Yoyo Dieter - Determined this is the last time

NikiG<<<<<<< Stands up, clears throat. "My name is Niki and I AM overweight"

I could use more support on this site. Anyone?

This is possibly the umpteenth site I've used and have decided this one is the best so far. Therefore, I am sticking to it.

I regularly lose between one and five stone over a period of time but yep, put it all back on when my other mind kicks in and says "nah, eat what you like, that Ben & Jerry's is fine". "Chocolate? Yes, it's over there on the shelf" "Just one big mac and fries won't hurt" I then spend the following day trying to convince myself that it's OK and I can start again on Monday... Hmmm, sound familiar?

So, as much as I hate to admit it, (and I reeeeeally do hate to admit it) I hit my 40th birthday next March so have decided I need to shed this weight once and for all as I can't go through life with the same issues!! I mean, come on, if I didnt like my job I wouldn't stay there for life just because.

The way I see it is, if I live to 76 that's the WHOLE of my life all over again. And to be honest, I really cannot do this weight thing again.

So, off with you I say... My main problem is getting to the comfy stage of weight loss, one where I start to feel good and then think, sod it, I'm happy now, I'll stop. I then fight with my brain and body for about four months, brain says eat me, body says wow, where shall I store that... Then the weigh in, self depression and yep, Ben & Jerry visits....

Anyway, enough about me, I would really appreciate other yo-yos out there, or any "healthy eaters" to come forth and kick me up the *kitten* when I need it.

Now, anyone for a Pepsi Max????


  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi...... my name is Alison and I was a yoyo dieter!!!
    I went for years managing to loose lots of weight only to put it back on plus some and I would beat myself up and that would make me eat more.
    That is the story of my life up till September 2010 when my daughter in law asked if I wanted to go to Weight Watchers with her. I learnt lots there and became a life time member last October with the loss of 19kg.
    But you know where this is leading to....... I couldn't manage to maintain it and put a few Kilos back on and that is when I heard about this web site and joined early last month and it has kept me honest. Only a few more KG to lose and I will be where I want to be.
    Weight loss is a life time journey. Welcome and please add me as a friend if you wish and we can help each other.
  • ladiwulf1983
    I am only 28 but have battled with my weight since i can remember as well as eating disorders, My biggest problem is finding time with a young family to look after but i think i have it almost sussed, my story is on my profile so i wont bore you with the details now, but feel free to add me as a friend and anyone that may read this too.
    Good luck with your weight loss and all the best in keeping it off this time round xxxxxx
  • nae_cox79
    Hi Niki and Alison!! I'm in the same boat!! And Ben and Jerry's... *drool*.... Pepsi Max is almost my LIFELINE at the moment. Day 3 into a 90 day challenge, and on STRUGGLE street, so looking to distract myself with this sort of stuff! May I add you both? Loving the sense of humour with it all too!!
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Add me, I have been a yoyo doeter in the past but I shifted 5 stone last year due to a combination of weightwatchers and the 17 day diet.

    I have been maintaining for 3 months now and am happy with my weight. I think I have finally managed to crack the weight thing and make this a lifestyle change. I dont get out of control, if I have a few bad days with food/alcohol, I know what to do to get rid of it quickly. Its easier to lose four or five pounds than four or five stone and Im never going back there again.

    Emma xx
  • NikiG97
    NikiG97 Posts: 6 Member
    I always knew there were a lot of us "yo-yos" out there.. Thank you sooooo much for the support.

    But on a serious note... God I bloody hate it. I hate the fact that my brain seems to rule me! How the hell does that work? I'm sure I'm suppose to rule IT. Does that make me weak? A sucker for food? Depressive? Nope, I believe it leaves me fat... And for what? A quick taste bud fix?

    In previous diets...ooops, sorry, healthy eating plans, I've always told myself the feeling of standing on the scales and seeing another pound or two has come off is much better than the taste of chocolate for two minutes... (a bit like my partner ;-) ) It seems to work but only when I'm in that "mode" Has anyone else figured out how to snap out of the bad mode as soon as they start to feel it? Getting up and doing something to distract doesn't always work and in some cases just makes it worse because I know why I'm trying to distract myself.

    I know it's about motivation, support, time, but c'mon, give me a break... Why do I put on 6lb when I walk past the biscuit aisle? My hips have shares in Haribos!!!

    Exercise - Yes, three times a week at the local gym, but here's the bit I'm also interested in, Do any of you have addictive personalities? I do, it's all or nothing with me, I'm either smoking or I'm not, dieting or not, exercising or not. I mean pure in your face full on... My Dr has recommended that I find an extreme sport to combat the energy and adrenaline and to release the dopamine, endorphins and serotonin to help level out the total control I seem to need over something. (Yes bananas release serotonin but there's only so many I can eat of those.. despite my non gagging reflexes ;-) )

    So in short, I think I shall start to write a blog on here, just to vent pure frustration, good times and the need for a Dr when I finally participate in mountain climbing and have broken a leg or too as the safety harness has given way!!!

    Watch this space!!
  • NikiG97
    NikiG97 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply and support, I'm really hoping to do it this time.

    We can support each other.

    Good luck you.
  • christina_1011
    christina_1011 Posts: 44 Member
    hi nikki and welcome ...i have also up and downed with my wieght my whole life ...mostly upped ....i had gasric bypass surgery about 8 yrs ago and thought i had finally concurred the beast ... : / FAT chance ....i have slowly put on about half of the weight that i had lost over the past few years and i am having a hell of a time taking it off ....when im on ...I AM ON !!!! but i dont stay on for long i lose my motivation fairly quickly my " gung hoNESS " as i say ...im always looking for new friends and support ... i need a few more "yoyoers " on my side ...anyone else please feel free to add me as well ... :)
  • nae_cox79
    hahahaha LOVE it!! and YES!!!! Not that I'm a smoker, but, in the past, I became a gym junkie!! I may not have been worrying much about what was passing my lips, but I was working out for 2-3 hours a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and IF I could fit it in my lunchbreak, then too. And the same Challenge that I'm on now, I was on last year, at this time, and I was such a fanatic about it, my husband and brother both called me a name, that I'm a little afraid to mention on here, in case it's considered racist, but, I was the Challenge 1930's German, if that makes sense.

    All or nothing, and then, in 5 weeks time, when I'm bored of the exercise and the food, I'll fall flat on my face, or so I have done in the past (despite my illness last year). I need to get past week 1 first though. :/
  • janetful
    janetful Posts: 12 Member
    Yo-Yo here. I lose weight then all of a sudden think I can eat anything, and I mean anything! Get on the scale a couple weeks later and surprize! But our difference, I am in way a gym junkie, I would be the gym flunkie. Got bored with the trainer stuff, have owned every dvd, vcr fitness tape known. If you want to add me feel free.
  • janetful
    janetful Posts: 12 Member
    btw, how many pounds are in a stone???
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    14lbs to one stone. x
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Yo-yoer here. But want to be an ex yo-yoer.
  • NikiG97
    NikiG97 Posts: 6 Member
    Loving the friend adds, thank you very much. First blog written, wow, it's addicitive!!!
    Let me know what you think...
