what is wrong with me? ladies only please



  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    i'm new here too, and I'm not sure how well this logic is accepted here, but muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're working out a lot, and didn't in the past, you could be building muscle, which is good. I agree that you should take measurements. That might show a smaller waist and toner legs or arms. Good luck. I'm trying to stick with this too, and it is hard, but I hope to see results too.

    This logic is sort of right, but most likely not what's going on here. When you are eating at a deficit (a low amount of calories) then it is very hard to build muscle (there's not enough extra calories to use for that purpose, since there's only enough coming in to really maintain the important functions). And even if the OP is eating a high amount of calories, in only the 2nd week there probably wouldn't be that significant of a gain in muscle. It is more than likely water weight from TOM, or from exercise (the body retains water after strenuous exercise). Either way it's temporary and if you guys are doing everything else right, the general weight trend should be in a downward direction.
  • SMarti030
    SMarti030 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey darlin I have been right where you are. I have always worked my tail off and stayed around the same weight. what helps motivate me is taking my measurements bi weekly. Everyone says muscle weighs more than fat and bla bla bla but it's true. When I measured every week the loss was to small to really see but bi-weekly measuring helps to keep me motivated. I'm new to this site to and the fact that we are here means we have the motivation for change and we are willing to do the hardest thing which is swallow our pride and ask for help. Keep at it. make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you have water add some Mio or a touch of crystal light for flavor. your body will retain water if it's not getting enough especially if your working out a lot. Good luck lady!!!
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    it is really hard for women to not pay attention to the #'s on the scale - our society has put such an emphasis on it- try to judge by how you feel. are your clothes starting to fit looser? is your skin complexion improving, are you feeling more energic overall?

    measurements are awesome- try to weigh in once a week if you can help it ( i have days i weigh every day- but i just stress myself out- if i can wait a week I am more excited by the #'s on the scale.

    4lbs in one week is unrealistic if you want to keep the weight off.

    make sure you fuel your body for the exercise you are putting it thru - proteins- fruits and veggies- nuts

    perhaps if your gym has it get your body composition done. it only cost $17 at my gym. I did it... went back 3 months later and had it re-done even though I was upset because the scale said I only lost 3.5lbs I lost 16% of my body fat, tons of inches and was down a whole dress size.

    the number on the scale is just a number- and TOM is always always Really poopy

    good luck and add some of us a freinds, watch what we eat... how we exercise.. how the scale moves great and then not so great. having a community of women can help us thru these emotional ups and downs

    good luck and big cyber hugs it will get better I promise :flowerforyou:
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I've been at this for 15 months (over 150 lb loss) and the scale bounces around a few lbs here and there due to salt intake , TOM, plateaus, muscle building and sometimes I can't even figure a reason. It's hard not to get discouraged,but I just grit my teeth and don't give up. It balances out with days in a row of "magical loss" when the scale is "my friend". I weigh daily,but only use my 1st of the month day as my official loss day.
  • powersofmagnitude
    powersofmagnitude Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with the posts regarding the monthly cycle (below), salt, muscle weight gain, etc. Do watch out for things like sodas or even diet sodas--a lot of really bad things in carbonated drinks, not the least of which is salt. I have lost 89 pounds and still have a long way to go. I have learned that the true course of dieting never does run smooth--you might lose 10#s hit a plateau for 2-3 weeks, then start losing again. Or you might lose 3-4 pounds, exercise and stay under your calories and still gain 1-3 pounds--up and down, up and down, up and down. Your weight will fluctuate. To start with, only weigh 1-2 times per week, and (second) be determined to stay the course--no matter what obstacle (or weight gain or discouragement) is thrown up at you. Here's a favorite quote of mine by Christian Larson: "Believe in yourself and all that you are. KNOW THAT THERE IS SOMETHING INSIDE YOU THAT IS GREATER THAN ANY OBSTACLE." (I put a copy of this on my wall.) I believe the difference between success and failure is that you just keep going in the face of adversity--don't give up. Find something that inspires you and repeat it to yourself like a mantra when you are discouraged. And talk to someone who is supportive. I send my love and good wishes to you (and all of us trying to lose weight). --Sharon ( AKA powersofmagnitude).