Hit a wall and struggling?

Since starting my weight loss journey 7 years ago i have achevied so much. When i did reach my happily mantiable goal weight i kept it ther for 2 years untul 2011.Since then i have been up and down. I am allways dedicated to the excercise but not the food. It's as if my mind has hit a food wall and has turned against me. Some weeks i do good other weeks are complete rubbish. I am so frustated that i am struggling to gain back the controll i once had. That in some way i never fully gave in to lifestyle change. It upsets me and deppresses me which does not help my eating issues. I am truley fed up working so hard to keep messing it up with food. I feel as if i am clawing way back but this time it's so much harder. Doe any one else feel like this or have gone threw this??


  • rcolours7
    rcolours7 Posts: 69
    yes - it is hard to make smart choices everyday w/food.

    that's why this site is great for logging everything.

    a few good tips -

    1- log ur food the day b/f
    2- figure out which foods/meals u want to change/makeover.....like snacks. then, go to the store and only buy the healthy snacks that are 100 calories or less and also get nuts into ur diet
    3 - everyday is a new day to do better than the day before
    4- change up your exercise routine too
    5- have a few good friends w/in ur circle of everyday life that can and are willing to help keep u on track
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Don't give up, just start today fresh. If you fall off again, just get back on. It's all you can do.

    What is your specific food issue? I looked at your food journal, but I am guessing you're not logging all you eat because there are quite a few days where you're far under your goal and a bunch of blank days.

    If your issue is binging, maybe it's because you're hungry because you don't eat enough?

    If it's poor choices in food overall, then it's hard to learn discipline. Log what you want to eat, and if it will put you over your goal, go and work it off with a walk or some lifting or whatever - earn the calories back.

    That's all I can really offer in the way of advice without knowing more specifically what you're struggling with. For myself, I got the exercise down pat first. I originally said to my wife, I'm going to eat slightly better, but I'm going to still eat my two pizzas a week, and whatever, I'm not going to go extreme - I'm just going to do exercise and see where it takes me. After a while, I started seeing results, and suddenly my mind clicked into it - I wanted to eat better in order to protect all of the hard work I'd put in. That led to me starting to use MyFitnessPal, and here I am.

    I hope whatever it is, you can find a way around it. I used to think there's no way I could give up deep-frying EVERYTHING, going to the Wendy's drive-thru several times a week (often several times a day) and ordering my regular (classic triple or baconator plus a spicy chicken, with large fry [or two] plus a medium root beer [didn't get a large because I was trying to watch my weight, didn't wanna drink my calories, as they say])... then I believe you can get on track, too. I think anyone can do anything. You just need to want it, and to figure out how to make yourself want it is the trick.
  • happyvitale
    happyvitale Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys. The few blank days were from when i was away at a kickboxing tourtamnet. I only ate twice those days due to nerves and adrenailin. Adolson you are very right about some days not getting enough. Its only since mfp that i am realizing that what i thought was perfect isnt. I am fully and whole heartly a binger. Which is why some days, weeks, months are very good and some are very bad. I dont log these binges caus i am very ashamed that i keep lossing the controll i once had. I used to have a have great discpline which borderd on obbessive and i am trying very hard to stay off that road after what happend last time. I am just stuck. I dont know if i need to start at the beging agian or just need to sort things out other ways. I dont plane on giving up. I lost a hundered pounds and ganied back twenty. I want them gone but with a healthy mindset this time. I appericate the feed back and thank you for understanding.
  • emmaholmes38
    Its good to hear that I am not on my own. I lost 1 1/2 stone. It probably doesnt sound alot but I am not very tall so dont carry it very well. The last 6-12 months I have struggled with my weight. Mainly because of my diet I have now put a stone of it back on. I am also training for kick boxing tournaments but now I have been told I have to keep at the weight for my fights due in April and May. My fitness is great and I hold alot of muscle its just a case of burning off my layer of fat. I work out 12-20 hours a week and dont eat more than 1500 calories a day. I often lose myself and get to a point where I get mardy and dont want to do anything but eat and then I find myself again. I seem to be one of the people that cant find a happy medium its either all or nothing.
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    So, I am not the only one who has food as a nemesis? I hear you and have struggled with the food/eating part of the equation my entire life. It comes down to setting yourself up for success. Plan your meals, log calories, bring healthy snacks, get a food buddy to keep you honest at events, and make your goals public. If you do everything you can, don't be too hard on yourself - we are only human!
