What was the deciding factor for you?

What moment was it that made you realize "Hey... I need to lose weight, and I need to lose it BAD!"

For me, it was right after having an appendectomy. The doctor told me that they did some blood tests and that I had a fatty liver.

After looking up all the terrible things that could mean for me, I decided to drop the weight. That lead to 70 pounds of loss in about 5 months! Hell of a motivator.

Funny thing is? I didn't realize that the BAD fatty liver is more related to drinking... I still had a fatty liver, and it was still because I was fat, but it's not nearly as bad :)

Anyway, that was my moment, what was yours?


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    Mine was having to send back a pair of (gorgeous) jeans cos they were too tight. I wasn't going to buy the next size up so decided I would lose weight. Hoping to lose 2-3 sizes and then I will treat myself to a pair of even more gorgeous jeans.

    Edit: That sounds really fickle. There were other contributing factors, but that was my decider lol
  • codycisco
    codycisco Posts: 62
    My doc telling me that he is giving me 3 months to get my weight under control or go on blood pressure medicine. I am OCD about taking medications.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    What moment was it that made you realize "Hey... I need to lose weight, and I need to lose it BAD!"

    For me, it was right after having an appendectomy. The doctor told me that they did some blood tests and that I had a fatty liver.

    After looking up all the terrible things that could mean for me, I decided to drop the weight. That lead to 70 pounds of loss in about 5 months! Hell of a motivator.

    Funny thing is? I didn't realize that the BAD fatty liver is more related to drinking... I still had a fatty liver, and it was still because I was fat, but it's not nearly as bad :)

    Anyway, that was my moment, what was yours?

    The realisation in November 2010 that I wanted to be starting to consider getting pregnant in 2015, and that weight loss wouldn't be a quick thing. I'm 1/3 of my way to my goal weight now, and in a year I'll be half-way to that all-important year, so I'm not completely on track but I'm losing at the right rate now - I just hit a plateau last year and threw things off course for a while.
  • mzzzzzc
    mzzzzzc Posts: 1 Member
    When I (a very prompt person) was late for everything because I can never find anything that fits
  • danmoffett
    danmoffett Posts: 110
    For me it was the sudden death of my wife of 37 years. We were both obese and in bad health. I had 2 children still at home and our first grandchild on the way. I had to change my lifestyle for their sake. That started my 24 month journey that has meant a turnaround for me. I've lost 155 pounds and all the ills that went along with the weight. I feel great and halve lots of energy to play with my now 2 year old grandchild.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Wearing a size 20 dress to my daughter's wedding and seeing the hideous photos!
  • awlawson
    awlawson Posts: 2
    I am 33 and have 2 young kids. My wife is GORGEOUS and thin. She deserves the same. Also, I was taking blood pressure medicine, had sleep apnea, and my cholesterol numbers were not looking good. Working in the medical field, I KNOW BETTER!!! I honestly felt like I was running out of time to be fit and healthy. My goal was 1 lb a week. My OCD kicked in and I have lost 34 lbs in 13 weeks. I don't wanna be that way ever again!!!
  • maryroseclare
    My ex-husband died two years ago, and that's when me and my son decided to live healthier lifestyles. I've lost 60 pounds since then, he quit smoking. I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to stick with it.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    There were several things, first thing that came to mind when I thought of the question::::

    About 18 months after I had my first child, I was putting him in his carseat, and my 7 year old neice said "Hey Jessie, it looks like you have a baby in your belly again!"... lol, it's funny now, because it was just so innocent of her, but the honesty of a 7 year old made me realize how big I really was. It's weird how you don't realize how big you really are until you see a very unflattering picture of yourself or someone straight calls you out... oh, speaking of.... reminds me, my OBGYN also said during a check up "you're BMI is a little high"... I was like, ummmmm yes, I know this... thank you for your observation, lol....
  • JonathansMom0910
    Mine was when I went in the hospital because I was having trouble breathing. They found my lungs full of clots, as well as my right leg. I had visits from a general physician, a pulmonologist, a vascular surgeon and a cardiologist. I was told if I didn't loose the weight, quit smoking and stop taking anything with estrogen in it, I was at greater risk for clots, I would be left on blood thinners and that I would have to have gastric bypass. I wanted to live. I wanted to be healthy.

    Then 3 weeks later when I was just starting to be able to breathe semi normally, my son had his 1st birthday. When I saw myself in the pictures I was disgusted and cried. After that I started eating better and exercising. I want to be a better mother and hopefully a mother another time over. If I cant' stay off the meds, that won't happen.
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    I had several factors that just kind of added up. My grandmother was hospitalized last year for 3 months from complications from being obese (my whole family is/has been obese). I saw the process of my brother loosing weigh (150 pounds) and being a much happier person. I also hated the way I looked in pictures and videos. I didn't have the health complications from being over weight some people have but it does sting when your doctor tells you that you need to loose weight. On top of all of that, my number 1 reason I got motivated was my boyfriend. I met someone who loved me despite being so overweight and I became a happier person. And because I was happier I wanted to live longer and so many other benefits of being healthy. Now that I've found a process that doesn't leave me feeling like I'm starving at the end of the day, I'm certain I can keep with it!
  • Jgreenb
    Jgreenb Posts: 8 Member
    Mine was seeing the words obese under the conditions section on my medical report my doctor filled out.
  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    Mine was right around Christmas. I had told the kids that I had bought stuff for us to make cookies for Santa and the 6 yo said "Why doesnt Santa get healthy stuff?" THAT made me look at my food choices and lifestyle and realize i needed to change BIG time for myself and to set a good example for my kids.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    LOL, I've known for years. Dropped 75 lbs back in 2001, gained it all back, plus another hundred over the years. My back finally got so bad that I couldn't tie my own shoes and walking to the car was agonizing (ruptured disks in my lower back). That wasn't enough to inspire me. I'd gotten to the point where drying off after a shower was enough to leave me gasping and winded. Still not enough to get me moving because I felt absolutely certain that it was too late, I was too far gone to fix. But when the clinic told me I was diabetic, that somehow registered. I guess because, unless I wanted to be drug-dependent (and I didn't), I was going to have to watch what I ate and move more, whether I lost weight or not. Somehow, that did it for me. So a big THANKS to diabetes!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Seeing the photos from our Disney vacation in January. I don't ever want to have fat photos of myself again.
  • Applelina
    Applelina Posts: 12
    Mine was trying to get life insurance on myself just in case for my children and realizing I wouldn't be covered because I also have fatty liver. I was told it was better but I got the blood results and was denied. It isn't as bad as fatty liver caused by alcohol but it still can lead to other complications. I was also told to only lose weight at the most of about 2 lbs per week because otherwise it could turn into NASH depending on the elevation of your liver enzymes. So far I've lost 13 pounds from about the second week of January. When I've lost weight quicker my enzymes were elevated higher, triglycerides were higher and my blood pressure. If that isn't a wake up call I don't know what is! It was what I needed to get myself serious because I have wanted to lose weight before to look good (and I still do!) but now I have 3 more reasons at home to get myself straight and healthy. Best of luck!
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    For me is putting on every pair of pants in my closet and not being able to fit ANY. I just recommitted myself this week and I am SO DETERMINED.... I refuse to buy bigger sizes so Im letting these pants cut off my circularion ro remind myself the mess I put my body through lol...
  • whutzup1
    whutzup1 Posts: 128 Member
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    It was a couple of things. I had my gallbladder out last year and was really sick. Then I signed up for this program at work that actually pays you to loose weight and see a counselor. I signed up because I needed the money. It's really motivating to know that I get a dollar every time I work out. Finally, I see my mother who has bad weight problems, the aggravate her bad back, sore feet and legs. She can barely move. I want to be able to move when I'm older. I have a son who needs me.
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    I was tired of clothes not fitting well and not wanting to buy bigger sizes. I have been making excuses for my bad choices and it really has to stop. I've been back on now for a couple of weeks and I'm feeling much better about myself and the ways that the clothes are starting to fit once again. I have a ways to go but knowing I'm determined to NOT make any excuses is a great feeling.