Not enough time for exercise.

How it is for me:

Wake up 7AM - Get ready - Leave house at 8.20AM
Out until 4.30PM
Working at home after 4.30PM ... varying levels, could take me all night.
Gotta squeeze in dinner, shower, relaxing time etc.
Bed at 11PM.

I find that really I don't have enough time to get in that much exercise.
I see some of you doing a couple of hours every day and I'm like... what?! I barely get an hour.
I don't have any home equipment, nor the money to buy them.
No, I don't have a gym.

Essentially, my options include walking... and running. But we're crossing out running because it absolutely buggers my knees.

There is a hill I can walk up (taking an hour), or down the beach.
But this isn't a lot of exercise, or even a huge calorie burner.
And, the weather round here is often raining. Today was good but I didn't have the time to get out. Yesterday was raining even though I did have time. It sucks.

Is there any way I can resolve this?

I had to allow my calories to increase because I was constantly hungry just eating 1200 calories and I couldn't always get out to burn calories.Cals are now set at 1620, and I'm still pretty hungry.

Any thoughts?
Gracias x


  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    My cals are 1580 feel free to look at my food diary I don't feel hungry also I got startedby youtubing exercise vids like Taebo etc
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    behind_blue_eyes_83 Posts: 85 Member
    Walking is awesome. Anyway you can commute by foot or bike? I get three miles walking a day that way, and it only takes me half an hour to walk the 1.5 miles to work - I could spend that long on the bus if one doesn't come and the traffic's bad. Also I have no money, so bought EA Active Sports 2 for the PS3 for about £10 on Amazon - if you don't have a console, I know there are good DVDs that have similar programmes.
  • ThePinkPachyderm
    Time is an illusion ... lunch time ... doubly so
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I'm NOT a morning person - but I'm also a very busy person. Basically out the door by 8am and not back home until sometimes after 8pm.

    The solution? Get up earlier in the morning. I get up an hour earlier and do my workout in the morning. Not only does this guarantee that my workout for the day is done - but it also kick-starts my metabolism every day and allows me to actually leave my day without stress, because I don't have to worry about exercising when I get home from work (and know I'll be tired and probably not do it - which adds more stress/pressure/depression).

    So, yeah, it sucks - but make yourself wake up earlier and get it done.

    As far as what exercises? There are plenty of workouts you can create for yourself without having equipment - and with or without a t.v. (if you could do workout DVDs at home, that'd be helpful).

    Jumping Jacks, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Squats, Burpees, various Core and Ab workouts, shadow boxing, etc.

    There's always time and there are always things to do - just gotta commit to it! Good luck!
  • azazelrabbit
    Walking is awesome. Anyway you can commute by foot or bike? I get three miles walking a day that way, and it only takes me half an hour to walk the 1.5 miles to work - I could spend that long on the bus if one doesn't come and the traffic's bad. Also I have no money, so bought EA Active Sports 2 for the PS3 for about £10 on Amazon - if you don't have a console, I know there are good DVDs that have similar programmes.

    I do walk, but it's only about 15 minutes 0.7 miles each way. I don't actually include that in my burned calories :P

    I thought about a fitness DVD but I live with other people and I would be so embarrassed :(
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I've recently started getting up early in the mornings to get exercise time in. I just can't do it at night with 2 kids (one who is constantly in some sport or another). Even if I can get a 1/2 hour in, it's better than doing nothing. I have a Wii and I have just some regular Tae Bo DVDs. I've never been a gym buff (mainly because I just don't know what to DO there), so I always just get a DVD or two to do at home.
  • azazelrabbit
    The solution? Get up earlier in the morning. I get up an hour earlier and do my workout in the morning. Not only does this guarantee that my workout for the day is done - but it also kick-starts my metabolism every day and allows me to actually leave my day without stress, because I don't have to worry about exercising when I get home from work (and know I'll be tired and probably not do it - which adds more stress/pressure/depression).

    So, yeah, it sucks - but make yourself wake up earlier and get it done.

    Actually, I hadn't thought of an early morning walk.
    That's a good idea. Assuming I can drag myself out of bed haha.
    I'll look into that one.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Honestly, "not enough time for exercise" is equivocal to "I don't prioritize this enough". Sorry to be straightforward, but those who want to find a way, will. Those who don't want to, won't. I know, because that is the same excuse I used to use all the time.

    Try to shoot for bed earlier and squeeze in an early morning workout. I get up at 4-4:30 am to get a run/gym session in before work. Go for a walk on your lunch break. Make time on the weekends for exercise.

    As far as food choices, you can find more filling, fiber and protein rich foods. You can look at my diary to see what I tend to eat if you like.

    Make a commitment to getting healthy. Don't accept excuses. Make working out/exercising a big of a commitment as your job.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I have to second the YouTube idea I only have a mobile for the internet but they work great on it oh and if you have a smart phone you can get some workout apps even the 5min workouts are better than nothing.
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    i'm in the same boat. I have work from 8-430pm then i have my 7 month old son until 10pm when his father gets home from work and by that time i'm ready for bed. My son is going through a needy stage right now and wants me all the time. I sometimes can put him in his bouncer but it's usually for like a half hour. I too look at these people who exercise for hours and am like "how?"
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    As far as what exercises? There are plenty of workouts you can create for yourself without having equipment - and with or without a t.v. (if you could do workout DVDs at home, that'd be helpful).

    Jumping Jacks, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Squats, Burpees, various Core and Ab workouts, shadow boxing, etc.

    There's always time and there are always things to do - just gotta commit to it! Good luck!
  • azazelrabbit
    I have to second the YouTube idea I only have a mobile for the internet but they work great on it oh and if you have a smart phone you can get some workout apps even the 5min workouts are better than nothing.

    So there are downloadable Apps with workouts on them? That sounds good!
  • kandi810
    kandi810 Posts: 88 Member
    Look at the group called "Cubicle Jockeys". I am in your shoes but find that if I can kind of follow her groove all day I have at least accomplished something. It takes a small amount of time every hour. You can do it!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Where are you "out" to until 4:30 - do you have a lunch break where you could take walks or do a short high-intensity workout? Not sure what kind of work you do at home, but could you look for a treadmill on Craigslist and walk while you get some work done? Also, there are always cheap DVDs on Ebay, etc.

    It's going to sound harsh, but you have to make time, or make excuses. Everyone is busy - it's up to you to figure out how to arrange your schedule so you have time.
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    I am a stay at home mom so I do have the time to get workouts in most days. Some days I am extremely busy and feel I dont have it. Those days I put my ipod on and start by jogging on the spot, soon I am dancing, doing jumping jacks, scrunches etc. You would be amazed at how many calories you burn just by giving it your all for a short time. I wear my polar HRM, if you do not have one let sweat and your heart thumping good be your guide:)
  • azazelrabbit
    It's not that I'm not willing to exercise. I really am!
    I just couldn't think of how to do it.

    Thanks guys, these suggestions are brilliant!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm NOT a morning person - but I'm also a very busy person. Basically out the door by 8am and not back home until sometimes after 8pm.

    The solution? Get up earlier in the morning. I get up an hour earlier and do my workout in the morning. Not only does this guarantee that my workout for the day is done - but it also kick-starts my metabolism every day and allows me to actually leave my day without stress, because I don't have to worry about exercising when I get home from work (and know I'll be tired and probably not do it - which adds more stress/pressure/depression).

    So, yeah, it sucks - but make yourself wake up earlier and get it done.

    As far as what exercises? There are plenty of workouts you can create for yourself without having equipment - and with or without a t.v. (if you could do workout DVDs at home, that'd be helpful).

    Jumping Jacks, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Squats, Burpees, various Core and Ab workouts, shadow boxing, etc.

    There's always time and there are always things to do - just gotta commit to it! Good luck!


    and in bad weather, i turn on the computer and find workouts on youtube and/or do C25K in place. i work two jobs. i work 6 days a week. and i work out 6 days a week.
  • ckitterman
    You could buy a Kettlebell and do an intense 20 min workout and burn quite a few calories.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You had time to post on the internet .

    Just saying.
  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 84 Member
    I use a few options. I saved several Zumba videos on UTube and have played them. That didnt cost me any $$. I also bought a Wii Fit, provided you already have a Wii that was about $100. As I have a desk job, when I am really desperate, I simulate running or biking under my desk. I set a timer and count is as stationary bike very light. Just thoughts on what I do.