Women with amenorrhea?

I suffer (maybe that's not the right word?) from amenorrhea. I have ever since I got my period when I was 11 and am now almost 20. I know it's regular for young women, but I find that whenever I gain weight (which is not what I want to do!) I get it regularly. Then whenever I start losing weight again, it goes away again. (I've been a yoyo dieter since around 11 and am on a journey to quit that and be healthy!). I usually get it every 3 or 4 months. I would like to be regular as I know its a sign of healthiness, but I also need to lose 10 pounds to stop being overweight. I'm also on the pill so that I will get it more regularly, but obviously it doesn't have enough hormones to fix the problem entirely.
My question is, have any of you ever dealt with a similar problem? If so, how?


  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    In January of 2011, I started an intense workout schedule. I didn't get my period for 4 months. It wasn't until my workouts started to slow down and become farther and farther apart that my period came. It was definitely frustrating because prior to that I had never really experienced being irregular. I feel your frustration.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member

    I'm in my 40's and this time around when I started to lose weight (last June) I had been dieting and exercising (intensely for me) around 6 months and they started playing up, water on and off, no period, .. up to a week later it would suddenly arrive and I'd find myself heavier again for few days. I usually get my biggest loss after this second lot of water comes off. in January I wasn't exercising as much as I was very stiff and having problems moving due to the cold here so wasn't doing the daily sessions and they came on time first week in February after been a week late the last two months before.

    started exercising again as its got milder and they have been late again beginning of March. I always used to have regular ones before I started the dieting and exercise too.

    As you are so young and this has been happening since your teens I would go checked out by a doctor and make sure everything has developed as it should during puberty, especially if you have been dieting throughout. A womans body needs more fat than a man, especially during the early years when your body is developing.

    Mine started at 13, but I remember a girl down the road from me who was always very stick thin, she was a dancer and she had got to 18 before her cycle started and only happened after she had been in hospital and put weight on! .. as soon as she lost it all to go back to dancing they stopped.. When she married and they wanted baby she had to put weight back on for her cycle to come back so she could get pregnant! .. maybe when you are losing weight your body fat is dropping below what your body needs to maintain your monthly cycle? .. which must mean you can't have that much body fat to start with?.. maybe your weight is coming from the fact your muscles and/or organs are heavier than you think?... can you get tested to see what your lean muscle mass ?

    Either way I would get checked out by a doctor as you're so young and make sure everything developed as it should.
  • hagamivida
    hagamivida Posts: 129
    Make sure you don't have PCOS oike I do. I got mine first when I was 11, too, and not once has it ever been predictable and I have gone months without it, too. I am now 24.I don't want to take birth control, though, because I don't care if it is irregular.
  • Maystar80
    Maystar80 Posts: 85 Member
    I should get my body fat checked out. However, I forgot to mention that I have been to a gynecologist about this and he's not extremely worried. All my tests come out normal. I guess I just wonder if anyone has overcome amenorrhea while still managing to lose weight.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    are still getting the water weight at the right time (and cravings etc) even though your actually period isn't coming those months?
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Mine stopped when I before when I was training for a half marathon. I wasn't underweight or even dieting at the time! I think anything out of the ordinary that puts your body under some kind of stress can affect things.