Rude co-(not)workers



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I would have said:

    I don't really give a hoot what you call it... I'm healthy and losing weight and you and your chocolate are not! :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    the girls that have known me a long time at work compliment me almost every day. The highest form of compliment came from one of the newbie young girls. She asked me what I was eating, I told her and she said " Oh I will try that, you always eat so healthy":noway: ?? Who me??

    I do believe with 22 pounds gone, you have the last laugh.

    So keep on smiling at work, and tighten that belt!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Every time they think they have won remember it is you who is the victor. Let them smile and eat their crap snacks while you get fit. You will be the winner, while the catty Mean girls at your job get fat! Ignore the haters!

    diet (dī′ət)


    1. what a person or animal usually eats and drinks; daily fare
    2. figuratively, what a person regularly reads, listens to, does, etc.

    Therefore, everyone is on a diet. unless we do not eat or drink at all. You just choose a good diet, verses their bad diet choices.

    Hang in there, The more fit you get, the better you will feel and look. They will be jealous fat mean people no matter what you do.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Keep that smile on your face & offer them some veggies - you might even insinuate that they would be a good choice!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    The other thought that I had about the co-worker situation is -- don't be surprised if your efforts have a positive effect on someone in your office that you may not know is paying attention to you....

    Since I started to drop weight, one of the x-ray techs in my area has begun her journey, and didn't say anything to me til last month when she complimented me and admitted that she'd lost 12 lbs in the last two months and is now at a total of 17 lbs lost and has done it basically the same way I did!

    You never know when you will be a power of example to someone who really needs you!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    :grumble: Good grief.....High school all over again. Some people just never grow up and develop lives of their own.

    Exactly my thoughts.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Problem you stated, you work in an office "full of women". Strike 1.

    Solution to Problem..... raise both hands towards co-workers, palms inward, extend middle fingers, wave in a circular motion.

    This girl thinks this guy is funny!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The other thought that I had about the co-worker situation is -- don't be surprised if your efforts have a positive effect on someone in your office that you may not know is paying attention to you....

    Since I started to drop weight, one of the x-ray techs in my area has begun her journey, and didn't say anything to me til last month when she complimented me and admitted that she'd lost 12 lbs in the last two months and is now at a total of 17 lbs lost and has done it basically the same way I did!

    You never know when you will be a power of example to someone who really needs you!

    This is so true, Russia!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ugh. Some people. Makes me glad I'm out of the workforce because Lord above, I would have said something nasty.

    'Let me know how that chocolate looks on your *kitten* tomorrow'
    'Sweeties, if you need any help on YOUR diets (this is where you eye them up and down)- just let me know'
    'It's ok, hon, I understand not everyone has self-control'

    See? It IS a good thing I don't work anymore lol.

    In reality- some women judge themselves by how others are doing. If you're doing well then it *must* mean that they are worse than you- so their claws come out. So sad really. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry but those are some AWESOME come backs. I love the chocolate on your *kitten* thing! HA HA HA:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Problem you stated, you work in an office "full of women". Strike 1.

    Solution to Problem..... raise both hands towards co-workers, palms inward, extend middle fingers, wave in a circular motion.

    This girl thinks this guy is funny!

    this may come as a surprise to you, but i've been in multiple work environments where I was not only on the receiving end of a variety of hostile and violent shenanigans but also have been the instigator as well. Shocking, I know.

    The behavior I stated earlier, is completely and socially acceptable as far as I'm concerned, haha.
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    This is the exact reason why I have not mentioned a thing to anyone..Not my fam, friends, co-workers or the dog next door. My husband and my Doctor are the only people I have talked to at length about this journey...oh except you all. (just a few people on this sight, right:tongue: )

    I am using my crazy stomach problems as my reason for no McD's and Burger King everyday. When I say I cant eat that because it will make me sick, it stops people cold. Sort of the truth...I know this eating plan will stop my pain and I am choosing a pain free life.

    I know most people know something is going on, but no one has questioned me on it. I really like it that way.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    My workmates have been commenting on the fact that i have a cooked breakfast every morning in work.... the comments i get are
    'should you be eating that?'
    'you look like you're enjoying that' said with a wry smile!
    'that's not very good/healthy for you is it?'

    Firstly, what the hell has it got to do with anyone else what i am eating?
    Secondly, why do they think that they have the right to comment or ask any of these things?
    Just because i am a larger lady doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to eat!

    By the way, the breakfast in question is, tinned tomatoes, baked beans, mushrooms and an egg! Hardly bad for me!!!
    I think they just don't like to see a fat bird eating, well tough because eating this way is losing me weight.... so get used to it!! lol
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Problem you stated, you work in an office "full of women". Strike 1.

    Solution to Problem..... raise both hands towards co-workers, palms inward, extend middle fingers, wave in a circular motion.

    This girl thinks this guy is funny!

    this may come as a surprise to you, but i've been in multiple work environments where I was not only on the receiving end of a variety of hostile and violent shenanigans but also have been the instigator as well. Shocking, I know.

    The behavior I stated earlier, is completely and socially acceptable as far as I'm concerned, haha.

    Not a shock at all. Men have a different language. Both of the other managers I work with are men. One of them said to me, yeah your *kitten* isn't near as fat as it used to be. Now, working with him for many years I knew this was actually a compliment in men language, so I didin't get offended. I rolled my eyes and thanked him and told him I hope he didn't try to charm his wife with that line. (It's our job to educate them, ladies, :laugh: ) BUT if another women had said that....I may have not taken it in stride, because when a woman says something like that she is being mean and snarky.
    Double standard, I know, but it is what it is.....
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Problem you stated, you work in an office "full of women". Strike 1.

    Solution to Problem..... raise both hands towards co-workers, palms inward, extend middle fingers, wave in a circular motion.

    This girl thinks this guy is funny!

    this may come as a surprise to you, but i've been in multiple work environments where I was not only on the receiving end of a variety of hostile and violent shenanigans but also have been the instigator as well. Shocking, I know.

    The behavior I stated earlier, is completely and socially acceptable as far as I'm concerned, haha.

    Not a shock at all. Men have a different language. Both of the other managers I work with are men. One of them said to me, yeah your *kitten* isn't near as fat as it used to be. Now, working with him for many years I knew this was actually a compliment in men language, so I didin't get offended. I rolled my eyes and thanked him and told him I hope he didn't try to charm his wife with that line. (It's our job to educate them, ladies, :laugh: ) BUT if another women had said that....I may have not taken it in stride, because when a woman says something like that she is being mean and snarky.
    Double standard, I know, but it is what it is.....

    Not a double standard really........human nature. Men are blunt honest, and for the most part are not good with words. Woman on the other hand, if of the catty nature, think about their lines and shoot to kill. It is survival of the fitest.

    I work in a large office and just like in middle and high school the girls pair off. It is funny, because the 10 or so guys can be seen each day with a different group of girls, but the girls are always seen with the same ppl.

    My favorite compliment from they guys is the shy grin they give me when I pass by:wink: