Is Green Tea an acquired taste?



  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I love Jasmine tea.:smile:
  • wish3s
    wish3s Posts: 14
    I have to say yes and no. Some of the teas are definitely an acquired taste like Matcha or for me, jasmine/floral green teas. I prefer plain green tea leaves or oolong teas. A lot of the problems from green tea stem from using too high of a temperature to steep the tea. Using too much heat, turns the tea bitter. If you are using the correct temperature for your tea, the other problem that might arise is that you are steeping the tea for too long which might also cause bitterness.
  • jsenecal12
    I got into the habit of drinking it over the past two months. When I first started I thought it was easily the most disgusting thing I'd ever had, but I'd purchased two boxes (Lipton,one plain and one acai and blueberry, both green teas) and didn't want to waste it so I continued drinking it twice daily. I love it now - it tastes great, makes me feel great, and I don't add anything to it at all. It's great. Stick to it, keep drinking it and you'll grow to love it!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think it tastes almost like I mean for me there is nothing to aquire, I drink it when I feel like it just to help with digestion and whatnot but it's not great tasting IMO by any means.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    YES! It's an acquired taste, and it's one you can actually come to not only appreciate but look forward to. I hated it when I first tried it, but I have come to love it. If you brew it improperly, it can be bitter, though. Boil the water; let it rest for (at least) one minute in the kettle. Put the teabag in the cup; pour in the water. Let it steep for three minutes, and then remove the bag without squeezing it. Enjoy. :)
  • lcardullo
    lcardullo Posts: 22
    Wow I never realized so many people did not like green tea! I'm a tea drinker and when I found green tea, I was in heaven - found it very mild and light. Have you tried drinking it cold? I like it best that way - I enjoy the flavored versions a lot too.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Blah, I can't stand green tea. I like black tea, but not green tea. D:
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I was like that at first with Green Tea - but then I found this Trader Joe's Green Tea with Jasmine... and it's awesome. Steap it for about 2 minutes, and add half a packet of Splenda (or a smidge of Honey for those intolerant of the artificial sweetners).

    It's pretty awesome... Not bitter at all...


  • jessicamarie96
    yes, definitely. at first i thought it was gross, now i love it. & i drink it without lemon or honey or sugar (:
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    Try different brands, I do not like some, but can drink others all day. plain!
  • rasptorte
    rasptorte Posts: 29
    I don't like green tea either, but I found another way to drink it so I can enjoy some of the health benefits. Once you brew the tea let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator. Use it as a substitute for water or milk in a smoothie made with frozen bananas and other frozen fruit.
  • ssp1977
    ssp1977 Posts: 120 Member
    I drink Stash Green Chai. It is so yummy
    Yep. This is a good one. My favorite. I tried a lot of different green teas because I really wanted to find one I liked. This one works for me!
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Yes it is.. if you like black tea like English breakfast type teas then you might like the toasted type of Green tea called Bancha or Kukicha. It's a much richer flavor than the untoasted leaf or twigs.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    not all green tea is created far as taste, try a white tea/ green tea mix to start. but other than that yes it is :drinker:
  • sgressock
    sgressock Posts: 47 Member
    Oh man I LOVE tea! I think I like oolong more then green tea. If your set on the health benefits of green tea, would go for one of teavanas teas because I think they are great and they can even brew you a cup before you go so if you can see if you like it. Also tell them you don't want your tea to taste like dirt and I'm sure they can find you a mild flavorful tea. If you don't want to infuse your own tea, I really like the yogi green tea kumbacha. Add a little agave or coconut sugar for flavor every once in a while.

    Also check out some other tea benefits besides green tea. There are some pretty awesome teas out there!
    Good luck
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    It is an acquired taste ... I drink 7 glasses a day ... the first two are mixed with a " coconut chai " ... the others are straight ! LOL !

    There are many different brands and tastes ... I must say the " better " quality the tea ... the milder and better tasting it is. Also one must realize that new habits form within 3 to 4 weeks .... eventually you will get used to it and with any luck ... learn to love it ! I do ! :)

    The health benefits alone are worth biting the bullet and finding the perfect green tea for you !

    My personal favè is at Whole Foods .... It is a " Japanese Organic Jasmine Green Tea " ... very mild.

    I am actually sippin' it as I write this ! :drinker:
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I like it with blueberry that is good or other fruit teas. I have started drinking those instead of ordinary tea.
    This. I just bought some blueberry green tea and it is really good.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    at first haha yes it does. but yes it has grown on me!! I love green tea. usually plain or with some honey for added sweetness..I dont drink it hot tho. I like it cold or warm...
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    Yes, I believe it is (YUCK!) :laugh:
  • amurret
    amurret Posts: 3
    Green tea is delicious and has plenty of antioxidants, and it is an acquired taste I suppose... especially if you haven't already weaned yourself off of high-sugar drinks/foods? Which if you haven't done, you should do asap... that's a much bigger step than acquiring the taste of green tea. Lipton makes some teas with various pieces of fruit etc in it to flavor it, they come in little pyramid tea bags, personally I really like those.