Don't normally do this, BUT I need some SUPPORT in a bad way

Simply said, I really need to find myself again.

I wouldn't normally post on forums about this, but I thought, what the hell. I need the support so why not? :)

I have been on my journey now for almost 280 days to be exact. I've lost 32lbs. I know, I should be at goal by now. I know this. But I've honestly made many mistakes along the way that I have had to learn from. But this has shaped my lifestyle. I still have about 20lbs to lose. I am 173lbs now and would like to be somewhere close to 150lbs.

I eat healthy and within my calories and macros everyday. This has not been a problem. Working out HAS!

I was working out about 4-6 times a week and felt great about that. Even though exercise isn't my favorite activity in the world, I enjoyed it while doing it. And felt better about my self and my body. I know this should be enough motivation for me to just do it.
But something happened and I seem to have lost myself somehow. I haven't worked out since February 5th. I don't even like admitting that. ;(
I am having a VERY difficult time just doing it. Like I am afraid to workout and find myself again. Almost like starting all over.
I don't know why I feel this way.

I'm just hoping for some support from all you wonderful people on here. :) And I do not mind brashness as I prefer tough love and brutal honesty.

Thank you so much everyone!!!! Hope you're all having a great day.


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    First it happens to most all of us. I have lost 101 lbs and still have moments of un-motivation even though I know how much better I feel when I workout and eat heathly. I have re-gained some and re-lost it, I don't count that in my total but know it has happened to me and I felt horrible when that number crept back up but it still took me a few more days to get re-motivated. We're human, we get tired, burnt out, busy, over stressed, etc. It does not matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get back up! Are you gonna stay down and lose all your progress or are you gonna get back up and fight?!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,420 Member
    Did you like the exercise you were doing? If not, try something different. How about just starting small-grab those kids in your profile picture and go for a walk, or ride your bike. Put some great music on and dance around your house like a fool! Exercise doesn't have to be only about time spent in a gym or doing routines from a DVD.

    You have to find the inspiration from within yourself. You said it yourself that you liked how YOU felt when you exercised so you need to figure out why you wouldn't want to continue to have that feeling. I'm the exact opposite of you. I love to workout (because I love the stuff I do) but struggle daily with the food-still, after a year and a half!

    You can do it and you know you need to do it so in the famous words of Nike-JUST DO IT!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am not a big fan of exercise myself, at least not for the sake of just doing it. The trick is to find something that you really love and that motivates you. Of course, I kept telling myself that for years and didn't find that special something, so I didn't do it. And I gained weight.

    Then last April I discovered running and I haven't stopped. Do I love every training run? Of course not, but I love the races and the fact that I get to do them with my sister. Since I need the training runs to be able to run the races, I keep scheduling races so I'll have to do the training runs. It is what keeps me motivated. You just need to find something similar.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    That's a hurdle everyone has a hard time jumping over from time to time. That unmotivated monkey gets on your back and its just hard to shake that bish off!!

    I've been there for about 7 months. I just returned to exercising on 3/1/12. During that 7 months I would exercise for a day or two and then just say the heck with it for no apparent reason. On March 1 it just clicked. I said today is the day that I have to regain my control and stop giving in to my laziness.

    Its going to click for you eventually as well. Just keep it in the forefront of your mind. Continue having those day 1's...eventually they will become consecutive. Day 1 will turn into Day 2 and Day 2 will turn into Day 3....

    Good luck to you.
  • optional1
    optional1 Posts: 15 Member
    TRY TABATA IT WILL HELP ALOT!!! 4 min. interval training add it to your workouts. for 4 minutes you go really ,really hard on whatevever you want for 20 sec.stop for 10 sec.and continue till your 4 min. are up. youtube has there timer ,look uo tabata timer it tells you when to go and stop .it goes straight into fat burning its awsome dont do it every day 2-3 days a week . jumprope, sprint in place ,burpees, jumping jacks etc.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    First, I think your progress has been TREMENDOUS! I'm glad to see you doing so well. You deserve a pat on the back for getting as far as you have. Your goal is just a destination. The journey is just as important as how you got there. I think you're having a pretty good journey. Enjoy the non-scale victories! Enjoy the journey!

    Have you eaten something decadent and then the next day you expected to weigh a kajillion more pounds but the scale didn't move? That's because you've put in the hard work to improve your metabolism so it could handle that! Non-Scale Victory (but don't do that too often).

    So you've taken a month off... now it's time to get back to work. Real life happens. You're doing great! KEEP IT GOING! I'm ranting.

    (I had a longer rant but lost it. Dangnabbit)
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Girl we are having the same problems! I've been doing this for 11 months, and the past three months or so it's like all my drive is gone. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think a big part is that now that it's becoming a lifestyle I don't have to think about it as much. I don't have to consume every day thinking about how I will lose or the temptations I will stay away from, which is good, but it's also sucked out some of my motivation. It's like now that I've reached some goals, know I can do it, I don't feel like losing weight is as urgent as it was before. It's been so much easier to decide I'm too busy for the gym or have a second serving lately.

    I've been working on getting my motivation back, by not letting myself make excuses. Trying to remember how good I felt when I worked out, how successful and accomplished I'd feel at the end, and pushing myself to do even a 5 minute abs workout app every night.

    I think it's ok to take a little break, but it's important to push yourself to where you know you can and should be (looking at success stories always help push me too). I'll add you as a friend - hopefully we can support each other :)
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Try to find something you love. I did the 30DS on and off for years with no real body change, hated every minute of it. Then after almost hurting myself I started doing yoga. I do it every single day and love every second.

    Also, getting back in the routine is the toughest part, once you do that, you'll be fine!!!

    Don't beat yourself up!