Another c2k5 question

btb079 Posts: 56 Member
Well, today I did w5d2 (8min, 5 min 8min) I did it, and finished running the entire time, the first few minutes were harder then the last of each run. What I am wondering is if I should run this again or move onto the 20 minute run. Have any of you had experience in this?


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Generally, for me, the first 2-3 minutes are the hard ones for me, then it just gets easier. Go ahead and try the 20 minute run, you may be very surprised!
  • PClivingood
    PClivingood Posts: 6 Member
    I kept moving forward even when I had to sneak in a walk here and there. See the post I just put up
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Go for it! :smile: Like you said... the first few minutes are the hardest. It still takes me about a mile to get into the groove, and after that, it's coasting.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    If I was able to complete a run, I moved on to the next one.
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    I agree, if you can complete it, move on. I actually found the long runs easier than the mid-length, interrupted runs. It felt like my muscles were starting to stiffen during the walks and it made the beginning of the interval more difficult. What a relief it was to just keep going!

    Good luck!
  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will give it a go on Friday.