Protein shake vs Evening meal

I've been advised by more than one source recently that if you work out after work (as I do) and subsequently get home late, it's better to replace your evening meal with a protein shake.

The theory is that your body can break this down more easily before bed, its super low calorie but also keeps you feeling full due to the high protein whilst repairing your muscles quickly for the next days work out so you don't feel so worn down.

I've used these before, but it was for a short blast so I couldnt really judge the effects.

Has anyone tried this?

It would be great to hear your success stories if you have any, as its tough motivating yourself to drink a gruelling shake each evening!

Great to hear back.



  • Vertu
    Vertu Posts: 13
    I've been advised by more than one source recently that if you work out after work (as I do) and subsequently get home late, it's better to replace your evening meal with a protein shake.

    The theory is that your body can break this down more easily before bed, its super low calorie but also keeps you feeling full due to the high protein whilst repairing your muscles quickly for the next days work out so you don't feel so worn down.

    I've used these before, but it was for a short blast so I couldnt really judge the effects.

    Has anyone tried this?

    It would be great to hear your success stories if you have any, as its tough motivating yourself to drink a gruelling shake each evening!

    Great to hear back.

  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    I use several a day and two types. protein makes up 50% of my daily cals.

    type one with my breakfast. a Meal Replacement powder shake (MET-RX) is my current.
    type two whey protein shake pre and post work out and before bed. BSN Synthia 6. best tasting and best mixing protein powder i have ever had. Mochaccino is my favorite.

    To get an equilivant amount of protein you have to eat gobs of turkey/chicken, which i also eat but i feel as you said these "powders" break down quicker and get to my muscles quicker.

  • Vertu
    Vertu Posts: 13
    Hi Tim,

    It's good to hear that you find them effective.

    I train 4 or 5 times a week, and when you are cutting back on calories it is hard to get all the protein you need in each meal, I find protein shakes top this up nicely without the extra kcals...
    but I wasn't sure if this was just a false belief I had about them (as there is so much marketed to us these days, its hard to know what actually works and what doesnt)

    The BSN Synthia 6 sounds really interesting, the powder I use at the moment isn't the best tasting. I'm going to look it up online (particularly the Mochaccino...)

    Thanks again, and good luck with everything on here.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    It's a myth that eating later will make you gain weight. It's the total difference between calories taken in and calories burned that causes weight gain for most healthy adults. If you're not getting enough protein or other nutrience associated with a protein shake, then, by all means, go for it, but don't do it because of the time of day. There are reasons not to eat a big meal right before you sleep, as it can affect your quality of sleep (indigestion...etc), also people tend to eat "mindlessly" at night while sitting infront of the television (and they consume much more then they realized), but not because of any reasons caused specifically by the body's reaction to the time of day.
  • Vertu
    Vertu Posts: 13
    Thanks Banks... that's really good to know - seeing as for the past 5 years I have been convinced that your metabolism slows down at night and goes into store mode.

    I've just got back from the gym, 1 protein shake down, but I may just treat myself to some fresh parma ham safe in the knowledge I won't wake up with it stuck to my er, hips...

    On the whole I do struggle to get enough protein, its just difficult when you're on the go all day, as I'm sure you know.

    Have you ever used protein shakes?
