Show me your Before and After P90X!

I just started P90X 2 weeks ago. I am looking for motivation and would love to see your results. (Or hear about them!)



I promise that in return I will post my 30, 60, and 90 day pictures. :happy:

I am especially curious if anyone noticed these workouts helping decrease their love handles? That is my biggest trouble spot.


  • I just started today! Lets keep each other posted!!
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Nobody wants to share? :frown:
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I don't know how to upload files so I am typing the results from my first round here. I started in May 1, 2010 and Finished in Jul 30, 2010. It will be in the format: D1/D90 (at home I have the results for each phase)

    Weight: 155 / 127
    Body Fat%: 28% / 23%
    Waist (smallest part): 32.5 / 27
    Belly Bottom (love handles): 35.5 / 29.25
    Hips: 37 / 31.25
    Thights: 24.5 / 21

    I started another round on Jan 1st,2012. Starting weight was 129 and I am down to 120 now. My waist went down to 25.5

    You will not regret doing this program.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Bump b/c I want to see results too.

    I just finished the first 30 days but I didn't take pictures. I don't see a difference and my clothes don't fit any differently either. I haven't lost any inches and I'm up about 2.5 lbs from my lowest weight.

    However, I am running faster and longer and I can do a few pull-ups now (I've never been able to do one before). I'm going to stick with the full 90 days but I was hoping for some inches or lbs lost.
  • webenic
    webenic Posts: 5 Member
    Just finished day 30 and I'm seeing pretty good results. Lost ~7 pounds and almost 12 inches so far. My old jeans are fitting again and I've dropped 2 belt loops :D After my face, my love handles were the second thing I noticed shrinking. Almost 4 of the 12 inches lost were around my stomach measured at my naval.

    I don't follow their diet plan at all as far as the guide or their portions sheet, but I do eat clean and aim to hit all my macros everyday similar to their "fat burner" phase (50/30/20) and make sure I take a quality protein shake in the morning and after working out. The MFP app has made this soooooo much easier than following their guide.
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't know that you can post photos here, but here is a link to my YouTube transformation video.

    Started P90X2 in mid-January, another awesome program!

    Bring IT!
  • AUNIkki
    AUNIkki Posts: 19 Member
  • kristi_asco
    kristi_asco Posts: 183
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    You can go here to see my before and after:

    Let me know if you have any problems.