Nike Fitness Club anyone?

So I just started doing this on saturday and I love it! I like how there's so many different work outs and it tells you went to start and stop each work out and you can unlock special work outs. My legs are still sore from the other day even. I also ran so that might be part of why.

If you don't know, nike fitness club is a free app on ipod/iphone with lots of different work outs that are catagorized by lean, toned, ect...most are 30-45mins and each exercise is 30seconds to 2minutes and it also encourages you along the way. you only need basic equipment like a medicine ball and some handweights for most of the exercises if not all of them. Theres also videos that show you how to do a exercise if you don't know how. I don't consider myself a newb to working out since before this I had been doing lots of zumba and piloxing and just started running again and I found the exercises to be a challenge.


  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20
    I use this app to and i find it fantastic, the fact it tells you at intervals how long is left and the videos on how to do the exercises is great.
  • Great workout app!!! I just sold my iPod and I do miss that application. Skimble is really nice too. You can customize up to 3 workouts for yourself and a lot of free workouts. I have a cardio, yoga, and strength; each lasts 30 min.

    I wish Android would get the Nike app.
  • McKristy
    McKristy Posts: 53

    I use this 3-4 times a week, then hit the gym and spinning the other days. If you push yourself, it's a majorly good workout. I did a crossfit session a few weeks ago and burned the same amount in the same time as using this app according to my HRM.
  • Does anyone know how to log this workout - or what to log it under? This morning I did my first w/o and I did the Get Lean Advanced The Heartthrob?? Thanks!