How do you like your oatmeal?

Hey! I want to start eating more oatmeal. I love the quick quaker apple cinnamon, but I want to start making my own oatmeal on the stove with old fashioned or steel cut oats. My question is, how do you like yours? What do you put in it and how do you prepare it!? I'm up for all suggestions! Thanks in advance :) xo


  • klybarger3
    I was never too keen on oatmeal until recently. It fills me up and you can change it up by adding whatever you're in the mood for. I found an instant thick cut oatmeal at Walmart called Better Oats - Raw and Simple bare. It's plain and cooks in the microwave in about 2 minutes. But it comes out scalding hot so I add about 1/4-1/2 cup frozen blackberries and little sweetner (usually sugar). Cools it right down to an edible temperature and tastes great.
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337

    I end up just washing my oats like i do beans or rice thru a strainer, i dunno, force of habbit.
    Just a preference, i cook mine stove top. Boil the water first, usually i break a piece of cinamon off and boil that in.
    Add just the right amount of boiled water to the dry oats, just right under the amount it needs. Then supplement the rest with a dab of soy milk.

    Then fruits like banana, blue, straw, and ras type berries :D
    and stuff if i feel fancy. Steel cut is my fav but i could be wrong, i think theyre gnerally higher in cals than regular oats
  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    I use the 5 min oats and chop an apple up and cook it with it. When it's done I add a tbsp of brown sugar and a tiny bit of milk.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    plain oatmeal with:
    sliced banana with sun butter or nutella or chocolate chips

    fresh blueberries with white chips and cinnamon

    fresh strawberries with white or chocolate chips and a little agave or honey
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Instead of using just water to cook my oatmeal, I do it half water and half unsweetened vanilla almondmilk and I cook it for a few minutes longer than the suggested time. Makes your oatmeal thick and fluffy! You can choose your toppings from there but I like mine with a little bit of cinnamon and stevia.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I use quick oats, the one minute type. I tried the steel cut but liked the other better. I just use a touch of brown sugar and skim milk. very filling and hold me til lunch. hmm gues what i'm having in the morning:)
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I like brown sugar and raisins in mine. When my husband makes it, he puts the brown sugar (and some vanilla) right in the water while boiling the oats. All I have to do is add raisins.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Just like I like my women: sweet, hot and topped with strawberries.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I use the Instant. What can I say, I'm lazy when it comes to the kitchen.
  • Strawberrypop
    Strawberrypop Posts: 33 Member
    I like adding cherries and cinnamon to my porridge..cherries go all plump when it's cooking. Yum yum!
  • mandymichel
    My way is super yummy and easy. I put about a cup of old fashioned oats in a micro safe dish. Then I put in maybe 1 1/4 cup of light soymilk. I usually put in about 1/8 cup raisins. Then I cook it for 6 minutes in microwave. After that I mix it with some organic cinnamon applesauce to cool it down and put a little ground flax seed on top. Sometimes instead of the raisins, I use frozen peaches or blueberries and then I don't use the applesauce.
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    I love mine with a tbsp of peanut butter - sooo good!
    CHEFCH♥ZZ Posts: 127
    i ground quick oats into a flour, mix in 1 egg white, a pinch of salt, and enough almond milk to make a batter. PANCAKES BABY!!
    i use sf syrup or low sugar jelly. :)
  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    Steel cut oats with a scoop of vanilla protein powder and some black berries or blueberries
    steel cut oats with a scoop of chocolate protein powder and raspberries or strawberries, sometimes add cocoa roasted almonds to this one
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Pour some on the bottom of the bowl, cover it in cinnamon and strawberry preserves and a layer of sliced strawberries and bananas, add another layer, do the same. So good!
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    I cook my oatmeal (quick oats- I think they are called) in the microwave. I use a half cup oatmeal and then put enough water in the bowl to cover the oats. Then cook for 1 minute 30 seconds. Quick and easy! I add a little sweetener (truvia, etc) and cinnamon. Simple...
  • tananichelle
    tananichelle Posts: 103 Member
    Peanut butter and a cut up banana! It's like a PB and 'nanner sandwich, and it's YUM!
  • Maddy__H
    Maddy__H Posts: 28 Member
    Try this... Rich in protein - perfect post workout meal : ) and soooo yummy!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Made with skim milk and an apple, banana, and a serving of walnuts.
    Peanut butter instead of walnuts is also good.