Au Natural or....



  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    You will never see me au natural. People come in many colors... I for one, am a red blotchy mess. I'm also an uber blusher - get me mad, sad, surprise me, or hit on me - you can TOTALLY tell. I flush a deep crimson should be: :blushing: but rather is: :mad: . The minimum I wear is a light coating of my bare minerals powder (which surprisingly does the trick) and mascara. I NEVER leave home without mascara on. The other day, I scrubbed my face clean and my hubs asked if I was sick.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I almost never ever go out without at least a little make up, but that consists of foundation and chapstick. Unless we are going out for something, on the weekends/running errands/ etc I am always in tennis shoes/flip flops/yoga pants/jeans etc. The only time I go out to run errands dressed up is if I am on my way home from work.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member
    I like to be comfy and my work has a "casual" dress code, so I'm usually in nice jeans *I don't understand the whole ripped up jeans look AT ALL*, a cute shirt, and tennis shoes with a hoodie thrown on if it's chilly outside. I own a ton of heels and now that my knees are actually getting stronger thanks to working out I've been trying to wear them more to work. Unless I'm leaving the house to go to the gym I don't feel comfortable without at least a little make up on.... although that is becoming less and less the older I get and the better my skin becomes.

    As an adult I don't understand the wearing PJ's *not including sweats/yoga pants* out of the house look.... but when I was in college *especially when I had those dreaded 8am classes* I was a a big fan of wearing my PJ's to class lol
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    It depends---If I am just running errands and haven't been at work, then I will will either jeans or yoga pants and a tshirt/or sweatshirt. I will at least brush my hair and put some makeup on (just because I'm blonde and have to have my mascara!) But, it also depends on how much time I have to get ready (with a nearly 3 year old, there's never enough time) and where I have to go.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I never wear make is irritating to my skin. I do dress in jeans or slacks ( do not even own a dress or skirt) and a top to match the activity I am doing. Your dad never wore heals that is why he said sneakers were for the gym. I wear sneakers most of the time except on the motorcycle ( boots) or when wearing dress slacks then I wear flats. I keep my hair short so it is never really messy and I can just brush it with my fingers and it is in place.
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    As I'm trying to lose weight, I usually wear my yoga/dress type pants. I don't do anything with my hair except maybe part it to the side and flip it up in a clip, or ponytail it. Since I work M-F you'll find me with eye makeup on, just eyeliner and eye shadow. Don't care for lipstick, just do the chapstick, or if I'm all dressed up with a nice top and I'm feeling fancy, I'll do the gloss! lol. Weekends, I don't care to put any eye makeup on unless we're going to be out ALL day. But if we're just going to the store real quick, I don't care. I'm usually in gouchos, jeans, flip flops and depending on how dressy I'm feeling anything from tank tops to dressy tops
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I almost never wear makeup, but I always do something with my hair and can't make myself go outside in sweats or yoga pants unless i'm heading to the gym. I always wear jeans, skirts or dresses and a decent shirt out of the house. I tend to be casual yet stylish, I suppose.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm only ever in sweats (spandex running capris) if I'm coming from the gym.
    My running shoes are those Reebok Easy Tone shoes, so they look pretty dorky outside of the gym...I get a lot of funny looks if I wear them out in public

    I don't really own any pairs of pants, I'm usually running errands after work. So usually I'm gussied up with a blouse, pencil skirt and tights. Shoes being either flats or casual boots, depending on the weather.

    On the weekends, I used to never be able to leave the house without a full face of makeup, but now I'm OK with just a swipe of makeup and at least making sure my hair looks decent. Usually wear dresses in the warmer months on my days off, but in the Winter time I'll wear one of my two pairs of black skinny jeans along with a blouse and cardigan. Last year I updated my entire wardrobe to look more "adult", so I'm pretty proud of myself! Looking more mature has given me a giant confidence boost
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    My bride, Miss P, an attorney, NEVER goes out of the house without looking made up - she is a beautiful woman to start with, but when dressed, she is a 65 y.o. knockout. She says she never knows when she might run into a client or a potential client.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    My mom always taught me do not leave the house with out mascara and lipstick on. I only wear gloss or chapstick but I always have on that plus mascara. Thank goodness for good genes because I do not ever have to wear foundation or anything. If I am out shopping or something it is a cute daywear outfit, gym time always sweats, if I go out, its full on hair makeup, heels, nails done, the whole 9 yards.

    My ex did not see me with out at least mascara for the first year I think we were together.
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I wear make up about 99% of the time but it is very light. My Mom never left the house without putting on make up and doing her hair so I guess I just took on that mentality as well. Lately I have been letting my hair air dry so that it's curley but that is more of a morning time saver due to a tempermental toddler than fashion. I am usually a heels and jean or ballet flat kind of girl. The tennis shoes are worn to work out and during football season only :drinker:
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I don't wear make up.

    Never have.
  • Tanyawhite30
    It depends....I love to dress up and all that stuff....but it doesnt bother me to leave the house in sweats and no make up....It all depends in what kind of mood I am in
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I probably have two days a year when I go barefaced-- usually due to being sick as a dog.

    I never wear sneakers and jeans and rarely wear a ponytail, aside from physical activity. I've come to terms with being a high-maintenance girl. Doesn't bother me, shouldn't bother you. I don't like the idea that anyone should be judging another woman for their level of comfort, either. I'd never feel like someone should or shouldn't do what I do, and all of my friends run the gamut from ponytails and sneakers every day to full makeup face (even more so than I wear) and fake lashes, etc.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Out running errands I usually am casual... jeans/t-shirt/shorts/sneakers/flipflops/etc. (depending on the season, etc.). I have never worn sweats inside of a store except for maybe once or twice when I was VERY sick and going to pick up medicine. I usually wear a little makeup, mascara and powder at minimum... but not as much as I do daily for work.

    Out to dinner with DH depends on where we're going. Nice restaurant, yes I will dress up and curl my hair, etc. Sports bar is jeans/sneakers/t-shirt.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I just put moisturizer with spf on my face every day. I only use make ups for special occasions/events. Cloth-wise, I am mostly in tank/tee, jeans/shorts and flip flops.
  • Boonster001
    I prefer my wife to be natural, because that's how she looks her best.

    Great reply!
  • dancefloordevil
    dancefloordevil Posts: 106 Member
    Jeans and T-Shirt for grocery shopping and errands.
    Not a make-up kind of girl, even when dressing up......
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I typically wear no make-up except for mascara. I'm really big on following a skin care regimen and always wear sunscreen, so I don't feel like I need foundation on a daily basis.

    As far as clothes go, it really varies depending on the weather and my mood, though my go-to piece of clothing is a pair of dark skinny jeans. I never wear sweatpants, pajamas, sweatshirts, or ugg-style boots in public.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    au naturelle. It's not like I'm looking to find a man at the gym. Plus my skin is really sensitive. I doesn't like clogged pores. It breaks out even when I wear sunscreen which claims it won't clog pores and it doesn't have oil. It would have a fit if I went to the gym with anything other than lip gloss.