Eating after 8pm...?



  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Of course not, I'm guessing you changed caloric intake and not just eating times? Couple that with your exercise and you have the answer to your weightloss, not the fact that you don't eat just before bed time.

    Yup I adjusted caloric intake and also adjusted the percentages to 40 carb 30 fat 30 protein. Also tried to keep the food coming at a rate of every 3-4 hours so I didn't get too hungry and overeat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    As long as eating late does not cause you to go over on your calories, it's fine. As far as I know, calories are still counted the same by your digestive system no matter what time you eat them. ;-) Half the time I don't even eat dinner until after 8, and I always plan to have a couple of snacks at night while watching TV - I log my snacks in advance so I know how many calories I'm going to use for snacking and can plan the rest of my day's food and exercise accordingly. Usually my last snack of the night is around 11pm right before I go to bed. Sometimes my snacks are nutritious (fruit, baby carrots and spinach dip, vanilla banana protein shake, mmmmmm, yummy) sometimes they're not (ice cream sandwich, cinnamon graham crackers, other deliciousness LOL). I can't stand going to bed hungry - I have personally found that if I go to bed feeling hungry, I'm probably going to wake up in the middle of the night starving and make some slightly regrettable choices when I make it downstairs to the pantry. LOL But some people find that eating too late might make it hard to sleep. So honestly it's personal preference. If you find that eating late doesn't work well for you, don't do it. If you find that it helps you or that you can plan it into your day and enjoy it w/o messing up your goals, go for it. Find what makes you feel satisfied and works for you. :-)
  • patton2012
    as long as you make good choices as to what you are eating you will be fine..i found out that because i keep a fruit basket on my counter that when im looking for something to eat the fruit is the first thing that i see so im making better choices that way also...
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the wonderful info. I am an independent accountant and sometimes I have to chose between eating late or not eating. Now I won't worry so much about it becaue I am staying with in my cal count
  • knightfyre
    I work the night shift and often don't eat my last meal (meal #5 or 6) until 2 or 3 in the morning, I wait at least an hour before going to bed so I don't cause my acid reflux to flare up and I haven't had any problems losing weight. I eat smaller meal about every 3 to 4 hours. I'm working with a personal trainer for a "Biggest Loser" challege at my local gym and so far have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks. So far, so good. So I wouldn't worry about eating late.
  • 44nFab
    44nFab Posts: 19
    I am a NP & SANE. I am on call 24hr/day 7 days/week. I eat every 3 hours up until about 1hr before I go to bed. I do not eat fruit or bread-carbs after about 5pm per recommendations from my personal trainer. It has definitely worked for me. Fat free cottage cheese is a great choice, but personally, I would ditch the banana. :) If you're going to eat the fruit, an apple would be a better choice (higher fiber). :)

    My doctor just said something to me this week about not eating carbs after 7pm. I have alot of respect for his knowledge and trust that it is not a myth.
    That being said, definitely eat, but focus on protein (cottage cheese). My docotor even said fats are better to eat at night and suggested some tree nuts.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I eat about 3000 calories 10 minutes before bed (10pm). Weightloss has not been hindered.
  • FedtRN
    FedtRN Posts: 5 Member
    I really appreciate all your input! Cutting off carbs/fruit after 5pm is a great hint too, thanks!