, keep moving. You are going to be in sooooo much pain in the morning but keep moving. You might think its counter-productive but doing another exercise the next day will cut down on the soreness. I've noticed that when I just start workouts and I'm sore, if I workout again the next day then my soreness isn't as bad (that's just my experience though). Hydrate.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Advil, lots of water and go to bed early tonight if you can. Good luck!
  • iaemmy
    iaemmy Posts: 13 Member
    A hot shower, lots of water to drink, and Bio Freeze.
  • kal006
    kal006 Posts: 1
    Drink a lot of water....it will dilute the lactic acid that has built up in your muscles and that is what is making you sore...make sure you have your full 8 glasses today and tomorrow, it won't absolve the pain but it will lessen it and the stiffness and make it go away faster. Also, stretch when your muscles are warm like after the shower or a workout and keep working out. It will help to move everything out and allow the muscles to heal. If you are really sore you MIGHT have overworked yourself, so be careful until your muscles heal, you don't want to tear them. Other then that, keep doing want you're doing.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    did you do too much weight? I do kettlebells, I'm a girl & a Grandma - tho I can 'feel' it, it doesn't cause me pain. try alternating ice & heat. I KNOW the idea of icing your body doesn't sound pleasant but you'll be surprised how good it feels. and ibuprofen, of course. glass of wine wouldn't hurt either ;-)
  • Two Words: Foam Roller.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    totally know how you feel...I went to qork after one one time, 3rd shift and I never ever ever did it again, but I love the bell for sure.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Ibuprofen, tons of water, make good friends with a foam roller (it will hurt but it will help!) and don't quit! You will acclimate and feel like a badass in no time!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Have a stock of epsom salt available at all times. Run the water hot and mix in 2-3 cups of salt, depending on the amount of water. It feels amazing for sore muscles and helps aleviate swelling from water retention, just make sure you keep hydrated. It helps with my knees and back a lot.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    Two Words: Foam Roller.
    woooohooo i have one of those
  • Two Words: Foam Roller.

    YES. amen.