New TurboFire

What have you heard about it? Is it going to be a whole new set of workouts or just a couple new ones to add to the originals (like the advanced workouts)? Either way, I'm excited for something new from Turbo and Chalene!


  • scottanthonyholmes
    scottanthonyholmes Posts: 23 Member
    I am doing P90X, but havent tried Chalean -- do you like her?? It looks like a lot of Cardio -- how does it compare to Insanity, if you know??
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I think Turbo is way more fun than Insanity. I always tell people Turbo is what would happen if kickboxing and dancing had a baby. Insanity is more traditional moves like jumping jacks, high knees, etc. Turbo has more punches and kicks, and some dance-y type stuff. The music is about a million times better, too. For me, it's about the same as far as calorie burn, but if I'm gunna burn the same amount, why not do it in a really fun way? ChaLEAN Extreme, on the other hand, is much more strength based. There's a few interval workouts which have a good amount of cardio, but it's a strength program, whereas Turbo is cardio-intense with a little strength thrown in.