Breast reduction?????

everyoung Posts: 67 Member
Ok, I am about 80lbs overweight. My breasts size are DD, I'm only 5'1. For so many years I wish I have smaller breasts because those babies really get my way most of the times. Last month my insurance company approved for a breast reduction for me. Now I am worried, should I do the breast reduction now or should I work hard to loose the weight first then do the breast reduction? I am 39 years old and really can't carry those big babies anymore. I want to know if anyone had done this in the past. Please!!


  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    Damn near every woman on my mom's side of the family has had a breast reduction, besides me, I'm on the larger side but not quite as big as the rest of them. I will tell you that my mom went from a very large size (don't really know what size she was before, down to a D cup, they took 5 lbs off each breast. THEN she lost a bunch of weight because she was hypoglycemic and suddenly flipped to diabetic, she is now about a large B, small C. So you will lose more weight in your breasts if you do the surgery before you lose weight, AND if you do it after, any tennis ball in sock syndrom you might have will be fixed with the breast reduction too. My mom's breasts were perkier than mine were at 14 after her surgery.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think you should ask your Doctor what he/she recommends. Given the choice, I would totally do it. They can hinder how active you are and how much you exercise. Get them big babies reduced and lose the fat elsewhere on your body! =)
  • julesassid
    I had my reduction before I lost weight, and everyoung is right, you will loose weight in that area, and they will shrink more. I totally understand that it's hard to work out, and keep big boobs out of the way, but I'd suggest to wait until you loose at least half of what your goal is. However, I'm loving my reduction, and I say go for it whenever YOU'RE ready!!! TOTALLY WORTH IT!
  • thedrummer1978
    thedrummer1978 Posts: 31 Member
    Go for it! I got a breast reduction a couple of years ago and suddenly I was able to exercise properly! It will definitely help - don't wait!!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Yes please!

    I have talked to my doc about this. He (and the insurance company) advised that I lose more weight first before having it done. When I graduated high school (about 2 decades ago) I was around 145lbs and spilling out of a C cup. Now that I'm over a 100 lbs bigger, I'm in a G. So though mine are naturally on the bigger side, they have definitely grown with the weight.

    It would be difficult to wait now that you already have approval, but if it was me I think I'd give it just a little bit more time to see if they will decrease as your weight goes down. Good luck either way!
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I would say lose first, just because I know after losing 90lbs, mine have not only went down about 3 cup sizes so far, but have more sag. I would think you'd wanna make sure they were perky and tight like the rest of your goal body :)
  • aj_gettingfit
    I'm 5'2. I was a DD and about 190 lbs when I had my breast reduction. I'm now 165 lbs and I'm a full C still. I'd say go for it.
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    Im 5ft 1 and have always had ginormous boobs. I hated them with a passion haha. Pregnancy and babies had me up in the Gs or Hs or something, it was out of control ridiculous! haha. I had a consultation for a reduction I was SO excited but this was before babies I decided to wait till I was done having children. Then I got the fitness/athlete/weightloss bug and I am the smallest Ive been since junior high and MUCH happier:) I say lose the weight first, you may end up going in for a lift instead of a reduction:)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I had a breast reduction 60 lbs ago. I went from an H to a D. I will say that it helped me lose the weight and feel more confident. I got a reduction and a lift. I dont lose much in my boobs as I lose weight, so mine have gotten a tiny bit smaller, but not much, I am a full C now. If you do tend to lose weight there, I would wait, as they will droop a little, and if you have it done, there is no more lifting them. But If you wait, when you get it done, they will be right where they should be. If you have fluctuated weight before and there isnt much boob difference, go ahead and get it done. If made me feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better. No more migraines, no more shoulder dents, mo more backaches, no more sweaty boob rash, no more people seeing them walk in before I do, shirts fit better, just all around the best thing I ever did. Make sure you go proportional to your hips too. If you have bigger hips, keep them a little bigger. for me (pear shaped) a C seems perfect.
  • tracyeglink
    I had a breast reduction while i was in college, and always recommend it for those of us gals who were born "blessed." BUT I do think you should try the weight loss first, as that definitely will decrease the size of your girls. Then when you've met your goals and still feel uncomfortable, you can get the surgery and have the double bonus of having it act as a "lift!"
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I sooooo want a breast reduction! Even at my smallest, 129 lbs (I'm 5'3)....they shrunk. I'd love to just have a nice, round, bubble butt and a smaller chest. Not to mention, my left breast is noticably bigger than my I'd love to be able to have them the same size. Right now I'm a DD on the left and probably a full B/small C on the right...embarrassing to say the least.
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    I'm so glad you asked this question, I have wanted a breast reduction since I was 16! I am now 35 and over 100lbs heavier than I was in high school, my aunt told me to wait until I lost weight before getting one but I will tell you if I had the approval from my insurance company I would be scheduling surgery as we speak! Do what you and your doctor feel is best, but for me I know I would feel better, and have better freedom of movement, especially working out, I cannot do jumping jacks. I know that sounds silly, but I would love to be able to do jumping jacks! By the way I'm a 44H, good luck with whatever you decide to do!:smile:
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Don't listen to anyone else. Do what you Want!!!! IF it will make you happy.....:wink:
  • everyoung
    everyoung Posts: 67 Member
    I am so thankful for all your responses. I believe I found the answer and will let you know soon! :flowerforyou:
  • TiredOfBeingFAT130
    I had my breast reduction when I was around 175. After my surgery, I gained about 50lbs over a few years. My boobs also grew. Now I am around 197 and they are still DD. I am waiting until after I lose weight and if they are still large, I will be getting another reduction.
  • mimitheshihtzu
    I had my breast reduction last week - 5'1" 141 lb Size 36DD - down to Size 36C (most likely) after the surgery. From my weigh-ins, I lost at least 3 lbs from the surgery. I'm still constipated from the surgery and meds, and might lose more weight this week. I feel lighter around the shoulder and definitely in better posture - could be due to my sports bra. I don't feel front heavy anymore. I look like a Frankenstein right now but feel joyful of my decision and courage. :flowerforyou:
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I started to document pain with my physician and seriously research the surgery and in facing those realities I decided to give EVERYTHING I had to trying to lose weight with the hope that they might be smaller. I didn't think it would work. I would regularly fluctuate 20 up and down and my bra size never changed with just the 20 pounds.

    However, after losing 40 pounds my chest is so much smaller than it was. I have lost a total of 9 INCHES in my boob measurement. I went from a 36DDD to a 34D. I can almost get into a large C cup but pop out a bit so it's D for me.

    So, YES it is possible.

    Surgery is a big deal. But you know yourself. I am a super determined person and it was helpful that as soon as I really tried the weight was melting off of me. I lost 40 pounds in less than 6 months. So if you know you will not be able to be strict and get that job done than perhaps surgery is right for you.

    Anyway you look at it, smaller breasts are so much easier to live with.
