arrrg!!!! ........



  • I was becoming too obsessed with the scale, so I made my husband hide it from me. I try and look for it, but haven't found it yet. I am really anxious to weigh myself all the time though.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    the tape measure is my enemy lol,

    I yo-yo up and down with tape measurements, dependent on "time of month" and as my cycle it so erratic, I can never tell what part of the cycle Im on :(

    SO I've decided to measure one week (to the day) after each monthly cycle, in the hope that makes the difference and I see a change
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I hear you.. I feel the same... I can't wait until tomorrow to check to see if I have lost weight.
  • I weigh myself every morning...I always know what my weight is! I also step on the scale right after my 3 mile run each's encouraging to me to see that my weight can be THAT low even though I know when I wake up in the morning, it will be different.
  • MrsBoney
    MrsBoney Posts: 12
    I find it hard to remember to get on the scale! My true judge is how my clothes fit. If they're feeling better, I know I'm doing well and I am encouraged. If they're feeling worse...well, you get the point. I will say, however, that sometimes when I exercise I use the Wii Fit which has a built-in scale so when I use that I do see my number on the scale.
  • krixi
    krixi Posts: 44 Member
    I'm totally with you! It's difficult! I'm doing the 30 day shred for the month of March, and I have read so many places that people that haven't been particularly active before doing it tend to gain some weight in the beginning, and then it often drops of toward the end. So, I've decided to just not weigh myself until the end, April 1st, so I don't get discouraged. Its going to be hard!!
  • wmichgrad
    wmichgrad Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh every day but take my "official" weight on Mondays. I find that this helps me resist the temptation of eating something later in the evening that I know I should not be eating. Even if I "gain", I know it was not because I did something I wasn't supposed to.
  • Gawd me!!!!!!! I cannot stay away. I have been much better, but a small loss showing gets me all obsessed again and so gutted when it goes back up after weights or Pump. My buddy measured me instead and that has helped. I have another measure due in two weeks. I hope I see something positive (Or negative!!!)
  • jdarb
    jdarb Posts: 4
    I weigh myself every morning...I always know what my weight is! I also step on the scale right after my 3 mile run each's encouraging to me to see that my weight can be THAT low even though I know when I wake up in the morning, it will be different.

    she's got it right. this is exactly what i've been doing and it helps keep me motivated and on track. if I get off track on the diet/eat too much, the scale slaps me in the face and sure does let me know about it. i weigh every morning as i'm getting ready for work and sometimes just before bed so i can sorta gauge what to expect the next morning.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    I weigh myself Monday and Friday though the official weigh-in day is Friday. I usually find my weight has increased by Monday (darn weekends!) so it motivates me to get back into routine before Friday.
  • memega
    memega Posts: 73
    ............ my scales are screaming my name and my weigh in isnt till sat morn :( ..... does anyone else find it difficult to stay away from the scales for a full week ??

    There is a special bond between me and my scale. It's almost like we've been challenging each other for a while. I want to beat it every single time. So while I take a good long week to prepare for my next duel, there it sits giving me cold steely stares every time I pass it across the hall. Till the next Saturday morning, you microchip brained, LCD eyed, flat bed silver sucker!

    How is that?! :devil:
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    I felt like I was weighing way to much so as a lesson to myself, I have been waiting a MONTH to weigh or measure. This weekend is finally the time. It was really hard the first week but after that, I got used to the idea.
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    I check mine daily but only weigh in and record once a week. I wish I had the will power to not check daily, but I appear to be using all that up on eating healthy and exercising daily lol! I do see ups and downs through the week, but I try to not let it bother me too much.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I weigh a few times a week. I just make sure it's always on the same scale. The scale at my gym is the one I've been weighin in on for my journey so I try not to look at other scales because I know the number might not reflect my true progress. Any 2 scales might have up to a 5 lb difference (and the heavier you are the more inaccurate it can be and the greater the difference between the weight on any given scale). The only thing is I try not to get too discouraged because I know little things like "how much did I sweat today" and "when was the last time I used the restroom" can make a difference of a pound or so.
  • Navymustng
    Navymustng Posts: 79 Member
    I check once a day, first thing when I get out of bed. That is the only time i will get on a scale. It's a staedy average at the same time of day after your body has had time to adjust to any exercise and calorie intake.
  • I find that even if I get a good weigh in it can cause me to go a little overboard because i think "hey I'm doing so well I can splurge a bit". If it's a bad weigh in I get sad like what's the point "I did my best, I did my best"
    From here on in I will weigh in about every 2 weeks or so.
  • I find it very hard to stay away from the scale. I think everyone is different. When I weigh, it gives me motivation to try harder when I am higher and workout more. When I have lost, it gives me the will to keep moving b/c I know my hard work is paying off. I think some people need to weigh daily to know where they are and other shouldn't b/c it is discouraging. Being a very impatient person like me, you would think it to be discouraging, but I like keeping a close eye on it. Maybe it is my obsessiveness that outweighs my impatient ways. :bigsmile:
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    I like data - lot's of data. So I weigh almost every day and record it. This allows me to compare calories, fluids, exercise, and types of foods, and their impact on my weight. If I'm up a day or two, it signals me to drink more water and to watch the calories (and their sources) a bit closer. And it doesn't really bother me if my weight is up a bit, as long as the trend remains downward.

    Where I get really focused is on hitting my numbers: potassium, sodium, fats, sugars, cholesterol, vitamins, etc. It is important to me that my diet be nutritionally balanced.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I weigh myself every morning - then again to me the number on the scale means nothing. I am currently averaging only about a pound loss every 2 weeks and I am just fine with that...
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    My weigh in is also Saturday morning, but if I feel like I'm doing well, I will jump on the scale mid-week just for a little bit of encouragement.

    Me too but sometimes backfires if your not doing as well as you thought :smile: lol