Something I never knew about Peanut Butter

"Choose NATURAL PB - It is found among the crappy Jif and Skippy brands (No, “natural” Jif is not really “natural”.. it’s just labeled that way to trick you into thinking it’s healthier). The REAL natural kind will have oil resting on the top and will need to be refrigerated once opened.. but the health benefits outweigh the whole, having-to-put-it-in-the-fridge thing."

See... I already knew about choosing the natural peanut butter. But had no idea that the Jif "natural pb" wasn't exactly natural until I read this last night and took an even CLOSER look at the label. I thought as long as there was no hydrogenated oils that it was okay.
Funny thing is I bought a natural pb the other night (that had all the oil seperation and whatnot) because they didn't have the jif brand. Turns out that was the one i shoulda been buying all along!
just thought i'd throw this out there for anyone who didn't know. :)


  • NiLo4598
    NiLo4598 Posts: 29 Member
    WHAT! I've been cheated! I've been buying the low sodium "natural" Jiff....I'm pissed! UGHHH!
  • I KNOW RIGHT?! haha. yeah i took a look at the natural jif label and realized they have sodium, molasses, ect. That's why it's "no stirring needed" . as opposed to the full on all natural pb i just bought. It's solely peanuts. Tastes quite different from the jif. must be the lack of molasses and salt.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Much ado about nothing. There's so little trans fat in regular peanut butter, It can't be detected.
  • it's not even about that though. I feel better knowing i'm eating something with one or two simple ingrediants. It's nice knowing i'm making a healthy choice.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    it's not even about that though. I feel better knowing i'm eating something with one or two simple ingrediants. It's nice knowing i'm making a healthy choice.

    cool story bro
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I actually like natural PB better, it's less sweet than the other stuff.
  • Lary_babe
    Lary_babe Posts: 47 Member
    So funny- I grew up on natural peanut butter - it was all we could get in Africa. Jiff was like a treat!
    I can't believe how expensive natural peanut butter is here. There it was so cheap- you could get like a half pint for a buck.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have been really going through an issue though, and that is I really need to count pennies. Everything natural is twice as much as crap. So, it's been hard to stay true. I'm working on compromises here and there because good food costs so much more, for the most part.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    DW and I have started to use PB2. We are really enjoying it.
  • cdusanka
    cdusanka Posts: 33
    I have been really going through an issue though, and that is I really need to count pennies. Everything natural is twice as much as crap. So, it's been hard to stay true. I'm working on compromises here and there because good food costs so much more, for the most part.

    Make your own natural PB by putting a bunch of roasted unsalted peanuts in a blender or food processor. Make it as chunky or smooth as you want! Super cheap too!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I was just looking at labels the other night at the grocery store! I was also shocked to see how much more expensive natural peanut butter is! I know its nothing compared to the organic but still a small jar of name brand was around $6. So just FYI, Kroger brand natural peanut butter is truly natural - I looked at the label to make sure! And it had the oil separation at the top. And it was MUCH cheaper than than the name brands with the same ingredients!

    Also I was pleasantly surprised at the taste - very creamy and peanutty flavor! I won't buy anything else anymore!
  • it's funny actually because when i bought the REAL natural pb, i was really dissapointed and didn't want to eat it because it freaked me out with the oil seperation. behold, i actually enjoy it a heck of a lot more than i thought i would!
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I hate stirring peanut butter. The consistency never gets right for me. I'll stick with my unnatural Skippy. Been eating it since I was 5 and I'm still here.
  • wender125
    wender125 Posts: 93 Member
    ONce you get used to it, natural peanut butter is awesome! Makes kraft pb taste like candy! In fact, my 5 year old can tell the difference, and if he detects kraft pb on his toast, he *will not* eat it. Slightly frustrating, but awesome at the same time!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I hate stirring peanut butter. The consistency never gets right for me. I'll stick with my unnatural Skippy. Been eating it since I was 5 and I'm still here.

    Yea this is how I feel too. Simply Jif is probably my favorite
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I have been really going through an issue though, and that is I really need to count pennies. Everything natural is twice as much as crap. So, it's been hard to stay true. I'm working on compromises here and there because good food costs so much more, for the most part.

    I hear you. Boy, do I hear you. I'd rather splurge on good fresh veggies and save on PB. That's me.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    it's funny actually because when i bought the REAL natural pb, i was really dissapointed and didn't want to eat it because it freaked me out with the oil seperation. behold, i actually enjoy it a heck of a lot more than i thought i would!
    If you stir it then store it upside down, the oil separates to the bottom so it's easier to stir and you don't have to put it in the fridge.
  • deblc6836
    deblc6836 Posts: 59
    I dump the whole jar into the kitchen aid mixer, get the oil mixed in well, then return it to the jar and refrigerate it. It never needs stirring again, and keeps the bottom of the jar from being very dry. I grew up on the not-natural varieties and never cared much for it...I LOVE the natural stuff.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I hate stirring peanut butter. The consistency never gets right for me. I'll stick with my unnatural Skippy. Been eating it since I was 5 and I'm still here.

    Yea this is how I feel too. Simply Jif is probably my favorite
    I kind of agree, but I'm sure someone could log the stirring as cardio exercise... you know the people I'm talking about. :wink: :wink:
  • mmmartin33
    mmmartin33 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you make the natural PB? Don't you need some kind of oil as well - canola or something?