Who started new years day? How are you doing?



  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    I started on Jan. 3rd and have lost 14 lbs and about 7.5 inches total so far. Good job everyone for sticking with it this long! :flowerforyou:
  • k9runner1963
    k9runner1963 Posts: 108 Member
    I started January 3rd, down 19 pounds and still going! Another 6 pounds and I reach my halfway mark!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Jan. 3rd and 24lbs thus far
  • amayarnell
    amayarnell Posts: 60 Member
    I started a biggest loser competition with some family members on Jan 1 and since then I am down 13lbs! 19 more to go! I also recently did a 3 week wellness cleanse (pretty much just fruits and vegetables) and i have seen awesome results and i just feel fantastic :)
  • cancunwild
    I started on January 2nd. As of today I am down almost 27 pounds. Looking forward to losing the next 27!!!
  • Structured_Chaos
    I love this post :-)

    I started MFP in the beginning of January and have lost 17 lbs. I too have lost of few pairs of jeans :-)
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I started January 7th and I am down 28lbs. Still have over 74 lbs to go, however its better than 100lbs to go which is what I started out with.
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    I started on January 4 and am down 26 lbs as of this morning - 45 lbs to go to my goal. I am so glad my coworker introduced me to MFP. I've had success with diets before (Atkins back in the day) however once going back to normal eating habits, the weight went back on rapidly. What I've realized is that once I hit my goal weight, I need to stay on MFP and continue logging everything I eat religiously while maintaining. If I don't, I know I will fall back into my same old patterns, since it's happened before. I laso have learned that I must log every single thing I eat religiously, even it it is just 3 chips I eat while packing the kiddo's lunchbox. Everything goes in my diary no matter how ridiculous. Those things add up in the long run. I have also learned that the food scale was the best investment I ever made. I thought I was good at estimating portions, but I was terrible! The food scale has really helped tremendously.

    My food diary is open, so feel free to check it out. You may get some good suggestions.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Unintentionally started the day after Christmas, and I say unintentionally because I was just looking up calories for a something I had that day when I stumbled upon MFP. So here I am, 33lbs lighter.
  • ThenTheresChad
    started new years and im down 49lbs
  • mommy2caroline
    I started on Jan 2nd and am down 21 lbs. so far. I have about 80 more to go to reach my goal. MFP is really helping me alot. I'm loving it.
  • SmileyNicki_78
    SmileyNicki_78 Posts: 14 Member
    I started January 3rd...am down 24 lbs and 8 inches!! :) Love this website!! I find myself not being able to cheat b/c I wonder what my MFP friends will think of me!!! :)
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I joined the first and started the second and am down 22lbs. Yay us!!!!! I wonder if there's a group for 2012 new years resolutioners...
  • KimBee45
    KimBee45 Posts: 27
    I too started New Year's Day on this site and I am 17 pounds down and counting! Good job everyone!!!
  • ibleedpink
    Wow, that is amazing 33LB.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    35 lbs down

    Lifting (I started light on all of these, my progress has started to slow)
    Squat is up 90 lbs from where I started
    Deads are up 90 lbs
    Bench is up 50 lbs
    Overhead Press is up 40 lbs
    Barbell Rows are up 25 lbs
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    I started around new years (more as a birthday resolution because I'm a new years baby!) :)
    I'm down 19pounds! Which puts me at my pre-baby weight. But I've added a new goal so I'm hoping to drop 11-12 more pounds! :)

    WTG Everyone! Studies say once you stick with something consistently for 21 days, you have past the hurdle and it will become a lifestyle change!

    Yay Us for making a fabulous lifestyle change and not giving up!
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I guess I personally don't buy into the new years resolution thing...if you can't make a decision and stick with it because that is what you want, the calendar is probably not going to make a difference. Do something or don't do something.

    Sometimes the concept of 'a new year, a new you' is really what makes something click for certain people. I know people on here who started because of a new years resolution and a year-ish later are down over a 100 pounds. So maybe you don't buy into it but that doesn't mean it has never really worked for someone.
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    great job - I started 1/2 - and have only lost 8.2, and that was in January. I flip flopped in Feb..so I hope I can lose some in March.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 186 Member
    I started this journey on 12/28/11. I wasn't real steady for a couple of weeks, but now I am serious and have lost 12 pounds. But, the thing that makes it worth it all, my clothes fit better, my moods are better, and I want to be better.