Greem Team Week 9



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi jacque, christi and missV...good to hear from ya!

    looks like many of us had off days's ok guys..don't get so down about it. you are still coming here....for support? motivation? vent? knowledge? socialism? i too am on the verge of fallin off this ol boat, but i am not gonna sink this time....i have been there done that, way too many times in the past. i'll admit i have reached that phase in my wt loss attempt where i am steps away from going down the dark tunnel OR hanging on and fighting. it is that darn change that keeps many of us from reaching what we really want. i honestly think you can still have all your favorite foods, just in moderation. i ask myself when i start to wander.....'am i in the right mindset'.....and my biggest fear is gettin in that dreadful 'funk'....for me, it's depression. when i get to that stage, it is almost hopeless, and nothing can bring me out of it until, CLICK! something just snaps in my brain, and i am focused again. i have experienced this exhausting circle so many, many times in the past. that alone is my biggest hurdle. i am down a good 20 -25 lbs. for me, it seems it is harder this time. not sure if age is a factor this time. i am still obese at my barely 5 ft 3 3/4 in ht. but i do feel healthier. i never want to be in the 200's again. i see pics of me and as hard as i have worked, i wish i looked better. i will say that i am truly not commited to health, MY health. and that is a concern for me. i have worked in the health field, and i KNOW better. it's as simple as eating nutriously, and exercising regularly. oh how i wish i was raised with those values....but i can't change the past. i have to do it for me and me only. and I am the only one that can do it. it is up to me.

    i want everyone here to try harder and really get serious about this, about you. if you really want to lose wt, you really can and you really will. look at the success you have had already. i know each and everyone of you can do it. we have all the tools needed here, and it is up to us to enforce what happens next. every day isn't always going to be perfect, so be easy on yourself. losing wt has been the hardest thing for me.....and keeping it off will be even more of a struggle. i only hope we can all stick with it and be here for one another....i treasure my green team! :heart:

    miss V ~ love, love the haircut! hope all checks out ok with your pain....
    hey christi ~ yeah, that happened to me too.....i was gone for about 3 wks, and it was so hard for me....i missed it terribly. it just gets kinda sad when people leave and that is to be expected i guess. i fear the scale will not be my friend tomorrow :grumble:

    jacque ~ you sound a bit depressed hon.....and i totally understand have been thru so much emotionally lately. just give it some time and be patient. it may take longer than you think to sort feelings out. plz, plzzzzzzzzzz don't give up. if you can't exercise or dont feel like eating healthy, just come here....we will listen and pull you along. i know this is different for everyone, but can you think of things that motivate you, or that have in the past? hang in there my friend!! *hugs*
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Thanks kellya for the words of encouragement and as always being there for us as a good friend. I too don't want to sink, it was just sooo easy whenn I could take my diet pills and never eat.................:blushing: Yeah, bad I know all around but being 140 sure was nice, but those days have long since past and I guess I'd rather live fat than die a skinny corpse. Picking battles I guess :laugh:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hi jacque, christi and missV...good to hear from ya!

    looks like many of us had off days's ok guys..don't get so down about it. you are still coming here....for support? motivation? vent? knowledge? socialism? i too am on the verge of fallin off this ol boat, but i am not gonna sink this time....i have been there done that, way too many times in the past. i'll admit i have reached that phase in my wt loss attempt where i am steps away from going down the dark tunnel OR hanging on and fighting. it is that darn change that keeps many of us from reaching what we really want. i honestly think you can still have all your favorite foods, just in moderation. i ask myself when i start to wander.....'am i in the right mindset'.....and my biggest fear is gettin in that dreadful 'funk'....for me, it's depression. when i get to that stage, it is almost hopeless, and nothing can bring me out of it until, CLICK! something just snaps in my brain, and i am focused again. i have experienced this exhausting circle so many, many times in the past. that alone is my biggest hurdle. i am down a good 20 -25 lbs. for me, it seems it is harder this time. not sure if age is a factor this time. i am still obese at my barely 5 ft 3 3/4 in ht. but i do feel healthier. i never want to be in the 200's again. i see pics of me and as hard as i have worked, i wish i looked better. i will say that i am truly not commited to health, MY health. and that is a concern for me. i have worked in the health field, and i KNOW better. it's as simple as eating nutriously, and exercising regularly. oh how i wish i was raised with those values....but i can't change the past. i have to do it for me and me only. and I am the only one that can do it. it is up to me.

    i want everyone here to try harder and really get serious about this, about you. if you really want to lose wt, you really can and you really will. look at the success you have had already. i know each and everyone of you can do it. we have all the tools needed here, and it is up to us to enforce what happens next. every day isn't always going to be perfect, so be easy on yourself. losing wt has been the hardest thing for me.....and keeping it off will be even more of a struggle. i only hope we can all stick with it and be here for one another....i treasure my green team! :heart:

    miss V ~ love, love the haircut! hope all checks out ok with your pain....
    hey christi ~ yeah, that happened to me too.....i was gone for about 3 wks, and it was so hard for me....i missed it terribly. it just gets kinda sad when people leave and that is to be expected i guess. i fear the scale will not be my friend tomorrow :grumble:

    jacque ~ you sound a bit depressed hon.....and i totally understand have been thru so much emotionally lately. just give it some time and be patient. it may take longer than you think to sort feelings out. plz, plzzzzzzzzzz don't give up. if you can't exercise or dont feel like eating healthy, just come here....we will listen and pull you along. i know this is different for everyone, but can you think of things that motivate you, or that have in the past? hang in there my friend!! *hugs* are great with words. Thanks for the motivation. I too agree with everything you said to everyone. Especially to Jacque....things do get hard and it seems to be getting harder....hang in there Jacque....I promise you we will always be here....for everyone. This is a great way to release stress, ask questions, vent, and ever repent for those mess ups in our diets. We are all just human and temptation is always there. Just ask yourself everytime it comes into contact with it worth it? Whos or the temptation? really take time to decide. Sometimes you will say yes and thats okay. Just know that we are always here for you....and this goes for EVERYONE! we are each others shoulders to cry on, ear to listen, hands to hold, and heart to reach out to.
    I love you all and cant tell you how grateful I am that I have you guys as support.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I am going to do this in baby steps. I think my biggest problem is that I go all gunho and then burn out. So I had a salad for lunch with chiken fingers. I am going to just try and chamge one thing at a time. well My weekend starts in about 30 min. and I am going to try and be good. I know I won't make it to the gym but I do hope to do alot of walking and getting to the pool this weekend. My son B-day is Saturday so the weekend is kinda all his. Friday -Harry Potter. Sat- PeiWei to eat, his request and family party, Sunday-church and my Aunt house. So hpefully i can just try to make smart choices
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    sorry for hogging the thread today gang....i just had to post this. i was lucky enough to see Dr Phil today, and altho i am not a huge, huge fan, i do agree with much he has to say. this show was from season ONE! apparently he is doing re-casts of i figured this must be a pretty good one. and maybe some of you were able to see it as well. there were different types of people on the show, but the one i related most to was the woman who was over wt, and just could not control her are some of Dr Phil's words....

    YOU CANNOT CHANGE WHAT YOU DON'T ACKNOWLEDGE....he kept repeating this.

    you are eating b/c you want to escape something real you don't want to face up to.

    ask yourself...what are you running from? you are doing something (over and over, day after day, week after week and so on) you don't want to do.

    when you hide, you are there hiding with can run, but you can't hide. it's not gonna go away on its own. STOP running from YOU. IT is making you tired, if you ever stop and deal with IT and face it, IT will go away.....otherwise you will continue to EAT IT. you have to focus on what IT is...

    we don't do things unless there is a reason.

    YOU are the only deal you have.

    eating for comfort is an immediate release...only lasts a minute...soon you feel guilty, and we do this over and's a rotten cycle.

    addictions serve a purpose, and serve a need. what is it that you are avoiding?

    you may feel worthless, but what are you proud of (for YOU, personally, as an individual?)

    make a decision to accept yourself. who you are, what you are and where you are at in your life. you are a loving, caring human being. you matter!

    take the step to make a choice for a life decision...YOUR LIFE . we all have defying moments in our's is what shapes us into who we are. always remember what matters is INSIDE you.

    anyway, i hope this helps, maybe even only one person. and never, never give up on you. when you first joined MFP, you came here for a reason. ask yourself why....and what you are willing to do about it. i am taking my notes and putting it in plain site.....visuals help me! and always remember, it is never to late to start taking care of you. :heart:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    kellya - you never hog a thread, if that's what you call hoggin - I'm all for it (I am porka after all - :laugh: ) but yes that is great stuff and very insightful. I was bad today and had chinese, not saying it here to just show that I messed up - but more to the point (this may be TMI for those weaker stomachs) but after I had my wonton soup and a bit of vegetable rice with bourbon chicken - my stomach went nuts, ended up on the pottie doing pea soup poopies, neck got hot and sweaty then threw up my crystal light (fruit that's how I know) and just a tad bit of chicken. I know that's gross but I guess my body was truly rejecting things in one way or another so lesson learned!

    I got off my "sad" trip a little earlier today so thanks all for listening, gonna just move forward and we'll see what happens!:drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    oh my goodness porka.......ewwwwwwwwwwww! are you feeling better now? i love to eat chinese and it has been forever since my last feast with i am reconsidering...:noway: my mom wants me to join her for lunch some day at the nearest buffet? hope your 'beginning and ending' body area's are all recovered by now. that reminds of one time when i was so very, very sick....on the other end....and driving my bus. now, just what in the heck am i gonna do? what CAN i do? avoid the bumps in the road and SQUEEEZZEE!! YIKES!!!!:sad: chinese....why it tastes so good and does such awful things to us? NOT FAIR! :frown:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    I don't know what to say about the last couple of posts, but I sure hope you are feeling better Porka. I stay away from Chinese food for the same reason.

    Kelly_a - boy I see what they said about you being the cheerleader. Everything you've said is so nice and supportive. Thank you for all your posts.

    Jacque, have fun this weekend. I know how those weekends are. Fun, but you do find yourself eating ice-cream cones with the kids and wondering what the heck - my son is always saying, "we should do this more often" uh hmmm. I'm sure you will make great choices as you already do. I'll be sending you strength.

    I had another hypnotherapy appt. today. It was focused on having compassion for yourself. Which kind of relates to Kelly_a's posts today. It's a tough one for some of us. When that voice in your head is berating your food choices and how you look.

    One more thing--Kelly_a, I got a Wii fit last week. It is fun! What is your favorite exercise?
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: yep all seems to be back to normal now - again, guess tmi - but only here could a person post that and others understand due to not eating said bad food or eating it! :tongue:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok all< new tread for tomorrow. Good Luck!!