I don't look like I weigh as much as I do...



  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I can't see the pics... but chances are if you're athletic and muscular then your perceived weight is lower than your actual weight.
    I've always had very muscular thighs and bum (from being a figure skater) and that's where I carry most of my weight too (hips and thighs)... but whenever someone would try to guess my weight they were usually at least 30-40 pounds lower than my actual. Even at my heaviest (182 lb) I didn't think i was THAT big when i'd look in the mirror, and I was a size 12. But that number on the scale certainly didn't sit well with me. i've now lost about 25 pounds... and although there's not a huge difference in how i look on the outside, since i've only changed maybe 1 clothing size, i can tell that i've lowered my body fat (I don't feel as rolly-polly - especially in the tummy region). and it feels good when your doctor says "okay, you don't need to lose any more weight"
  • suziinc
    suziinc Posts: 6
    I weighed almost 400 lbs but didn't look like it. It am 5'10". Don't get me wrong, I was morbidly obese but no one ever guess I weighed as much as I did. I'm now down to 239. I still have a ways to go but don't think I'll ever be at the normal BMI.

    Neither of you look the weight you posted. That's wonderful! I have a similar issue. I got on the scale a few months back and my trainer (yes a real trainer) said "this scale must be off, you aren't that heavy". LOL. So its always a good feeling. And both of you look great. Keep up the good work.
  • gmaheather
    I am in the same boat. I am 5' 7" and 200 lbs. People cannot believe I weigh that much. I think when you are taller the weight is distributed differently in the body. I wear a size 18 which is very disturbing to me. I run on the treadmill but it just doesn't seem to want to come off. We just have to keep trying. I think it must take longer to come off a taller person. Or maybe I just want to believe that
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Same with me. I've figured it's probably because my weight was distributed pretty evenly around my body, as opposed to being situated in just one spot, like stomach or hips. I have always felt pretty lucky to not feel "fat" at my weight, but couldn't understand how I could look healthy at 150 pounds (I was 225 and 5'8" when I started). Now that I'm down to 185, I realize it's definitely possible, and I would still look nourished and healthy.
  • Tparty123
    Tparty123 Posts: 3 Member
    Perhaps you are like me.....I seem to gain weight in several different areas equally. No big belly no huge *kitten*. Symetrical weight gain I call it. You don't look 240 at all. You don't even look over 200. You are a walking optical illusion : )
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Right, I know I definitely need to lose weight, but I'm -supposed- to weigh from 140-170... that's 70-100 pounds.. doesn't really seem right lol.

    When you're nice and tall and if you also have a large frame, the BMI charts are not so clever. I'm also 5ft 10 and started at 233 lbs. I'm quite a bit older than you though so although my weight was deceptive to others, I had started to feel lots of aches and pains and breathing problems which I felt were all due to the excess weight I was carrying. I'm now at 177 lbs and feel heaps better - no aches and pains, much more energy, gone from a UK size 18-20 to a 14 and an XXL to a M-L. I would just first of all aim for getting within 7lbs of the top of your BMI range and see how you feel and adjust from there. You could always get your doctors opinion as to what is healthy for your height and frame. I'm a medium frame (wrist is between 6.25 and 6.5" which I'm told is the indicator to frame size!). Also you could take some measurements and go by that or a clothes size instead of weight. Waist measurements are often an indicator to health as all sorts of increased risks if waist is 40" or more and 30-35" a good target. I've lost around 8.5" off my waist with my weight loss so far and your tummy looks similar to how mine did last August :)

    Good Luck!