Is Green Tea an acquired taste?



  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I am trying to drink a hot cup of green tea this morning. I know it's a good thing, but honestly, it tastes like grass to me. Lemon helped. Does it grow on you over time?

    Maybe you can try flavored green teas. Yogi Teas makes plenty of options... like blueberry green tea, and other berry flavored ones. Lemon is a MUST for my green tea, but I don't mind it plain either.

    Another fun way I like to make my green (or black) tea is to add some almond milk and a bit of sweetener like truvia or something. Sugar will work too if you're not into alternative sweeteners. Anyway, pretty good stuff. I tend to make my chai teas that way anyway.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    It does have a grassy taste to it. Try a flavored green tea. Bigelow has a blueberry, pomegranate, and others. They are yummy. But the lemon most def helps.
  • missfancy1980
    i think everyone would love green tea if it is prepared PROPERLY!
    too many people dunk it in boiling water which brings out the bitter tannins! and then they let it sit for 20 minutes in their cup! insane!

    try steeping it in water that has not yet boiled but is very hot for *ONE MINUTE* - two at most!
    it should taste light and sweet when prepared that way, and is extremely refreshing when prepared right!

    ^^ This!

    Green tea is light and refreshing if left to stew for a min or two first, as all herb and fruit teas should be :) Don't mess it up with milk, sugar, or anything extra. Just drink it pure.
  • erinw1011
    erinw1011 Posts: 86 Member
    Definitely try Tazo Zen, it's my favorite. Other kinds that also have spearmint in them are tasty as well. I sweeten it up with a half a packet of Truvia!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yes - absolutely - try a few until you find one that you like!!
    Here in New Zealand we have Healtheries - Green Tea with Mandarin and Elderflowers - it is my favorite (not so keen on the ones with lemon) - there are some nice ones with berries as well.....

    Some of them can be horridly bitter - the trick is not to steep them in the water for too long...

    If I have fresh mint I put some (a hand full of leaves) in the cup before I pour water over - very refreshing
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I make iced green tea and drink it all day long. I brew it just like regular iced tea but with decaffeinated green tea bags instead. I let it steep extra long (which I know you're not supposed to do, but whatever) and sweeten it with a little Splenda. Tastes almost like "regular" iced tea to me. (I'm not a fan of it hot - kinda blah.)
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    I think it may be. I used it to help get myself off of needing coffee everyday (personal choice). When I first began to drink it, I thought it tasted like dirty hot water! I mean seriously??? But I didn't want to sweeten it and defeat the purpose of me drinking it so I just kept drinking it until now I love it! I drink the flavored ones as many others have already pointed out with nothing added to it. So for me, yup - I thought it was better for me than coffee so I forced myself to like it. Did the same with oatmeal :)
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    Bigelow Green Tea with mint. If you can find the Republic of Tea Cherry Blossom Green Tea, that one is my favorite.
  • Brighteyes9
    Brighteyes9 Posts: 8 Member
    I drink green iced tea - commercial brands - 16 oz every day. It comes in a variety of flavors.
  • nannabannana
    I, personally like OOLONG tea, it has a combination of green and ?..I forgot, but it taste very good. It is supposed to be an iced tea, but it can be hot or cold.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Nope. I've tried it 100x and still think it's gross. I don't care how great it's supposed to be, it tastes like dirty water.

    I love black tea, and some different rooibos teas, and jasmine tea is awesome!
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    Celestial Tea has a green tea and white tea blend that I find has a softer, almost sweeter taste. Its the antioxidant one with the elephant on the box. They also have different flavored green teas that look good but I have yet to try them.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I can only drink the green tea with lemon, and I actually really like it. But plain green tea is ick-ick to me. I never aquired the taste for plain green tea.
  • powersofmagnitude
    powersofmagnitude Posts: 5 Member
    The short answer is NO. It is not an acquired taste. If it tastes like grass then you need a different green tea. I drink a tea called "Six Summits" from Teavana that is heavenly. It is my all time favorite tea. And not all black teas are created equal, either. After years of drinking my mother's brand of tea, I found out what really good black tea tastes like--I drink a black Assam tea from The Republic of Tea and a lovely Assam tea from Teavana, as well. Any really good green tea will have you hooked. If it tastes nasty or like grass, get rid of it. Drink a really good green tea. My favorite healthy tea is Six Summits from Teavana. I bet others will let you know their preference, as well. Good luck--and really, try some other green teas. From Sharon Powers.
  • allisonrugby
    allisonrugby Posts: 4 Member
    I like adding one sweetener to my tea, i think that makes them a lot more enjoyable.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I LOVE me some tea! :tongue:

    ^ Anytime, any place..Give me tea.. I love Green Iced Tea .:love:
  • MChetwynd
    I used to hate green tea, but I find it tastes better cold vs. hot. I love both now.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    i drink green tea with citrus the lipton brand (hot) .. slice a lemon .. squeeze a lil in there & throw the rest in the cup & it helps it A LOT .
  • peachinator
    peachinator Posts: 27 Member
    Tea in general is good for you...I am a fan of pretty much all teas, but green tea is probably my least favorite. I would say try a bunch - black, red, white, green - and see which one is your favorite. Black tea is my personal favorite, especially earl grey. And it tastes pretty good with sweetener or a bit of honey added. :)
  • 1Ciarrah
    1Ciarrah Posts: 55 Member
    I drink Stash Green Chai. It is so yummy