My Unsupportive Husband



  • krocksa
    krocksa Posts: 32
    My husband would never do that because he cares about me and my goals. And I would not allow myself to be treated like that if he did. It sounds like there is WAY more than weight issues here. He's insecure from a past wife but he met you 10 years ago? You're already in counseling twice a week? And you're PREGNANT? Is this your first? Because if he thinks life is tough now wait until the baby comes. Trust me, I have 3 kids. And a very accomodating and understanding husband and it's still difficult.

    Stay the course. You deserve it. The baby NEEDS it. Your husband needs to find way to either get on board or get out of the way. His behaviour is self centered and it is not your job to modify your life to make his ego feel better. He needs to work on his own issues and become a partner in your future as a family. You need to work on your health and focus on the baby. Be prepared for "You don't pay attention to me. You love the baby more than me." I have a feeling you will hear this often.

    You need a new counselor, as others have said.

    Listen to you doctor and OB. There is nothing wrong and everything RIGHT with controlling your nutrition and calories PARTICULARLY when you are pregnant. I fully applaud your efforts. Your baby will too. And your body will be much better able to recover after birth.

    I am so glad to see you sticking to it, and wish you the very best of luck!