Anyone on the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge?

I have been on the challenge for 8 weeks now and have lost 15lbs and 9". Some days the scales move slower than other days, but at least I am going down. I would like to find some people for extra support and hear how they are doing.


  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    First off Great Job! :) I know how hard it is to stick with anything so congrats on making it 8 weeks and losing such a significant amount of weight and inches!

    I use body by vi products. I'm not doing a 90 day challenge. I usually have a shake a day, sometimes two.

    I went a couple weeks where I didn't have any!

    But I think they are a great meal replacement. I'm down 19pounds in 9 weeks with MFP & body by vi!}

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Justine13
    Justine13 Posts: 78 Member
    Awesome job!
    I do have the visalus shakes however i only have one a day, i am not really trying to loose weight. BUT i have noticed that i haven't been sick with the flu since i started taking them and i do really like that that keep you full and my body have felt more balanced.
    My friend is currently doing the 90 day challenge and my BF is starting it right away. My friend that is doing it has lost 15lbs so far and i believe he is at day 45ish.
  • My 15yr old daughter drinks one shake a day and she kinda had the stomach bug but not enough that she missed any school. I do think it was because of the proper nutrition she has been getting with the shakes that she was able to fight it off.
  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member
    I went on it in September, was very strict with it (ie. followed the plan to a tee) and gained 9lbs! I've been hearing similar stories and commend those that are having success, just ask yourself - are you going to be drinking BBV shakes for the rest of your life? I've chosen to skip the supplements/shakes/fads and take vitamins, eat healthy and do good ol' fashioned exercise... so far, it's working!!! (Although it takes MUCH more dedication than having a sweet and yummy meal supplement 2 times/day!)

    Also, I was really turned off by the various Distributor's sales tactics. The incentives for selling this stuff is quite good, but I warn you to be careful of your AutoShip Plan and how difficult it is to get out of it!
  • Sorry to hear you gained 9 lbs. Did you ever do your measurements? I have hear that people are gaining in the beginning (probably from working out and gaining muscle?) but their inches are going down. I have not been working out cause I don't want to see that scale go up, even though I know it would eventually go down. My 2nd 90 day challenge I plan to start exercising regularly. I know it is good for you. I get my shakes for free and I love them so Yes, I would continue on them for maintenance. Plus I just feel so much better and have way more energy than I use too, so why not for a lifetime. :+)

    I do think that there are other ways to loose weight also. You just have to do something! Congrats on your weight loss so far. Keep up the good work!
  • Hi :) I am following this program too. I love the shakes, I've gained energy to actually start working out. How awesome is that! Feel free to add me as well!
    Keep up the great work!!
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    I've lost 22 lbs since starting this in september.. and that was including my having surgery (not for weight loss) and not being able to work out
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    i have lost 46.6 lbs since October and 19 inches
  • guise81
    guise81 Posts: 2
    I am on day 45 and I have only lost 3 pounds and about 3 inches, which is better than nothing! I have been working out for about 2 years and I haven't had the inches disappear this way.. You can add me, I will do the journey with you :)
  • rockbass
    rockbass Posts: 17 Member
    I use Body By Vi in conjunction with this website. I'm on my second round of 90 days.

    My first time through was actually 2 months after starting weight loss in general. It seems to work pretty well at keeping me full and replacing a meal, especially once you get bored with the flavor and start experimenting.

    Keep up the good work!
  • I am going to give it a try. Several of us at work are trying it. Please add me to the group and I will keep you posted on my progress. I've lost 70 pounds since October - not on Body by Vi--but my weight loss has slowed despite changing up my work outs and all the other things we do to get through plateau's. Thought I'd try this for 90 days and see it it gets my scale moving again. Congrats on your success! G
  • Hi everyone! I am glad to find others on MFP who are also looking for support while doing the 90 day challenge. I am on my second week of the challenge and have lost 3lbs so far. I have noticed that I went up a pound this week, but I'm confident the weight will begin to move down again. I am excited to see what my results will be at the end of the 90 days. Already, I notice that my clothes fit better and my skin is more healthy looking. Add me if you would like a Body by Vi buddy :-)
  • JenVii
    JenVii Posts: 34 Member
    I just started Body By Vi on Monday. I am drinking 2 shakes a day with a sensible dinner. So far so good. I feel much better than I did. I am hoping it works for me. Good luck.

  • kimmiej0
    kimmiej0 Posts: 10 Member
    I started the challenge this past Monday too!!! Would love to have a challenge buddy or 20 LOL add me too!!!!:bigsmile:
  • kimmiej0
    kimmiej0 Posts: 10 Member
    Andddddddd because I now dont have work interrupting my post (heheheheh) I wanted to tell you how I started. I was on ww and lost a total of 26lbs since January. I have several friends doing the challenge and now of course distributors that literally invite me DAILY to a shake party. I was frustrated because i felt like what i was doing was fine and that i was being targeted because of my size. I finally went to a shake party in support of another friend and sampled the shakes and HOLY COW! I could totally do this even if I was doing weight watchers. For now Im logging everything into both sites I want to see where I end up in daily targets for points to but that said, I committed to lose 50 lbs in that 90 days. Which depending on who you ask is either good or bad. I follow the plan two shakes a day reasonable meal at night, the first day I ate two snacks (tuna or pickles) in between the shakes, the second day I didnt feel the need for one of the snacks and today so far I had a morning snack and am not feeling the need for an afternoon snack especially knowing ill be eating dinner in the next couple of hours. Im also following both the walk calendar through visalus as well the strength training calendar. I figure if your going to invest the money you might as well commit the time, if legitimately at the end of 90 days I can say I lost then its worth it. If it doesnt work then no harm no foul cant be any worse than anything else ive done right??? lol
  • kacy35
    kacy35 Posts: 2
    Hi there! I am on day 4 and am down 3 lbs so far. I know some of that can be water weight. I have been working out faithfully for a month with walking and Zumba as well. I'd love it if you'd add me. I need some accountability!! Good Luck for those of you sticking with it.
  • ahind5
    ahind5 Posts: 4
    Anyone willing to give a new body by vi member some support? I've been on for a week straight now and liking but not loving. I constantly feel hungry! So I binge still.. Advice?

    Feel free to add if you can help!
  • Anyone willing to give a new body by vi member some support? I've been on for a week straight now and liking but not loving. I constantly feel hungry! So I binge still.. Advice?

    Feel free to add if you can help!

    I too feel hungry at times, but I try to drink lots of water and chew gum if that happens. Do you have the Vi-Trim? That helps to control hunger and curb carb cravings. Also, the cookie is a great snack idea. I find that if I'm drinking the shakes, which keeps the calories down, I can eat plenty of healthy snacks and still keep my calories low for the day. I've been on for two weeks now and have lost 5 lbs so far. I will send a friend invite and will try to support all I can. Good luck!
  • NemeanTiger
    NemeanTiger Posts: 5 Member
    I'm two weeks into using Body By Vi, and I'm down 10 lbs. I generally only eat twice a day, have a light walk in the morning at work, and then an hour swim after I get home. I replace the normal 2 meals with the shakes and I have no issues with feeling starved, or binge eating. I also don't deny myself eating out with friends/family so I could probably have lost more if I was real strict with it.
  • 4ever_musclelicious
    4ever_musclelicious Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I just started the shakes this week. As someone who is always on the go and is a stress eater, the 2 shakes a day is perfect for my lifestyle. I love the variety of recipes, convenience, no cravings, energy, and the fullness I receive when drinking the shakes. I'm fairly new to mfp and would enjoy being friends with other body by vi fans.