Im new

Hey everyone. My name is Amanda. I am 27. I am also a stay at home mom. I am trying to lose some weight for myself and an upcoming trip. Right now I am 170. I am trying to get down to 120 or 130. I don't want to go overboard but just enough that I want to feel beautiful.


  • miraquenice
    miraquenice Posts: 16 Member
    hi im pretty new too my goal is to lose 40 to 50 pounds...maybe 60. Lol like you i just want to feel better about myself feel free to add me.:smile:
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Hello ladies, and welcome! You'll find lots of ideas, info and support here. Good luck!
  • Loveachallenge32
    Loveachallenge32 Posts: 23 Member
    hi im pretty new too my goal is to lose 40 to 50 pounds...maybe 60. Lol like you i just want to feel better about myself feel free to add me.:smile:

    yeah i have been like this for 3 years. I lost weight before I got pregnant. I lost about 15lbs before I found out I was pregnant but gain it all back and plus lol. My child got me up to 200 when I was pregnant. I just want to shake the rest off and feel pretty again.
  • Loveachallenge32
    Loveachallenge32 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello ladies, and welcome! You'll find lots of ideas, info and support here. Good luck!

    Thanks I really hope I can get alot of ideas and support here! I can't wait to hear ideas!
  • hi im nadia! and thats my same goal at least 125! been going to the gym but need to change the eating habits.. ughh..
    MEAMELT Posts: 9
    Hi, I'm also new.....Last year I was diagnosed with Diabetes type two, I am now doing everything within my power to change the course of direction. I watch these kids on I used to be fat all the time and figure if they can so can I! Wish me luck! feel free to add me!
  • Loveachallenge32
    Loveachallenge32 Posts: 23 Member
    hi im nadia! and thats my same goal at least 125! been going to the gym but need to change the eating habits.. ughh..

    hey nadia! I don't go to the gym. I do my own little work. I dance, plus clean my house really good every day. plus a light work out before I go to bed. I really hope I can get to my goal!
  • Loveachallenge32
    Loveachallenge32 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'm also new.....Last year I was diagnosed with Diabetes type two, I am now doing everything within my power to change the course of direction. I watch these kids on I used to be fat all the time and figure if they can so can I! Wish me luck! feel free to add me!

    A lot of luck hun! I am sorry about ur diagnosed. But I know you can do it so keep in mind u have the power and I will beat this!
  • drechiz
    drechiz Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm new too and just starting to experiment with posts and blogs. (Don't really know what I am doing haha) But my goal is to lose 10 to 15 more pounds before my 30th birthday in July. (eek!)
  • Hello Everyone! I am new also. I started this on Saturday last week and am down 2.2lbs so far. I need to lose 40 lbs. I went to the gym 2 times this week and 2 times last week. Cardio Cardio Cardio. I haven't been doing weights yet. Does anyone have any feedback on if they are doing weights with cardio and if so how many days a week? Are you seeing good results?
  • drechiz
    drechiz Posts: 21 Member
    Good job! Way to take control of your life and do something about it instead of just let it get you down! BEST OF LUCK!!!
  • Andufrene
    Andufrene Posts: 44
    Welcome! Good luck! Feel free to add me, Anyone!!