Do HR Monitors Work?



  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
    I think the Heart Rate monitors are worth the money but when I use it on my treadmill the HRM I am wearing
    reads differently than the one on my treadmill. Would defiantly like some clarification on this, which one do I trust?
    Any others out there with the same issue?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I love my New Balance N4 - it's a watch/chest strap combo. I have compared calorie burns between my HRM and MFP, and it really varies - some exercises I've found that MFP is way over than what my HRM says, and on others it's way under. So yes, HRM is a good investment!

    Agree and I have the same HRM. I like knowing for sure what my cals burned are! :)
  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Using a HRM is the only way to go if you aren't using exercise equipment or doing the same thing every time where you have a good idea of average calories burned. In fact, I've found that my stationary bike and my HRM are off by about 30% (with the HRM being higher.) Outdoor runners should also consider a HRM with GPS built in if they run a lot and like to track mileage, pace and exertion.

    Keep in mind that calorie counting isn't an exact science. An HRM cannot really tell you to the exact calorie how many were burned during a specific session, just as the calorie information for a carrot or 4 ounces of chicken isn't exact. But you'll get close and that's really all that matters.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm another Polar FT4 user, and I burn more calories according to my HRM than what MFP predicts. I'm usually having to up my minutes on MFP by 5-10 to keep up with the HRM's calorie balance.

    It was about $95 at Target and totally worth the investment. Instead of counting seconds for minutes or using an online stopwatch, I go by calorie 100s now. Progress has been picking up again!!
  • while P90x routines are designed to burn about 600 calories an hour, you should definitely invest in a HRM if you're serious about tracking your exercise calories. when i do the entire Kenpo work out, i usually burn between 800-900 calories.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Using a HRM is the only way to go if you aren't using exercise equipment or doing the same thing every time where you have a good idea of average calories burned. In fact, I've found that my stationary bike and my HRM are off by about 30% (with the HRM being higher.) Outdoor runners should also consider a HRM with GPS built in if they run a lot and like to track mileage, pace and exertion.

    Keep in mind that calorie counting isn't an exact science. An HRM cannot really tell you to the exact calorie how many were burned during a specific session, just as the calorie information for a carrot or 4 ounces of chicken isn't exact. But you'll get close and that's really all that matters.

    I didn't know there were HRM with GPS. Thanks for letting me know!
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    while P90x routines are designed to burn about 600 calories an hour, you should definitely invest in a HRM if you're serious about tracking your exercise calories. when i do the entire Kenpo work out, i usually burn between 800-900 calories.

    Wow, 800-900? That is a lot! It doesn't feel like it with the 15 mins. of stretching and warming up.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 and even if it's off by 10% or so (likely over than under), I don't think it would be enough to hinder weight loss. As long as you know that you can't hang your hat on it to the exact calorie, you'll be fine. However, I think it's fairly accurate. For example, the Leslie Sansone website (or one blog I found somewhere) estimated that tthe average person burns approximately 100 calories per mile on her workouts. My HRM came in right at that.

    I read on a site somewhere where someone said they subtract one calorie for every minute of exercise. I don't know if that's really necessary or not. If I did that, that comes to reducing my calorie estimation by 10% which is really not that bad. I figure if I exercise 20-30 minutes, that's long enough to get a pretty good reading for my purposes.

    I don't regret the purchase at all. In fact, it motivates me to workout longer on some days.
  • pearceda
    pearceda Posts: 29 Member
    I use a New balance chest strap and watch combination and find it fantastic. I can keep track of my P90X workouts and know for sure what I am burning calorie wise and I also found out that my treadmill was overestimating by around 10% combared to my HRM. It was out anywhere from 50-70 calories a workout. I would definitely recommend going with a continous read combo set so you don't have to worry about touching a watch only system.
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    I use my Ant+ sensor on my iPod Touch with my Ant+ enabled Timex chest strap. I use the Digifit App to track my Spins, Runs, Walks, and I find it really accurate. I'm down 10 pounds in 6 weeks too.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I didn't know there were HRM with GPS. Thanks for letting me know!
    I just bought myself a Garmin Forerunner 410 this week with my birthday cash. I get to try it out for the first time tonight and I'm excited that I won't have to have three different things going (HRM watch, Cardio Trainer and Interval apps on my phone) while I run. It was getting to be a hassle to start and stop them all!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    best investment you can make=HRM

    also keep in mind-the more fit you become your calorie burns will decrease (I used to burn 70 calories per mile I run-now I am lucky if I get up to 55. I really have to crank up my speed and go longer to achieve the same calorie burn from say 6 months ago. Also-when I quit smoking, I noticed my calorie burn decrease as well-more oxygen more efficient.
  • dgm1973
    dgm1973 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought the polar FT4 and I also love it. My treadmill was calculating about 100 calories more than my heart rate montior. I love the polar FT4 because while working out you can make sure you are staying within your "target zone". So when I see I'm falling below my "target zone", I speed it up.

    Before my treadmill was calculating that I was burning about 250 calories for a 20 minute jog/fast walk, but with my HRM, I know I have to stay on for at least 30 minutes to burn the same amount of calories.

    I just bought mine about a week ago, but I'm sure I'm going to see quicker results because I'm pushing my self harder to burn more calories.

    The polar FT4 comes with a chest strap, and I can't even tell I have it on.

    Good luck!!
  • Absolutely invest in a HRM! There are times when MFP is wayyyy off, either way too high or way too low. The same can be said for the equipment at the gym. The elliptical there will report that I burned 305 calories doing 45 minutes of exercise, where my heart rate monitor will report 500+. A HRM is the greatest tool to accurately judge where you are and where to continue from there. Go to Amazon and buy your HRM, though. I got a polar, not sure which one but it's pink. I got it for $60 on Amazon, and saw the same one at ****'s Sporting Goods for $120
  • I have found that MFP is VERY generous with cals burned..
    I have found that a HRM with chest strap is the most accurate. You dont even notice that you are wearing it.
    I have the polar FT4.. Worth the 60$ investment.
    I have lost more weight since using the HRM and have noticed that over the months I have to push myself harder to hit my target heart rate..

    I highly suggest a HRM..
  • I just did P 90 X Kenpo, which I thought is similar to judo/ karate/ boxing, and tried to log it as such. MFP told me at my weight, for 30 mins, I burned about 300 calories. I thought about it, and that can't be right. My heart gets racing a lot faster when I'm doing 2 minute aggression drills (hitting a pad, non-stop, with as much intensity and speed as I can) then it does during the whole Kenpo work out. There has to be degrees for this. Fighting a person must burn way more calories than doing poses in front of a TV screen.

    My point-- should I invest in a heart rate monitor? Are they accurate and worth the money? Or should I just be careful when I'm eating my exercise calories?

    Polar Heart Rate Monitors (in conjunction with tracking calories) are very effective!! I believe in them strongly! Using one when I work-out plus tracking my calories is how I've maintained my weight within 3-5lbs for the past 3 years! ;) Well worth the investment, they last a long time and changing the battery only costs about $20 and lasts for about 2-3 years.