Confused but I h'ain't questionin' it!

Somehow managed to lose 2.6 pounds this week. Now, I did weigh in at a different WW, because of being in a different area for my weigh in day, so suspected the scales weren't accurate there. Or weren't calibrated, rather, to the one down in my own area. I know they're supposed to all be calibrated, but unless they're done every day, and I don't know that they are (they might be!), I didn't believe it.

So when I got home this evening, I weighed myself on my own scale (a WW one). I know for a fact that mine is one pound more than the one at my local WW center, as I've tested it repeatedly and it's never changed. I also know what my evening-morning ratio tends to be, so while I didn't expect it to be the same as it was at 9am, I did want to see at least if the ratio was different.

Boy! Was it ever! I definitely can trust the WW weigh in amount from this morning.

But I AM still confused. I know I was more careful, ate more no-count soup when I wasn't sure I'd eaten too much in the day, stayed around 200 calories below the exercise-laden amounts given (for the most part).

But I also was far less active in the last two weeks than I'd been all this year. So why the change???

BTW, does anyone know if steroid shots might affect weight? That might account for it, maybe? I had a shot in my ankle on Monday. Just thought of it as I was writing this now.

Still, I hope it stays off!! I'll work to make sure of it. :smile:


  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Somehow managed to lose 2.6 pounds this week. Now, I did weigh in at a different WW, because of being in a different area for my weigh in day, so suspected the scales weren't accurate there. Or weren't calibrated, rather, to the one down in my own area. I know they're supposed to all be calibrated, but unless they're done every day, and I don't know that they are (they might be!), I didn't believe it.

    So when I got home this evening, I weighed myself on my own scale (a WW one). I know for a fact that mine is one pound more than the one at my local WW center, as I've tested it repeatedly and it's never changed. I also know what my evening-morning ratio tends to be, so while I didn't expect it to be the same as it was at 9am, I did want to see at least if the ratio was different.

    Boy! Was it ever! I definitely can trust the WW weigh in amount from this morning.

    But I AM still confused. I know I was more careful, ate more no-count soup when I wasn't sure I'd eaten too much in the day, stayed around 200 calories below the exercise-laden amounts given (for the most part).

    But I also was far less active in the last two weeks than I'd been all this year. So why the change???

    BTW, does anyone know if steroid shots might affect weight? That might account for it, maybe? I had a shot in my ankle on Monday. Just thought of it as I was writing this now.

    Still, I hope it stays off!! I'll work to make sure of it. :smile:
  • poubre
    poubre Posts: 32
    I think it's excellent that you've lost the weight! Keep it up!

    However, not to discourage but to explain, water weight shifts really easy. It can fluctuate your value anywhere from 2 over or 2 under very quickly. Have you had a lot of coffee today? Have you been drinking too many sodas like me? :)

    Also, if you're on an Atkin's style diet, it's very easy to lose water weight without actually seeing any results.

    If none of those explain it, congratulations on the weight loss =). Another helpful measurement that you can do besides weight is to do waist and thigh measurements. If you do that, be sure to take them somewhere where you can duplicate the measurement. Use a freckle/mole as a marking spot or your normal belt line. It doesn't matter where you take the measurement, just as long as you stay consistent.

    Keep up the hard work!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Thanks for the kudos.

    I'm on a sensible Weight Watchers system and have been since July. I know the daily fluctuation of my bod, so can predict pretty accurately what I'll weigh at the WW every week. Usually, I overestimate, so am always pleasantly surprised! :laugh:

    I exercise a lot - about the level of a moderate athlete, I should think, but had to take time off the last two weeks due to an injury (fell on my back at the pool at the gym - they now have MATS, cuz I told them I'd sue if they didn't get them pronto!!!!!).

    I know the small changes I made but still wonder if that was enough. I'll see next week, as I plan to keep up the eating style I've been using. We'll see if this is "it" or if I'll still have to adjust due to metabolism changes.

    Thanks again! :-)