Getting Back On The Wagon

Okay so I've been on a huge food binge for over a week. I am trying to get out of it. I will be fine in the morning and up until about 1-2pm then I just eat everything in sight. I don't know where my will power has gone! :(

Any tips of getting back on after you've fallen off?


  • RunDottyRun
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    You didn't fall off anything, you just had a rough week. Last week was rough on me, too. They're bound to happen from time to time. You have already made the lifestyle switch, or you wouldn't have been able to lose almost 40 lbs. CONGRATULATIONS on that!! :)

    When those cravings start attacking, come back here and read the success stories, etc. That helps me. It also helps not to look at the whole day for a mark of success, when really, each positive decision is. If you have a burger and fries for lunch, for example, don't think the whole day is blown -- make your next choice that day a more positive one.
  • Cajun_momma
    I know exactly how you feel, I was the same way until a few weeks ago, you need to plan out your meals for keep fresh fruits or healthy snacks by you so when u get the urge drink water and eat something healthy, also do something that is keeping your hands busy and chew gum, that works for me. I hope this may help big I was one to drink coffee till noon then get so hungry in afternoons then eat all after noon and snack at night then feel like crap!! Just have a little self control and try to eat small meals throughout the day with snacks inbeteeen is my advice..
  • RunDottyRun
    That's the thing, it wasn't a rough week. It was a week like any other. Except I gave into the temptations that I face every day. My husbands HORRIBLE eating habits, the constant presence of my kids junk food in the fridge/pantry & the fast food restaurants that we drive by all the time. I just gave in, and I'm still giving in and I don't know how to stop! I was so good at saying no before, but it's breaking me now!
  • lionwes59
    lionwes59 Posts: 11
    Don't forget your healthy fats. almonds are a great snack and help with appetite control.
  • Donna_Houghton
    Donna_Houghton Posts: 62 Member
    When this happens to me, I wait until the evening time when I know I'll be saying to myself 'this is no good, tomorrow I will get back on it...'. When I start thinking this I choose what I'm going to eat the next day and put it into my food diary there and then. Even if that means I need to get some stuff at the supermarket before bed or before work the next day. I usually plan in my favourite healthy foods to remind me how good it is. This really helps me.

    Also not beating yourself up over going off plan helps. I always used to do that, then feel even worse and think 'what's the point?'

    You can do this...
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    You didn't fall off the wagon. You're here right? You are asking for advice, right? You want to know how to make this better, right?

    What you are doing is getting a glimpse of your former self. Someone who used to exist for you. It is clear that you no longer want this person to be WHO DEFINES YOU.

    YOU are lucky enough to be human and the beauty of that is that we get to make mistakes. "The wagon" is a myth. It is. You have to treat every day and every week as its own.

    You start fresh by saying "okay.... today I will not have a binge. I will eat breakfast and lunch with enough calories so that I am not starving around 1-2 pm (my danger zone time). I will avoid being near trigger foods at this hour, because it is a danger zone time." And then you do everything in your power to MAKE this happen for yourself.

    Then you say "Okay, yesterday was a good day so I want to make today a good day too."

    Success builds upon success.

    People who successfully lose weight and keep it off allow themselves to fail, realize their failure, and use it as a learning tool in their arsenal. They don't use it as a tool for self destruction.

    I hope this helps you to realize that you ARE successful, and that you are NOT a failure, and you DID NOT fall off of the wagon.

    Don't let several months of good decisions become overshadowed by a week of poor decisions. :)

  • Kattaway
    Kattaway Posts: 61
    I totally feel ya!! My fiance got home friday after being gone oversea's for 6 months and since he's been home I have been totally OFF PLAN!! I havent gained yet (thank goodness) but expecting a 2-4 lb esp with TOM coming this weekend. But I am off this weekend and plan to use it getting back on schedule. But really, I sooooo feel ya!!
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    I'm not sure I can be of much help, but look at how far you've come and remember what it felt like to be where you started. Think of how great it will be to do whatever it is you want to do when you reach your goal (for me it's getting new clothes and a swimming suit). As someone else said, read the success stories. That keeps me on track a lot. One week of eating the things you shouldn't or overdoing it isn't going to hurt you much, but if you keep it up it will so just think of that. I tend to look at it as well I had my fun and overindulged but now it's time to put on my big girl panties again and do what is right for me, my mind and my body.You can do've been doing it!! :-)