p90x Gym time vs. Video time

I've done p90x at home with the videos before. I think I did maybe half of it and then got bored being home alone all the time and decided to do something else. This time around I'm taking my workouts to the gym. I'm just doing the strength workouts 3x a week because I do running, spinning, and yoga classes for cardio and stretching.

My question is, is it ok that my workouts take half as long at the gym as they do in the videos?

The workouts take 25-30 minutes for me, 45 including ab ripper x. I notice on the videos there's a time set for each exercise, and that time usually allows for a person to exceed the 8-15 rep range of most exercises. For example, on pushups I can usually do 20-30 during the time in the video. I want to get a lot stronger so I'm shooting for 8-10 reps on the weighted stuff. Should I try to do more reps to make my workouts longer? Or maybe take more rest time? Or should I just be happy that I'm saving time? (I still worked up quite a sweat)


  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    I can do the p90x quicker than the video on most strenght building ones as well. I think some of it is because he is instructing between exercises and I am familiar enough that I just start in while he is still talking. As long as the last 2 or 3 are tough, I think you are doing the right number of reps. I say use the time for another set of "favorites" or rest if needed.
  • scottanthonyholmes
    scottanthonyholmes Posts: 23 Member
    There is a lot of stretching and cool down on the P90X videos. Are you doing thoseat the gym? you can certainly get through quicker but that is a LOT quicker...